Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1269: You girl is so brave!

   "This dance is really beautiful..."

   Sister Du, a woman, showed her obsession after looking at it for a few times.

"the host......"

   At this moment, a sound came into Chen Zheng's ears. This sound came from the back. It was Chen Huang, Chen Conglong, Chen Luoluo and other monks who turned over the stars. When these monks turned over to see Chen Zheng, their eyes were all bright, and their hearts were relieved. There was Chen Gongzi in the dark road. Even if there was any terrible conspiracy in the Da Luosha Shenmen, Chen Gongzi should be able to resolve it.


   When these monks who turned the cloud star saw the Raksha **** the high platform, less than three breaths, all of them were sinking! Even if Chen Huang is already an ancestor, he is obsessed with approaching ten breaths. If it were not for him to have the imperial blood of the Eight Wasteland Ancients, he would be hard to wake up!

   "The Raksha girl in the ancestral realm..."

  Chen Huang whispered, swept around Chen Conglong and Chen Luoluo, and looked impassioned into the blood of the two in a dull face. The two of them were awake before they came to their senses.

After sobering up, Chen Conglong and Chen Luoluo both held their breaths and dared not go to see the Luosha woman on the high platform again. The dark road in his heart was really dangerous. Only when he entered the **** city, he waited for himself. Now!

"The ancestors are going to be fascinated, the big Raksha must not show up. These creatures in the Shinto starry realm were completely taken by the Raksha female, and the people who were hooked by the Raksha Yan were afraid of how they died. do not know!"

  Tiance Taoist forcibly prevented himself from seeing Raksha Nu, and shook his head again at this moment.



   The gate of that huge shrine suddenly closed!


  In addition to the sober Chen Zheng and others, the rest of the creatures who entered the God City did not even react at all under such great movements. Even such an ancestor under the hegemony, there was no reaction at this moment!

And like Chen Huang, Chen Conglong, Chen Luoluo, and Tiance Taoist, all of them are sinking at the moment. When the gate of the Shencheng is closed, it should be that the Jinxian and the spirits above the Jinxian in the Shinto star field have all entered the Da Luosha God City. For a moment, the Lord of the God Gate, the legendary Great Rakshasa, should appear!

"Er and others are not affected by my dance of Raksha, is my dance of Raksha still not enough to capture the soul?" On the high platform, the Raksha girl's eyes swept over, sweeping Chen Huang and Tian. Several strategists, and finally looked at Chen Zheng, the bright eyes looked at Chen Zheng up and down, and then as if splitting a phantom, he immediately fell in front of Chen Zheng!


Tiance Taoist swallowed his saliva. Although he pretended to be a gentleman, in fact, he had never been much interested in women's colors and so on, but at the moment, the afterglow of his eyes aimed at the Raksha girl, and he didn't even aim at any key places. Just feel the blood and blood boiling in the body, Yuanshen has been crazy and agitated!

   "The smell on your body is really good. If you sleep with me, I should be able to sleep well."

   Luosha girl sniffed at Chen Zheng, and then smiled!

"Humph!" It was also at this time that a figure appeared, and it was a young man in a god's armor. At this moment, his indifferent eyes swept over: "Although you are the daughter of the Divine Lord, don't forget you and me The agreement! I ask the ancestors to wake up the Great Raksha, and also ask the ancestor to burn the source to pull the Great Raksha Gate from the foreign land, you know what I want! You seduce one in front of me in front of you Human Celestial Immortal, where does Lu Xianhua's face go! I'm entangled with this little Celestial Immortal, I squeeze the ants with my own hands!"

"Is it?" Luo Sha Nu chuckled, suddenly flew forward, and fell into Chen Zhenghuai, Zhenshou was just like that, she murmured: "I don't know why, when I saw you It just feels safe, even though you are just a fairy. And the smell on you is really indescribable."

   lying trough!

The roots of troubles!

   This is even more finished!

  Tian Ce Taoist saw this scene, and there was a wailing in his heart, secretly this Raksha girl clearly wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone! This son Chen, who is likely to be the reincarnation of the mighty monk, is afraid that he will have to reincarnate again!

"Raksha girl!" The young man in Shenjia was furious, and suddenly yelled: "I dare not dare to deal with you, but this kid in the ant realm is undoubtedly dead! You deliberately practice yourself to hook up a ant, just want to I deliberately cut my face, irritated me deliberately! Okay! I now urge the large formations and refine these creatures. After the Great Raksha Raksha fully awakens, the Great Raksha Raksha will conquer himself!"



A young man of the **** family raised his hand and saw a divine light shining, and there was a strange vibration in the vast Raksha Shrine. I saw that in this area, strange altars emerged, and on the strange altars, each one was dark. The torture rack exudes an ancient and gloomy atmosphere!

   "It's over! We are going to be sacrificed!"

  The celestial priest shivered!


Fan Qi was the closest to Chen Zheng. At the moment, she was one step to the left of Chen Zheng. She glanced at Chen Zheng, and then at Luo Zha Nu in Chen Zheng’s arms. She could only shake her head in her heart if she wanted to say anything. There is no fluctuation, then it must be everything under control, and you don't have to remind yourself.

   "Everything is going to die, you also die of ants!"

   Sacrifice formation has been completed, Shenjia youth sneer mercilessly!

   "Although I don't know what you came from, there is a familiar feeling in you. I will give you a rune, and leave with the people around you!"

It was also at this time that Luosha female raised her head and suddenly leaned over to Chen Zheng's ear, gently biting Chen Zheng's ear, a rune was silently imprinted on Chen Zheng's ear, and then she was completely away from Chen He embraced and returned to the high platform like a phantom.


   The next moment Raksha girl frowned!

Because Chen Zheng didn't mobilize the charm at all, Chen Zheng only smiled lightly, and the sacrificial array method urged by the Shenjia youth suddenly broke down. Then he looked at the Luosha **** the high platform and chuckled. The author said: "Your girl is brave."


   The beautiful face of Luo Cha Nu was astonished!

   "You... broke the ancient formation method under the master's cloth?"

  Shenjia youth stared at Chen Zheng!

   "This... Broken formation?"

   Tiance Taoist blinked.

   "Well? What happened?"

   "What happened just now?"


At the moment, the monks who had lost their souls before came to wake up one by one. When they came to see the strange altar, they felt the strange and deep breath of the torture on the altar, and their faces were all sinking. It's the way!

"Huh! What's the matter of breaking the ancient formation method under the master's cloth, the Great Raksha Shrine is a treasure. Er waits now in the treasure, and don't even want to escape! Wait for the ancestors to wake up, When Lord Raksha really wakes up, he will still die!"

  The young man of the Shenjia swept across the crowd, and then there was another sneer, but also after the sneer, his face changed suddenly because he suddenly lost control of the ancient torture device passed down by the family!

   "Children, let me teach you how to set up."

next moment!

   A fluttering voice sounded!

   I saw that Chen Zheng was at hand, the ancient altar of the altar was flashed, the young man in the armor was wrapped in the Yumang, and the next moment was locked on the torture rack on an altar!

   (End of this chapter)

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