Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1274: Pure Demon Bone


  This is the true face of Da Luosha God!

   One face to face!

   killed the black robe and others!

   also swallowed all the blood mist remnants!

   The first fierce god!

   well-deserved reputation!

   Shinto Star Territory trembling!

   "Brother Qinglian, the flies from the Heavenly Punishment family are all gone. Now no one disturbs us. Go to the little brother's temple to taste the exotic brew and drink it for ten days and a half months!"

   The eyes of Da Luosha moved, looking at Chen Zheng, and then changed his face in front of everyone. The fierce face was instantly replaced by a smiling face, and it looked like a small person who was a big man.

Everyone looked at this scene and could only sigh in his heart. Chen Gongzi made the first fierce god, Da Luosha, the first fierce **** in the Shinto Starry Realm, so stupid, and that day the first generation of the ancestors of the punishment family will be incarnate, saying that Chen Gongzi was once an invincible creature. , How old is Chen Gongzi's origin!

   Oh, and that mysterious stone egg!

   swallowed the incarnation of the first generation of ancestors of the Lu family of Heavenly Penalty!

   It seems that the first generation of the ancestors of the Lu family shouted their will incarnation!

   shouting what is innate five!

   The question is coming!

   What is innate?

   At this moment, all kinds of doubts flashed through, and although they all wanted to trace their roots, none of them dared to ask.


  Chen Zheng smiled, and collected the ancient altar and torture of the Tianjian family, and entered the deep city of the city with the Da Luosha God.

"Since my dad is awake, and brother Qinglian... Uncle is old knowledge, you can also rest assured that Dalusha Shenmen will no longer deal with you. This is Dalusha Shenmen. The mysterious law is a compensation to you. As for the true eternal longevity law, if any of you are interested, you can stay, as long as you can pass the assessment, you can get the eternal longevity secret law."

  The eyes of the Raksha woman on the high platform moved, and a divine light was shot at random. There was an extra secret in the mind of the Shinto star domain monk below. These monks were slightly startled. After thinking for a while, many monks bowed to the Raksha girl slightly, and then withdrew from the Holy City.

In less than twenty breaths, there will be monks who turn on Yunxing, and after a short time, only Fan Qi, Du Jie, Paxia, Tiance Taoist and Fanyunxing Chen family brought by Chen Zheng will remain. People.

   "We won't bother, so we will retreat."

   An old ancestor Chen Huang held a fist in front of Luo Cha Nu, and also took Chen Conglong and Chen Luoluo away from the Shencheng.

   So in this big Raksha Shrine, the only real outsiders are Fan Qi, Sister Du, Ba Xia and Tian Ce Taoist. Tiance Taoist thought left and right, his thoughts flashed quickly, and finally he gritted his teeth and stayed: "Although my Tiance Shenshen did not count Chen Gongzi, but my Tiance Shenshen must not be wrong. The big catastrophe, and the big catastrophe started from the Da Luosha God Gate! If I leave now, I will not be reconciled, so I will stay and see what happens!"

"Dajie? Do you mean offering sacrifices to Jinxian and Jinxian monks in the Shinto starry realm, and completely awaken my dad? If it refers to this, then Dajie no longer exists. I have never seen my dad take the initiative to take a low profile Compliment any one. Uncle Qinglian is the first one. My dad has to give Uncle Qinglian a face."

  Luo Cha Nu took a look at Tiance Taoist.

"This should not be a big catastrophe. The real catastrophe must be known to both the Raksha girl and your father, the Great Rakshabah! The Great Rakshabah said to drink with Chen Gongzi, but in fact most of them are discussing some of our levels. Things that are not yet qualified for contact!"

  Tiance Taoist slightly pondered, if there was some sloppy madness before, at this moment a face is extremely decent, and there is a strange breath invisible.

"The real catastrophe..." The Raksha girl raised her eyebrows, then shook her head, and fell in front of Fan Qi. After looking at Fan Qi, she asked with a touch of curiosity: "Sister is Is Uncle Qinglian a wife, concubine, or daughter? My sister is with Uncle Qinglian, should you know Uncle Qinglian, what kind of woman does Uncle Qinglian like?"


  Fan Qi is a little ignorant.

   Sister Du also blinked.

   Is this Luosha girl really interested in Chen Gongzi?

   "The holy teacher deserves to be the brightest star in the night sky. When he walks to any place, he is inviting in the invisible, even if he is ten times and hundred times more powerful than Yingwu!"

   Pasha Pazu couldn't help but sigh.

"That... don't you all care about the real catastrophe? I am absolutely right this time. There can be no mistake. The real catastrophe of Shinto Stars is definitely coming! That... Do you guys pay attention to me a little bit, do I not have enough fairy bones now, don’t you think that I am very different now than before?"

   Tiance Taoist was also stunned, and then could not help shouting.

   "Tiance Taoist, you are different anymore, even if you become a Dao into a heaven, it is impossible to chase the saint. If there is a big disaster, the saint can easily resolve it."

   Paxia Pazu returned a sentence, saying that he also reached out and patted gently on the shoulder of Tiance Taoist to show comfort.


   Tiance Taoist has nothing to say.


   The Great Raksha Shrine.

   In the deepest part of the temple of Raksha.

  Chen Zheng sat with Da Luosha God.

"I wasn't deliberately pretentious before, but after I was slapped by you, I recognized you as the elder brother. I was in congenital chaos, before Pangu opened the sky, I saw Hongjun Yangmei immortal war demon Luo Zui However, no matter before or after the opening of the sky, even if Hongjun fits in heaven to achieve the ancestor of the Dao, it is far less than your means. I have seen some terrible creatures in a foreign land, but those creatures still don’t feel like you compared to you. On a level. So after so many years, I really only served you.

   Da Luosha Shen stared at Chen Zheng with two eyes.

   "Say the right thing Chen Zheng also smiled.

"Ten thousand years ago I got an ancient mystery. After practicing the ancient mystery, I took the Great Rakshasa Gate to the foreign land. After fighting for thousands of years in the foreign land, I successfully integrated the foreign bones. Recently, I have some bones Not right."

Da Luosha spoke with a deep groan and said with a pause: "I have already sensed that the alien demon bone was originally a decoy thrown by the alien, because it is difficult for the alien to invade the world in large scale. I swallowed the decoy. , And brought the bait back to the Shinto Star Realm, the demon bone is equivalent to the bridge of the heavens, linking the Shinto Star Realm and the foreign land, then the next demon fears that it will invade the Shinto Star Realm on a large scale! Master, I want to ask the Holy Master to help me correct the foreign bones, or destroy the foreign bones in my body!"


   The look of the Great Raksha changed!

next moment!

   One face became another face!

   That is a terrifying alien face!

   "Little things."

Chen Zheng did not fluctuate, and his right hand was raised against the Da Luosha God. A sudden wailing came from the body of the Da Luosha God. This wailing sound echoed through the entire Da Luosha God City, the Vatican Razak girl and others Suddenly, all of them looked towards the deepest part of Shencheng!

"Hoo!" Da Luosha God breathed out, the alien demon face has receded, and then the expression was correct, and respectfully respected Chen Zheng: "Worship Xie Qinglian Master for the destruction of Luosha, holy The teacher is my eternal brother!"

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