Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1296: Don't miss it! Don't be disrespectful!


Thunder shakes!

Although the demon ancestor who appeared here did not open his eyes, but above the demon emperor palace, Lei Yun condensed again. Obviously this is the manifestation of the power of the demon ancestor!

"Demon Zu..."

The red lotus girl shouted, and her look was a little complicated at the moment. She has been able to settle down in Lianshan for more than 100 years, basically based on the demon ancestor's decree, at this point she thanked the demon clan. It seemed that I was going to face up with the demon ancestor, standing opposite the demon ancestor, and I didn't know what to say for a while.

"Yuzu... seems stronger..."

There was also a whisper beside the flower Qianzhu. The figure of the tiger head is the demon ancestor of the Holly Ancient Forest and the founder of the Holly Ancient Forest Demon Palace. If the demon ancestor is not present, the Holly Gulin Demon Emperor Palace has been captured by those fairy dynasties of the human race.

After all, she is the demon emperor of the demon palace. When she thought that the demon ancestor was about to face this mysterious young man, she couldn't help worrying, because this young man was really too weird.

This young man really does not have the slightest mana, but he can easily make Red Lotus awaken the power of Red Lotus bloodline. Just now another mouth opened and swallowed Leishan Thundercloud.

And this seems to be just an understatement of the means of random display. There is no doubt that he definitely has other means, and it must be more weird and arrogant than the means he has shown!

"Small thing, don't you kneel when you see the demon ancestor! This is our dear ancestor in the holly demon palace of the holly, and it is a genuine ancestor. The lord of the ancestor controls the law of thunder. Those so-called ancestors of your human race Xian Dynasty, Don’t dare to fight against the demon ancestors! The law of thunder was originally the law of killing, one of the most terrifying avenues between heaven and earth! You little thing, forcing this seat to invite the demon ancestor to appear, then you should pay the corresponding price! Just submit to your knees, and ask Lord Yaozu to spare you!"

In front of the demon palace!

Nether Tide Demon King turned around!

Among the demon pupils, Zi Mang stared at Chen Zheng!

At this moment, his face is extremely strange and extremely excited, as if he is the demon ancestor, as if he is the ruler of Thunder, as if he is afraid of those ancestors of the Xian Dynasty!


Chen Zheng responded, with a light smile on his face.

"You!" Seeing this scene, the Demon Emperor Ming Chao instantly became furious, and then paid a homage to the demon ancestor: "Please open your eyes to the demon ancestor, and obliterate the child who is not respectful to the demon ancestor! No matter what fairy this kid is The people of the dynasty are the people of the human race, even the children of the imperial dynasty of the imperial dynasty, this son should be damned according to the rules of the demon palace!"



Thunder vibrates above!

It is still the power of the demon ancestor!

At the moment, there are several demon clan in the demon palace, including the old demon emperor, the father of Hua Qianzhu, but all are silent! Outside the Hall of the Demon Emperor, the Red Lotus Demon Girl and Hua Qianzhu are also silent!

and so!

The demon races inside and outside the demon hall are waiting!

Waiting for the demon ancestor to open his eyes!

Waiting for the action after the demon opened their eyes!



Yaozu opened his eyes!

That is the trace of years!

There are traces of years in the eyes of the demon ancestor!

"See the demon ancestor!"

A group of demon clan opened their eyes when they saw the demon ancestor, and now they paid their respects to the demon ancestor! The red lotus demon bit her lips slightly, and also performed a ceremony. After secretly saying this in her heart, if the master really meets the demon ancestor, then since she is the master's maidservant, then it has nothing to do with the demon demon palace. Will only advance and retreat with the owner!

"Senior demon ancestor, this is the son who does not respect the rules of the demon emperor's palace. Even if he enters the lotus mountain to preach, he will kill me. The heart of this child is really very poisonous, not only want to abduct the blood of my demon race Red Lotus, but also clearly want to destroy our Holly Ancient Forest Demon Emperor Hall! This time the person behind this kid is afraid of the demon ancestor You’re here, Master! Master Zuzu, you must not let this kid go. You must search the soul of this kid and dig out the enemy behind the scenes!”

The Nether Tide Demon Emperor shouted again, staring at Chen Zheng with one face, already terrible to the extreme!



The demon ancestor moved!

Step out!

Falling in front of Chen Zheng!

"Haha!" The Mingchao demon emperor saw this scene and immediately burst out laughing!

no doubt!

Lord Yaozu has started!

Master Yaozu wants to squeeze the kid to death!

Others may not know it, but they are very clear, that is, the demon ancestor will never let the blood of red lotus be obtained by the human race. The blood of red lotus can only be left in the ancient forest of Holly. That kid is a taboo!

So even if the power behind that kid is extraordinary, even if it is as tyrannical as the destruction of Yundao Palace, even if this kid is the grandson of the palace master or the elder of the elder, this kid will die today!



Nether Tide Demon King laughed and laughed again!

Everything is under your control!

If the demon ancestor destroys this kid, he will definitely consume mana. If he can lose both sides and heal better, then it is time for him to take his own action, and he should ask his master to show up!


There are demon ancestors!

You can't think of you being counted!

The Nether Tide Demon Emperor's face is ugly, and his heart is crying crazy!

"Zu Wu Qiang Liang visited the saint!"


The demon ancestor moved again!

Yaozu knelt down!

The demon ancestor knelt before Chen frontage!

this moment!

The demon ancestor claimed to be an ancestral witch!


"The demon ancestor kneeled to that humanoid kid!"

"Zu Wu Qiang Liang... This... The demon ancestor turned out to be one of the twelve ancestors... I used to think that the demon ancestor was a descendant of the ancestor and witch. Thunder ancestor witch of the second ancestor witch, demon ancestor...not a demon at all but the oldest ancestor witch in the old age...but...but the demon ancestor is an ancestor witch , How can there be a strong mana, is it not that the Honghuang Wu clan does not practice mana at all... And... Didn’t the Zu Wu fall long ago, why live in the world, why Holly Ancient Forest..."





Whether it is in the demon hall or the demon race in the demon hall, it is completely dumbfounded at this moment!

"To be honest, I really didn't expect that you will be resurrected here and here."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"This..." The demon ancestor raised his head and murmured: "On this point, there are many questions in Qiang's conscience, but I have never found an answer. Perhaps the world has changed dramatically, which made me die long ago. My ancestor is alive again. It may be that a saint laid a terrifying situation and wanted to bring us dead ancestors back to No! Lord Yuzu! You must be wrong! This kid is just a mortal. This kid is certainly not someone you know. This kid looks at most similar to the one you know. This kid knows your identity, and he must be scared in his heart, but he just insists! , You only need to search the soul of this kid, you know the origin of this kid! Master Yaozu, you worship the wrong person!"

At this time!

Ningchao Demon Emperor's body shuddered and took a deep breath, shouting at the Demon Ancestor!

"Huh! If it weren't a saint, I wouldn't even be able to stand the first robbery in the Lich War!" Don’t you know this idea?”


With a cold hum!

A **** of thunder!


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