Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1374: Shengtianxianjuan


With a cold hum!

That is a little doll!

She is very upset!

Chen Zheng knows why she is unhappy, but he is quite cool. Today, the Lord of Taiyin will incarnate into the long river of time to meet himself, and invite himself into the Taixu with the hourglass of time. Although it failed, he also got the extraneous material such as the sand of time. Part of the power is already above half-step detachment.

"You are thirteen, it is twelve. According to the normal evolution of heaven and earth, your awakening will end it, but its control of the world has reached a half-step detachment. Thirteenth, if you are fully awakened, you may not necessarily end it. Speaking of which, you and I underestimated that guy, which is why the method it left behind prevented me from entering Taixu."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"You can still laugh? Yeah, the Hongmeng Tribulation Master is so powerful, you have a fight with you, and you are only degraded in mana, but it needs a deep sleep to recover. So the more powerful it is, the more you can bring out your Powerful! And you guys have colluded with Yu Wai Sheng Ling No. 1 in the first life, you now have the sand of time, of course you laughed! But Chen Zheng you remember, Yu Wai except Da Rong Tian, ​​at least There is also a detached guy who is paying attention to Hongmeng Universe! Those two guys can’t get in now, but if they join in, then you can’t laugh!"

With a sneer, the little doll made the initiative to disconnect Yuanshen.

"At that time, I should wake up to zero."

Chen Zheng responded calmly, and got some things scanned by the universe cantilever in Yuanshen. The sand of the time is too rare, and can only have a part of the characteristics of the complete reincarnation. The spirit of the universe cantilever gave it a suggestion, or it can absorb it by itself. Either let it be absorbed by the people under it, such as Zhengyue girl.

"With the sand of this time, the time and space avenue of the Daozu level and even the era of the overlord level should be useless to me, or I should absorb it myself."

Chen Zhengnian moved his head and absorbed the sand of time. Unless the half-step detachment or detachment level of time and space avenues, the other levels of time and space avenues want to force him to pass, it is already impossible.

Of course, if there is a guy who can take advantage of the river of time to deal with him, it still has an effect. After all, such a thing as the river of time is very special. As long as the world exists, as long as the universe exists, then the river of time will exist.

Unless the world goes to zero!

Unless the universe goes to zero!


Ten fairy mountains.

Floating platform.

Ji Chunyu said that when Chen Zheng came back, he mysteriously disappeared the monks who turned into mortals in Shixian Mountain.

"Yes, Grandpa Master, just before Banzhuxiang time, there was a fairy light to the east of the Tai'an Xian Dynasty, and the scrolls became a huge ladder, which led directly to the sky dome. The direction was the direction of Jinglun Academy, Kong The Seventh Patriarch said that the ancient fairy rolls collected by the Jinglun Academy are now alive."

Ji Chunyu thought again, and quickly said.


It was also at this moment that Kong Qi, who closed his eyes and meditated, opened his eyes. The golden gleam flashed between his pupils. At this moment, he seemed to have become another person, and he had an unspeakable stability.

"Zongyue's old monster once said that Jinglun Xuegong suppressed a roll of ancient fairy rolls. The ancient fairy rolls record the mystery of Shengtian, which is related to an ancient heritage. With the tyranny of Chen Zu, the Tai'an royal family and the Moon God will be destroyed first. Teaching and destroying Feitian Dao, although Feitian Dao is still there, but Ouyang Shenyu was wiped out by Chen Zu at a glance. It is not much different from the extermination. Shixian Mountain was also destroyed by Chen Zu. Enemy, I'm afraid it will be destroyed. It's just a pity, I can't see Chen Zu's feat. Fatty Confucius awakened some things. I want to go back to the land to recover some things. Please also forgive Chen Zu."

Kong Qi spoke for a while, and looked solemnly at Chen Zhengli, turned into a golden awn, and entered the bridge of the heavens to escape from this realm.

"Extraterritory... Grandpa Master, is this Kong Qi Pao ancestor really a reincarnation of the Emperor Geshitian?"

Ji Chunyu guessed something and couldn't help but ask.

"One of the three generals, the seven weapons of Kong Tiandi."

Chen Zheng nodded gently.

"Three generals? Seven weapons? How does this sound strange?"

Ji Chunyu took a bite.

"Chen Zu should have received the Tianyun Soldier Talisman. Should he also send the Tianyun Soldier Talisman to the reincarnation of the Emperor Shishi?"

This is Ji Chunyu's fateful spirit Xiao Xiao couldn't help but ask.

"I don't need it for the time being. There are primitive emperor seals and epoch compasses, which is enough for her to practice to the level of her ancestors. Go to Tianmen at most once and take all the swords to her."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"That one......"

Ji Chunyu opened her mouth again and shut up after saying two words. She wanted to ask, did the reincarnation of Emperor Shishi Tiantian look beautiful in this life, but it seemed pointless to ask this question.

"I don't know where is my teacher Wu Ji Daojun now?"

After thinking about it, Ji Chunyu felt a little emotional. If it was not because of Yin, then Master's Dao Guo will not be destroyed. Master has merged Dao Guo, even if it is not Dao Zu, it is standing above the saint.

"Maybe healed somewhere in the heavens, maybe it is no longer in the Thousand Worlds. It is also possible to go to the earth and find his beloved woman."

Chen Zheng smiled again.

"Ah? Beloved woman? Master, has he ever liked women?"

When Ji Chunyu heard it, her eyes lit up.

"Let's fall in love with each other. The woman he likes is not easy. It is the sister of the Pangu saint's high priest."

Chen Zheng casually said.


At this time!

In the east of Tai'an Xian Dynasty, a bright fairy light rose again, and I saw a magical scroll appearing in the world, which linked up a vast ladder, which led directly to the sky dome!

"Come again, this vision was just now!"

Ji Chunyu looked up, his eyes full of surprise!

"Now that it is alive, go check it out."

Chen Zheng made a move, and a star-shaped star appeared, and the star-shaped star covered the two of them. In less than five breaths, the two entered the Palace of Economics and Silence silently.

At the moment, in the Jinglun Academy, all kinds of divine scrolls and shadows flow like Dao Yun. The huge palace is like a sea of ​​scrolls. Chen Zheng and Ji Chunyu do not hide their form and breath, but all the disciples of the palace learn nothing. The same as the magic law Ignored him and chased only the ghosts of those books.

"These guys seem to be enchanted!"

Ji Chunyu whispered.

"Crazy demons for spiritual practice are also reasonable. Jinglun Xuegong's victory over the Celestial Scroll is indeed something. If it is really cultivated, it can really become a ancestor."

Chen Zheng glanced at the comments.

"Daozu...Huh? Someone in front of him, as if he was not enchanted, he turned his head! What! Ah!"

Ji Chunyu whispered, suddenly felt that there was a figure in front of him, and it looked a bit wrong when he looked up. When the figure turned around, she screamed with only one glance!


The face of the turned person is no longer a human face!

That face turned out to be an open page!

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