Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1376: I swallowed ‘desperation’!


Horrible tearing sounded!

The face like the dead wood of Jiuye Pao and others appeared a crack at this moment. Except for Jiuye Patriarch, the rest of the monks in the palace, even the time they had reacted, turned into ashes!

It should have been filled with awe-inspiring Jinglun Academy, this moment is filled with death spirit!


The nine-page ancestor opened his mouth, but what he wanted to say was only fright!

"What kind of person are you? This world of great luck is a world of thousands. It is impossible for anyone to sustain the victory of the Celestial Immortal. That is the magic weapon left by my master! My master is a victor of heaven, immortal. Forever immortal, the overlords of the Shengtianxianjuan he left behind cannot be destroyed. Why can you be destroyed by a mysterious monk in a thousand worlds! Tell me tell me, I want to know the answer!"

The phantom shadow of the Confucian who appeared after the collapse of the fairy roll was a roar at Chen Zheng at this moment!


Chen Zhengdu was too lazy to glance at this Confucian!

"Dare you ignore this seat, believe it or not, wake up the master now!"

When the Confucian imaginary appeared, he was furious!


Once again ignored!

"Before this thing was contaminated, it should be a very good thing." Chen Zheng looked at the countless pieces of fairy rolls scattered on the ground. He lifted his right hand and wiped them casually, and the white light flashed the fairy rolls to instantly reshape. As soon as he grabbed the immortal roll, he opened the immortal Confucian phantom shadow with a sneer.

"This is the fairy roll left by my master. Open it if you have any kind! Don’t blame this seat for not reminding you, Sheng Tianxian roll is terrible page by page. The power of your flesh is magnificent, if the level of Yuanshen is not enough , Will only be swallowed by the fairy roll! And the owner said that the last page of the fairy roll is not known by a person, but even the master wants to worship the word of the shocking vulgar great person, the two words contain the divine power, even my master Fear! My master is named Shengtian, the deity is already a supreme big man, you can imagine the situation where the person my master is afraid of! You are a hairy kid, I don’t know who’s inheritance, I think it’s a little skillful. Dare to mess up, you will only harm yourself!"

The Confucian imaginary shadow was ignored again, and it was extremely angry at this moment!


The sound of turning the pages of the book sounded!

Chen Zheng opened the first page of the fairy roll. After a glance, he opened the second page. When the second page paused, it took a blink of an eye to open the third page.



The sound of flipping books is getting faster and faster!

The fairy light on the fairy roll is getting better and better!

The creatures in Shengtian Temple also felt an invisible pressure!

"The last page? Do you dare to turn the last page? If you dare to turn the last page, I will admire you and die together! Come on! Turn the last page, everyone will die anyway!"

this moment!

Confucian Xu Ying's face is extremely crazy!


Ji Chunyu held her breath, she was imprisoned by the invisible pressure at this moment, and the spirit of destiny whispered to her in the dark, saying that there was indeed something terrible on the last page of the fairy roll, although I don’t know what it was, but That thing is absolutely terrifying!


Xiao dare not speak at the moment!

Dare not interrupt Chen Zheng!

"Should be... all right... Grandpa Master has never failed..."

Ji Chunyu Shennian responded to Xiao.

"Why? Are you scared? Do you think this seat is a radical technique for you? Are you very kind, you turn the last page! Anyway, this seat has been indifferent to life and death, this seat is not afraid of death, Are you hesitating, are you afraid, what are you hesitating about!"

Confucian Xu Ying stared at Chen Zheng, roaring again!





He did not ignore life and death!

He is also very upset at the moment!

Although he wanted to see the boy in front of him die, but he was more afraid of death. He finally came back to life, he didn’t want to die like this, so he howled crazy again and again, in fact there is no other way, only through this The way to make this boy hesitate and make him timid!

This kid should be afraid!

This kid should not dare to turn the last page!


The sound of turning the pages of the book sounded!

Chen Zheng opened the last page of the fairy roll!


The Confucian imaginary shadow felt that his primordial spirit had frozen!


This is really over!

But this kid is over!

Suddenly, the Confucian imaginary smiled and laughed loudly: "It's over, you're over, I'm over, everyone is over! Haha! Hahaha! Let's welcome death!"



The two words on the last page of the fairy roll flew out at once!

"Destroy the world!"

"Destroy the world?"

"Destroy the world!"

Several exclamations!


The exclamation just started!

The word of the World Extinguished that flew out flashed in a flash, followed by the heavenly sky in this world, and turned into a **** color, and the sky was cracked between the **** surges. The naked eye could see a terrifying turbulent flow towards the world of heaven. Smash it!

Those turbulent!

Any one is more terrible than the saints of the world!

That is a force far beyond the world level!


Above the sky!

The eye of heaven appeared!



The Eye of Heavenly Dao was smashed in one face!

People who saw this scene were dumbfounded. No matter what kind of people they live in, they all looked at the sky with horror! The Eye of Heavenly Dao was smashed in just one face, what a terrible force that invaded the world of Heaven Luck!

"Is this a robbery!"

"My Dao respects my Dao ancestors, and Datian World Heavenly Dao can't stop these terrible turbulences. These terrible turbulences must be the legendary quantity robbery!"

"The heavens can't stop... then we are not finished!"

In this world, all kinds of horror!


On the sky!

Another eye of heaven appeared!

More than one this time!

However, no matter how many it is, it is still a face-to-face, and it is sparsely rotten. The eyes of the heaven and the earth of the thousands of worlds have no resistance against the terrible turbulence!

The world!

Thoroughly dumbfounded!

At this moment even the idea of ​​rebellion is gone!

In the Shenglun Hall of Jinglun Academy, the imaginary shadow of the Confucianist shook his eyes sharply, and he collected it from the sky and stared at Chen Zheng: "You have solved the annihilation of the world, this great world is destroyed by you, and you are killed. You must follow the funeral of the creatures in this world! This seat has reminded you that you have not believed it. You should believe it now! You sinner, you evil person, you killed hundreds of millions of souls!"

"I don't know how it tastes."

Chen Zheng still ignored the imaginary shadow of the Confucian scholar, and now looked calmly at the word of extinction suspended in front of his eyes.

what about the taste?

What does it taste like?

The world of luck will be destroyed!

Does this kid have anything to eat?

The Confucian imaginary shadow and the nine-page ancestor froze for a moment, only listening to the Confucian imaginary shadow and grinning: "You and this seat can greet death There will be no more you in this world, you With this seat..."


Only half of the words!

Confucian imaginary shadow or nine-page ancestor, a face instantly solidified! Because they saw a scene that they had never thought about, Chen Zheng opened his mouth casually, and swallowed it at will, swallowing the word World Extermination!


The word "Destroy the World" was swallowed by Chen Zhengyi, and the terror turbulent that has already entered the world of heaven and luck dissipated in a blink of an eye!

The world is again forced!

In the Shengtian Hall of Jinglun Academy, Ji Chunyu, Confucian Xuying, Jiuye Pao and other creatures heard Chen Zhengna's slightly dissatisfied comment!

"It's completely tasteless. This thing is so powerful. It just crushes the world of heaven and earth, but it only made me a mana to raise a small realm. It was too disappointing."

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