Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1385: Still a little bit worse!


  Billions of swords!

  Horrible thunderball!

   Vast **** ghost!

   is gone!

Although Shen Xiaozong has broken into countless pieces, the horror oppression has disappeared. The falling people have stabilized their body at this moment, and they subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but when they looked up, there was only one figure floating above. At that time, one by one body shocked!


   The angry Thunder Venerable is gone!

   That is not a will incarnation!

   That is the deity of a seventh ancestor!


   At this moment, the figure of Nu Lei Xianzun was no longer visible, and even a little breath could not be felt. There was only one figure above, that is Chen Zu, the young man of Xuanxian mana!


   Is it!

  Did you really kill Nu Lei Xianzun!

   "Chen...Chen Zu..."

  Fighting on the warship, the wind swept the ancestors swallowing, shuddered and shouted, he could not determine now, whether the angry Thunder Sovereign had been cut. In addition to the Nuleixianzun just now, it seems that the old monsters of Taihuangxianzhao and the emperor of Taihuangxianzhao also shot to Chen Zu. Although the power of burning blood veins is far inferior to that of Nuleixianzun, it is at least at the level of Daozu.


   It seems that the old monsters of the Taihuangxian Dynasty and the emperor of the Taixian Dynasty did not turn up any waves at all!

   It's like being caught in a fish pond!

   One face to face!

   Completely reduced to nothingness!

"This is the strongest method I can use at present. It took a lot of time to raise this sword. I used this sword to exhaust my mana. This mana was empty for at least three days. what."

  Chen Zheng stood upright in the air, and at the moment spoke lightly, and the voice of nothingness spread through this area.


   is still a little bit worse!

   lying trough!

  This is the seventh ancestor of the Taoist ancestors with the power of Xuanxian!

  Isn't that enough!

   How big is this heart!

  The monks present, no matter which genre and family, were stunned when they heard this sentence! Nima is not satisfied yet, to what extent will she be satisfied!

  Xuanxian mana slashes the seventh state Taoist ancestor. In addition to this battle today, will there be a second example in the past, present and future!

   "Kunzong Road, Shenxiaozong, you come to take over."

  Chen Zheng glanced upwards, casually said something, and left.


   Kunzong Road opened his mouth, his face a little ignorant, looking at Shen Xiaozong, which had been broken into countless pieces, hanging on the fairy island, he could only shake his head gently. In his opinion, the Shen Xiaozong no longer had the need for existence, so it might as well be dissolved.

   "Chen Zu...Where did I go, wouldn't I just leave this world?"

   Lin whispered, his eyes full of melancholy. Today I saw the ultimate nine-sword world, there is an unprecedented shock, but on the other hand, the gap between himself and the grandfather is too big, if the grandfather leaves the world of heaven, then he still has a chance Do you see Grandpa?

   "Shouldn't you leave this world, didn't Chen Zu say he would go to Tianmen, should he go to Tianmen."

   Wang Yin shook his head gently.


  Chen Zu is going to Tianmen!

   Someone heard this and showed a terrifying look. Among them was the Heavenly Emperor Realm Master who sent Tian Xiaozong from Tianmen this time. The fairy master shuddered and said nothing, and turned into a sword light on the spot!



  Just as soon as he swept out, a swordmang caught up with him instantly, and the Immortal Master Tianmen was cut off with a sword in an instant!

   "referring to Tian Jianjun!"

   "Kill Tianmen Fairy Master!"

   "This... Is this to prevent Tianmen Fairy Master from going back to ventilate and report!"

  People repair trembling!

   "Almost broke Chen Zu's major event, my mouth really should be hit."

   Wang's face was dark, and his head dropped slightly.

"Let's disperse, "Shen Xiao Jing Dian Dian" only has the suzerain and ancestral ancestors meeting, and the secret code should be carried by the suzerain, the suzerain is gone, then "Shen Xiao Jing Shi Dian" is definitely gone. And now it is , You should also understand that this time from the beginning to the end of the Thunder Sword Sovereign, the Thunder Sword Sovereign wants to control the lifeline of all the monks in the world of heaven, and Chen Zu has seen this for a long time. Zun appeared. Now that Thunder Sage Sovereign has been cut, you should thank Chen Zu for it."

   Kunzong Dao thought a little and opened his mouth.


   "We'll say goodbye to San Daoliu!"

   "Then we also say goodbye!"

   Each sect came to ponder for a moment, and soon dispersed.

   "Did Chen Zuzhen go to Tianmen?"

   The wind rushed ancestor couldn't help asking.

   "I shouldn't have gone to Tianmen yet, the Tianjian Great Array didn't show up. When the Tianjian Great Array appears, Chen Zuren should be in Tianmen."

   Kunzong Dao glanced towards the direction of the Tianmen and shook his head gently. He glanced back and looked at the shivering disciples of Shenxiao on the broken floating island, still only feeling as if they saw it today as a fantasy.

  Xuanxian mana to cut the seventh realm ancestor?

   I am afraid that the past, present and future will not happen again for the second time.


  Taihuang fairy city.

  The palace is empty.

  Chen Zheng walked alone in the palace.

"Deprived the blood of all the tribes, so as to come to suppress my downfall and repair. Er is just a tool that the Emperor can discard at any time. Er waits to call himself the blood of the Emperor, but in his eyes, Er waits not yet qualified. . You Emperor King did one thing right, that is, to send the show prince out of this realm. At this point, I will give you a chance to reincarnate."

  Chen Zheng entered the palace in the deepest part of the palace and formed a remnant soul, which was the remnant soul of the emperor of the imperial court.


   The Emperor Taizhuang's remnant soul sighed, bowed deeply to Chen Zheng, and entered the reincarnation passage.

  Chen has no fluctuations in Grabbed at the ancient paintings in the palace. The ancient paintings flew over and opened slowly in front of him. After a while, the ancient painting was completely opened. There was a person in the ancient painting. At first glance, it looked almost exactly the same as him. But if you take a closer look, it is just similar in appearance. The person in the painting is not him at all.

   The man in the painting is Tai Huang, the ancestor enshrined by Tai Huang Xian Dynasty!

   "Listen to some guys saying that you are the one who wants to kill me most among the Taixu creatures, then do you know where I am, the flesh spirit?"

   Chen Zheng glanced at the man in the picture and asked with a smile.


   The man in the picture is alive!

   screamed at Chen Zheng!



   Ancient paintings burned by themselves!

   in one breath!

   turned to ashes!

   "Little devil."

  On this, Chen Zheng used only two words to comment on the person in the painting.

   "So the emperor Tai is a disciple of a certain identity in your first life? This idol admires you, envy you and envy you, so make yourself look like you?"

   At this time, the sound of the little chemical doll sounded.

"I don't know. The Emperor must know that when he enters the Tai Ruin, he will pick up his servant and ask." Chen Zheng shook his head gently, then slowly turned around, and looked at the silent silence outside the hall. Figure, and then a smile: "You also want to kill me? You don't seem to be able to."

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