Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1414: Dust Girl's true power


"Failed, you failed, Master Xianfu still failed to awaken!"

"Although you can use this evil thing to put our blood, we can't kill us at all, no matter how big your head is, your life is just a mysterious immortal, and you can't help the master of the Immortal Mansion to awaken !"

Quiet for a while!

Several gods and demons suddenly laughed and laughed!

This time they saw hope again!



The spirit of Xianfu Ning'er snorted coldly, and these gods and demons thumped, completely suppressed, and could not even lift their heads!

"Master Patriarch, what is the situation now, Master?"

Ning'er looked at the little demon girl who had degenerated and looked back at Chen Zheng, her face full of worry.

"Which...what should this little master do?"

Sin God Beast Eclipse also asked in a low voice.

"This girl has begun to accept the memories of the first life, and now she is self-styled. After a while, she will find herself back." Chen Zheng said with a smile, he just fainted, and fainted the fairy in the past. With a flash of light, the whole person recovered to meditate with their eyes closed, and there was a sense of transcendence in their bodies, and a breath of transcendence came out.

Although it is transcendent, it does not have a terrible sense of oppression, but it gives people an indescribable peace, as if this breath can calm people and purify the mind's mischief.

"That’s it, Master finally woke up in this life. At that time, the terrible creatures forcibly captured the Master, and Ning'er was shot down in one face. The terrible creatures were really terrifying. Ninger thought I will never see the Master again."

The heart of Xingfu's Ling Ning'er hung down.


Thousand Dao God, whose flesh has been completely broken, now uses all his strength to grind his teeth and make a grin!

"Shen Demon... It's useless for me to wait for Yuanshen, swallow it out and swallow it."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


A yin evil laughter sounded in the twinkling of an eye, and a black shadow came out behind Chen Zheng. The black shadow grinned at several gods and demons, and several gods and demons came and screamed. Swallow several gods and demons!


Heiying smiled again and disappeared into Chen Zheng's body!

"Swallow the ancient beast?"

Evil God Beast Eclipse blinked and asked subconsciously. It was terrified, and it was one of the most tyrannical evil spirit beasts. Of course, it is very clear about the natural enemy of the evil spirit beast. The natural enemy of the evil spirit beast is the ancient beast that swallowed the sky.


Devouring the ancient beasts has long annihilated the clan!

Unexpectedly, Chen Zu actually had such a terrible murderer in his body!

Sin God Beast has been called a terrible troll outside the domain!

In the eyes of the evil **** beast, the swallowing ancient beast is a big horror!


The fairy light of Xianfu lighted up again at this moment, and Ning'er, the spirit of Xianfu, raised his eyebrows slightly: "The grandfather repaired Xianfu. Xianfu wanted to break away from this world and retrieve the lost power, but the master has not yet. ....."

"Xianfu is the one she missed. Now Xianfu has been repaired. No one but her in the Hongmeng universe can beat Xianfu. Xianfu wants to break away from the ancient land, you take care of this girl. Let’s leave this world."

Chen Zheng spoke.

"Ah? Isn't Patriarch Grandpa with Master Zun and Ning'er?"

Ning'er, the spirit of Immortal Man, was startled.

"Chen Zu... there are still many things to do..."

Sin God Beast Eclipse raised a mouthful, it is now a little excited, and finally can go beyond the real world, I believe that he can quickly restore his strength. When you have recovered your strength, ask the little master to take a leave, or go to that place with the little master to get your own things back.

In fact, it was still wondering who was missing the Red Dust Fairy Mansion. Under the perception, the Red Dust Fairy Mansion, although the power of the fairy is not strong enough, can defend the formation perfectly, and the era overlord cannot be broken. This method. It's just that I didn't dare to ask, because when I heard it, Chen Zu, the terrible creature who broke Xianfu, knew it, and the relationship was probably very complicated.

"When the girl wakes up to take control of the Red Dust Fairy Mansion, she wants to come and see me at any time. Besides, in the near future, I will also come to see the girl. Jing Shichen girl, one of the **** candidates, my first A disciple of a certain identity in the world, since he was reincarnated in this era just like other **** candidates, he will definitely come together in the end."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Ninger understand!"

The spirit of Xianfu focuses on the head.

"The real power of this girl is not the power of the pure world. The real power of this girl is the power that can calm down the nature and nature. That is her most powerful power! The nature knows a little, half a step The detached creatures who want to take the last step will face the most terrible test. If they don’t pay attention, they will fall into the devil. Once they get into the devil, they will get out of control. Once they get out of control, they will definitely die! This girl’s calming power just happens to be Dissolve into the evil and get out of control, Chen Zheng you, this guy, took this girl as a disciple for the first time. It must have been in the special power of this girl!"

At the moment, in Chen Zheng's mind, the voice of the little doll made a sound.

Chen Zheng didn't respond, only reached out and rubbed the head of the little demon girl with her eyes closed and meditated, then swept across the backyard, stayed for a while on a green lotus in the pond in the backyard, and rose out of the red dust fairy palace with a smile .

"Congratulations to Grandpa!"

"To Chen Zu!"

Immortal Mansion Ning'er and Evil God Beast Eclipse have a quick prayer!


next moment!

The moment Chen Zhenggang left Xianfu, the red dust Xianfu fairy light flashed, soaring up and breaking away from Taishi ancient land!


"This kid is still alive, this kid is not dead? How could this kid be left alone, those extraterrestrial demon, and the little demon girl this kid brought in?"

"God and demon... The blood and red dust of Fang Cai just contains the power of **** and demon. Those two words will not be... written with the blood of **** and demon. .... Is that little demon girl the real master of Hongchen Xianfu!"

The head of the ancient demon ancient clan and the ancestors of several other ancient clan, when they saw Chen Zheng appeared to see the red dust fairy palace freed from the ancient place of Taishi, they all froze for a few moments. !

"The ancient demon ancient tribe wants to kill me, your patriarch is not qualified enough, and you dare not show up is not that you have absolute confidence, it is because you have recently recovered from the powerful ancient demon ancient tribe. You go back and tell him that I will be in Taishi There is a guy in the ancient land returning, and during this time, he can come to kill me."

Chen Zheng swept a few people, smiled at the ancient demon patriarch, and entered the Pingtian Mountain as a streamer.

"So arrogant!"

"This kid is crazy!"

"What do you say Feng Feng!"

After hearing a few Taoist ancestors, their faces were all sinking. In their eyes, Xianfu must have recognized the little demon, and it was the powerful power in Xianfu that killed the demon coming outside the Zheng To be saved!

and so!

At this moment a few Daozu are about to move!

Several strong ancestors joined forces!

Can't you beat this Pingtian Mountain!

"You really are from the same place as the ancestors!" The ancient demon patriarch's expression changed for a while, and the bizarre pupils stared at Pingtian Mountain with indifference: "You just said that I will tell the word. To the ancestors! When that day comes, either you will die or my ancient demon will be destroyed!"


The demon flashes!

The ancient demon patriarch disappeared!


A few other Daozu stunned, quickly exchanged glances, and disappeared with a bang!

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