Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1451: Don't compare the saint to me!



"Tear this little girl!"

The ghost ghost cries howl!


A loud noise!

Mo Xin was flying!

In an instant!

The ghost ghost clan grin wildly!



next moment!

Bloody flash!

The big hand of the evil ghost was penetrated!


The ghost ghost family hasn't recovered yet, and the big hand of the evil spirits has been swallowed up by the blood-mandated gun!


The evil spirit roared violently, and another big hand patted it, and a huge ghost gas bombarded Mo Xin, and Mo Xin was once again flew out! However, the ghost ghost tribe was about to cheer, and the blood mansions were killed again!


See the blood flash again!

The other big hand of the evil spirits was also swallowed!


Just listening to Mo Xin's cold drink, turned into a torrent of blood, and bumped into the evil spirits, the huge evil spirits shattered into countless evil spirits, and was suddenly swallowed by blood guns!


Youying Ghost Race stared at Mo Xin in a shock!

A little girl!

A little girl who is not a fairy!

With a sharp gun, the evil spirits were destroyed!

Even if the strength of the evil spirits has not recovered to its peak, it can also fight against the common ancestors. Why can the little girl destroy the evil spirits!


That little girl seems to be exhausted!

Although the little girl wiped out the evil spirits!

But at this moment it seems that even the strength to move the body is gone!

"The blood of the heavens, the fighting intent, the more courageous the war, the more willing the fighting will be to the girl, but the cultivation is almost out of control, and it will be exhausted to kill a weak evil spirit. But this girl is really good. It is also special. Although the body is exhausted, Yuanshen is mobilizing a mysterious rhythm. The mysterious rhythm is restoring the strength of her body, which is still a little cultivated value."

In Chen Zheng's mind, the sound of a little doll made a sound. Chen Zheng nodded faintly. He favored Mo Xin. First, Mo Cun was up and down before. Only this girl changed the blood of the level of the heavenly blood through the cursing forbidden device. The second was the special primordial spirit of Mo Cun. The mysterious rhythm, he already knows what it is, and the cantilever of the universe is called the original rhythm.

The original rhythm also has a name called transcendental rhythm.

Of course, Chen Zheng didn't tell the little doll that a ghost was suddenly killed in the ghost ghost clan's nest, and at the moment he rushed toward Mo Xin, who was exhausted, he raised his hand and grabbed the ghost!


The ghost is destroyed on the spot!

Nothing left!


"Elder Guijie is dead!"

"He shot, this Xuanxianjing kid shot, he wiped out the elder ghost knot as soon as he shot! Although the elder ghost knot is not an ancestor, he became a ghost emperor a few days ago, and he has the blessing of killing robbery. The ancestry of the ancestors can also be exploded, and it was wiped out by this kid!"



The ghost ghost family shivering!

Many ghost ghost groups originally saw Mo Xin exhausted their strength, and felt that the opportunity was coming. Only before the ghost elders attacked, they would surely kill the little girl, but they did not expect a face-up, and the ghost elders were erased!


The combat power of the Xuanxian Realm is even more terrifying!

"You... If you came for Soul Crystal, my Shadow Ghost Clan can offer Soul Crystal! You should have heard the words that rabbits are anxious and bite, don't force us to a dead end, Our ghost ghost family is related to Hades, you know the existence of Hades!"

A ghost family gritted their teeth and shouted at Chen Zheng!

"Yes! Our shadow ghost family is related to an ancient ghost family in the underworld! Among your human races, there is the saying of the emperor of the world, and among our ghost family there is the saying of the emperor of the world, there is one in the underworld. The Ghost Emperor, the one we worship is the Ghost Emperor! You will destroy our Shadow Ghost Clan, and you will definitely be targeted by the Ghost Ghost Emperor! The Ghost Ghost Emperor is the most powerful creature above the saints of the world! "

In an instant, another ghost race snarled at Chen Zheng!

"The Ghost Emperor... Isn't it the same as the Ghost Demon Emperor and the Ghost Devil Emperor."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"This... anyway, there is a Ghost Emperor in the Underworld. You have to think about it. If you really destroy our family, the Ghost Emperor will never let you go!"

The ghost family was stunned, and then gritted again with a cry!

"So who is behind the scenes to control the Qianji Arrow Sect, Mujia Shibao and your shadow ghost clan to attack Mocun, the land where the law is forbidden?"

Chen Zheng smiled again.



"So you are for..."

You Ying Ghost Clan heard this sentence, and his face all changed, and there was a horrible look in his eyes. When a Ghost Clan just mentioned a sentence, he immediately shut up!

"If...if you are told the answer, can you..."

The pupil of the ghost clan who mentioned the ghost ghost of the world shimmered, and he snapped his teeth, only half of the words were spoken. This ghost clan suddenly broke down and turned into nothingness!


"Not to mention!"

"Not high-density!"

The rest of the ghost races saw this scene and were shocked to the extreme!



Deep in the nest of the ghost ghost family!

Suddenly remembered a sigh!


This sigh sounded!

All the kneeling tribes in the sight of Chen Zheng and Mo Xin are completely destroyed!

"Your Excellency wants to know the answer, please come deep in the abyss!"

That voice sounded deep inside the old nest!

Chen Zheng smiled lightly and led Mo Xin directly into the depths of the abyss. After a while, he entered a dark cave mansion. In the dark cave mansion, an old ghost turned his back to the two, and the old ghost was directly above Ink-colored crystals floating around the mans!


In an instant!

You mang flash!

This cave is banned!

"Old ancestral realm, your shadow ghost family is not so weak."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"It's all the power given by others. The old ghost I was nothing but Heavenly Emperor Realm. This old ancestor mana was not cultivated by myself." The old ghost shook his head gently, turned around, and stared deeply at Chen Zheng. At a glance, a smirk suddenly appeared, and four words were whispered: "Please enter the underworld!"

Please enter Hades!

Read these four words at once!

A gloomy and strange power within the cave house instantly enveloped Chen Zheng and Mo Xin!

I saw a strange wave of time and space around!

This is to forcibly send Chen Zheng and Mo Xin to Hades!


Mo Xin's face was cold!


Chen Zheng only chuckled and was too lazy to make any resistance. The twisted space-time around him returned to normal in the blink of an eye, and the eerie and spooky law of space-time was suddenly broken!

"This..." Lao Gui stunned, then took a deep breath and lowered his voice: "The secret technique I just cast, according to that person, can send the saint into the underworld, Your lord... Your lord Xuanxian mana, even if the combat power is against the sky, can it be stronger than the saint!"

"Sage? Don't compare the sage to me." Chen Zheng said lightly: "A few months ago, you used the Space and Time Avenue to deal with me, but now you have to take the initiative unless you have the power of the Space and Time Avenue. The power of time and space."


The old ghost is silly!


The power of time and space beyond the level?

Is there really a creature in that world between heaven and earth!

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