Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1464: Some things can't be forced

"Just... what happened... the will to teach the coming..."

The black-robed man came back to his mind and asked subconsciously, only to ask a question, and suddenly there was a dark glow in his eyebrows, and the whole person would be wiped out in the next moment! Seeing this scene alone, the disciples of Sword Sect were shocked, and they didn't understand why a half-walking ancestor disappeared directly!

"There is a risk of advent, it is not a general risk. If you don't pay attention to the host, it will disappear!" The old man in Dongfu whispered, knowing why the black-robed man fell, and whispered to Chen Zheng with a sudden look. Arching the hand to Chen Zheng is a prayer: "The old and deceased Zongzong Mo Jiu, thanks to the seniors to save the Zuzong Zongzong!"

"Thank you Senior for your life-saving grace!"

The rest of the disciples reacted and quickly saluted Chen Zheng!

"Thank you son!"

Lu Xinchan's expression is also solemn, paying his respects to Chen Zheng.

"The ancient immortal enshrined by the only Sword Sect is in the cave house, right, please come out and see him."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, glanced at the old man, and looked at Dongfu. These disciples of the Sword Sect were forced to a dead end and none of them fled into the cave house. That cave house should be the ancient fairy cave house mentioned by Lu Xinchan.

"Ancient fairy?"

"This...I can't make a decision!"

"Old Sword God... Old Sword God just went to the Emperor Polar Realm a few days ago. Only the Old Sword God is eligible to see the ancient immortals in the whole sect. I wait..."

When the disciples of Jianzong heard it, they whispered one by one.

The old man who claimed to be Mo Jiu pondered for a moment, then turned to look at the cave mansion. After looking at the depths of the cave mansion, he shouted into the cave mansion: "Jun Zongzong Mo Jiu seeks to see the ancient fairy!"


There is no response!

"Jun Zongzong Mo Jiu seeks to see Master Gu Xian!"

Mo Jiu clenched his fists again!


Still no response!


At this time!

A sword light swept from Qianshan!

"Old Sword God!"

"Old Sword God is back!"

"It's the old sword god!"

Jianguang turned into a white-haired old man. As soon as the old man showed up, the disciples of King Jianzong showed great excitement and cheered loudly!

"Did I... come back late?"

The old man with white hair swept a circle, swept across the face of Lu Xinchan and Chen Zheng, and then looked in the direction of Dongfu, frowning.

"Back to the old sword god, just now...fortunately..."

A disciple responded quickly, and said what happened just now.

"Seven old and dead plums, thanks to the son to save the honor of Jianzong!"

After listening to the old man with white hair, his expression became solemn at once, and he paid respect to Chen Zheng respectfully!

"Some things can't be demanded."

Chen Zheng glanced at the white-haired old man and responded with a smile.


The only disciple of Jianzong was stunned!


Mo Jiu was also stunned!


Lu Xinchan was also dumbfounded. The next moment, she and her master Mo Jiu looked at each other. The two thought of the same thing in an instant, but they were both a little unbelievable and some unwilling to believe.

When Mo Jiu picked up Lu Xinchan when he was a baby, Lu Xinchan had an ancient rune beside him. When Lu Xinchan was very young, he sacrificed to the ancient sword **** Houshan ancient immortal for saving the old sword god. Keep in mind. A few months ago, he saw something unintentionally. At that time, he had some guesses. At this moment, listening to Chen Zhengyi, the subconscious thought of those things.


After all, the only Sword Sect is always guarded by the old sword god!

He really didn't want the facts to be what he guessed!

"Yongzi is joking? The old deceased hasn't become the sword ancestor after so many years of training. This time I heard that there are immortal fetuses in the earth's realm. , No longer forced to become a sword ancestor."

The old sword **** was stunned, and then whispered.

"Xiantai... You are not looking for Xiantai for Jianzu."

Chen Zheng seemed to laugh again.


The disciples of Zun Zong are even more ignorant!

How do you feel that the mysterious senior brought back by Sister Xinchan is staring at the old sword god!

Every sentence is a word!

"Immortal fetus... It is said that immortal fetus is not the thing of our time. It can survive excessive robbery. In addition to trying to break through to become a sword ancestor, the old decay really wants to use the immortal fetus to live for thousands of years or even longer."

The white-haired old man thought a little.

"You've all seen me and the Lawless Sect who taught the incarnation of the will, and what's the point of continuing to perform?"

Chen Zheng shook his head gently, his right hand suddenly raised!


The disciples of Duzun Jianzong changed their face, thinking that Chen was about to attack the old sword god. At this moment, Mo Jiu also wanted to speak. However, Chen Zheng didn’t touch the old sword **** at all. !

this is!

Is this to force Gu Xian to come out forcibly?

The disciple of Zunzong Duo stared wide!


They guessed right!

Gu Xian was really forced out by Chen Zheng!

These disciples were the first to see Guxian Zhenrong. They were a little excited and a little uneasy, but when they saw the Guxian Zhenrong clearly, they froze for a moment, because Guxian looked exactly like the old sword god!


How is this going!

How can Gu Xian be an old sword god!

This time is simply not right!

Old Sword God has been revered in Sword Sect at least thousands of years ago. Gu Xian should be the sole Sword Sect since a hundred years ago. This time is almost a thousand years away. How could it be the same person!

Everyone stared at Guxian!

" really is..."

Mo Jiuyi sighed.

"Ancient... Old Sword God..."

Lu Xinchan also sighed.

"Your appearance is very similar to that of a terrible creature in the Taixu. Just now you and the lawless sect have taught the incarnation of the will. I have determined that you are not the incarnation of that terrible creature. I did not expect to be seen by you at a glance."

Gu Xian, dressed in white, looks exactly like the white-haired old man. At the moment, the fairy light flashes on the body. The old man's face instantly becomes a lot younger and becomes a middle-aged face.

"Your Excellency is too strong."

The old sword god's face also became the face of a middle-aged man, looking at Chen Zheng with a sigh at the moment.

"You are not bad, but have sheltered the Zun Zongzong for so many years. It's just too greedy. Of course, you can understand it if you want to save yourself, but there are some things you can't ask for."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Gu Xian sighed, lifted a move in his right hand, an ancient rune appeared, the ancient rune was imprisoned by the fairy light, the ancient fairy wiped away the fairy light, I saw the ancient rune flew to Lu Xinchan, and fell into Lu Xinchan's brow .

In an instant!

Lu Xinchan was wrapped in Shenguang!



There is also a divine light rising into the sky!

Break through the sky at once!


"That's Xinchan's sister!"

"Is this the case..."

The disciples of Zongzong were shocked!


Mo Jiu saw this First, he showed a happy look. After all, Xinchan's things were taken back, but he just thought of making the situation now. Although it was not about life and death, he still felt a little depressed.

This truth... is really not the truth I want to see, but it is so!

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