Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1476: Immortal


Which ancestor?

Shen Yue was stunned for a few, and was speculating that the person who could be called the ancestor by Chen Zu was definitely not simple, and how the half broken jade dish outside the temple felt like the legendary forged jade.

"Ancestor... Is it..."

A thought came to Kong Xuan's heart, and his eyes flashed with surprise.


Half of the broken jade disc flashed, and the next moment disappeared. Shen Yue was still puzzled, but Chen Zheng already knew everything, and smiled lightly: "So it is."


Shen Yue was even more embarrassed.

Chen Zheng also did not explain, and collected the remaining immortal fetuses, looking at the gluttonous little black: "After the big event in this world is over, you come to me to the Holy Beast World."


As soon as Xiao Hei was surprised, Chen Zheng and Mo Xin disappeared.

"This...that...what will happen to the world of Xuanhuang? Isn't the matter of Longying Xianyuan too big? If that chaotic monster rushed out of Longying Xianyuan, the consequences would be afraid It's unbearable..."

Xiao He looked puzzled.

"Big things... things that break down a world can be counted as big things."

Kong Xuan said softly.

"Master Kong Xuan... must know the origin of Chen Zheng."

Shen Yue thought for a moment and looked at Kong Xuan.

"Chen Zu's origin?" Kong Xuan showed his thoughts, shook his head gently, and whispered while walking towards the outside of the hall: "In the beginning, Hongmeng opened the sky, and a green lotus entered the wild land, It turned out to be the Master of Qinglian, it was only the real Chen Zu who came to heaven three thousand years ago. I can't tell the difference now, whether the Master Qinglian was just Chen Zu's idea or... I wait only It's just the creature created by Chen Zu."

A sigh.

Kong Xuan turned into fairy light and left.

"How come I'm getting more and more embarrassed?"

The gluttonous little black was puzzled.


Shen Yue looked at her father.

"I just heard something faintly. Those things are too involved and I can't tell."

Shen Lian shook his head.


At the beginning of the world.

Ice Palace.

There is a snowstorm all year round here.

Invisible is also a natural barrier. Ordinary Daojun or the like cannot penetrate this natural barrier. It is also because outside this natural barrier, the Ice and Snow Shrine is extremely mysterious in the eyes of the world, because there is no chance to watch from a distance. The rest of the Biluo Holy Land, Yingtian Academy, etc., can at least watch from afar. That Yingtian Academy, as long as it is a creature, can still go in to participate in the assessment.

Someone once used the word Gao Leng to evaluate the Ice and Snow Shrine. This is indeed true. The Ice and Snow Shrine is all female nuns, and the ice and snow shrine nuns who appear in the eyes of the world are usually very cold.

"Sister Qin, who is he? He is so kind to Sister Qin. Bing Ling Shenghui is so precious to Sister Qin!"

In an inner hall, the girl Qi Wan held Qin Rouge's arm and asked.

"He... an undefeated man."

Qin Yanzhi showed his thoughts, and answered quietly.

"Undefeated..." Qi Yun stunned, his eyes rolled, his small mouth leaned to Qin Rouge's ear, and quietly asked a question. Just as soon as she asked, she looked cold and looked out of the hall, because the door was suddenly pushed open.

"Qin Shengnv, please go to Houshan with your old lady. This is what the old palace owner meant. Qin Shengnv please!"

That's an old woman with a cold face!

"What do you mean by this old lady, and what does the old palace owner mean? Isn't Yun Shengwo asking the old palace owner to take Sister Qin's Bing Ling Sheng Hui!"

Qi Yun thought about it and stared at the old lady coldly and asked!

"You girl is more and more naughty and needs to be disciplined. The old palace master said, you girl also went to Houshan!"

The old lady's face was colder, and a magic weapon was sacrificed. The two women's faces were all sinking. I saw the snow-colored fairy light flashing. The old lady outside the door and the second daughter in the palace disappeared!


The three daughters disappeared within less than three breaths. Qi Xuan's maid Lan Xiang came in with an ice blue fairy flower, but she saw the door of the temple wide open, and the lady and Qin Shengnv disappeared. She was stunned. However, she had a bright mind and thought of something instantly, took a deep breath to calm herself down, silently tore off a petal of the ice blue fairy flower, and imprinted an ancient seal on the petal, and that piece of petal flew out in a flash. Time merged into the ice and snow, and flew silently towards the beginning of the city.

at the same time.

A news spread throughout the four world boundaries of Xuanhuang Great World.

"The gods of the gods and gods, the Biluo Sanctuary is ahead of time. This time, the Blues Holy Land made a generous effort to come up with the holy species of the gods and gods. Among them, the gods and the holy species were used to select the guest! In addition, the Biluo Holy Land will also open the Biluo Relic this time. The Biluo Relic is said to be a **** realm that collapsed in the ancient times, and it contains the secrets of the ancient gods!"

"The ancient gods and ancient immortals may not have surpassed the number of creatures of our time, but the secret method is very special, but unfortunately most of the generations are lost, this time is an opportunity!"

"The sacred species is related to the Heavenly Taoist Church, and it is the same thing as the Hongmeng Ziqi. I did not expect that the Biluo Holy Land would actually take out the sacred species to select the guest secretary. Will there be any fraud?"

"How can the Biluo Holy Land be the top force in the early realm of the earth, and it is impossible to destroy its reputation! Besides, I don't believe that the Biluo Holy Land dares to anger the Xuanhuang sentient beings, and the top power is not only one of the Biluo Holy Land. None of the two old families in the realm are vegetarian!"

"It seems that... The founder of Biluo Shengdi succeeded in breaking through the border. This time the Biluo Shenghui should be the founder of Biluo Shengdi invited all monks to witness something."

In the independent courtyard of the Hongxian Restaurant in the early days of the city, Chen Zheng also heard the news, and he chuckled.

"Obviously came to you, and directly destroyed this **** holy place!"

The little doll sneered.

"It's not necessarily to lead me to the past. I heard people say that Biluo's relic is a collapsed God Realm. Of course, God Realm is actually similar to Taishi Ancient Land."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Who listens to it?"

Subconsciously, the little doll is a question, she has an intuition, it must be related to a woman.

"Yun Luo Yao ~ ~ Chen Zheng said four words.

"Lady Yun Luo? Sure enough, she is a woman! The nature is a little uncomfortable, don't you already know what the hidden hiding place of the bitterness practice forces attacking Mo Village before and behind the scenes, go kill a saint to make this nature happy Happy!"

The little doll made a hum.

"Hidden Saint... He can't turn over the storms, let him live for a while, and he will naturally show up when the ancestor captures Xuanhuang Dalong."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously.

"Hongjun can't do it. It's been so many days since I haven't won the big dragon? If it's you, what is the Xuanhuang big dragon, I slapped the big dragon with a slap, and then I slapped the big dragon again. Just obediently submit! Hong Jun is still thinking about dealing with the Hongmeng robbery master. The big dragon is so strenuous. The Hongmeng robber really wakes up. What is he doing with Hongmeng robbery!"

The little baby made a cold voice.

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