Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1527: The beginning of Kirin is now! The world is changing!

"Small mouth smeared honey... shouldn't it be sweet, right?"

   Little Black Sister didn't respond.

   "In this era, some words and phrases mean the other way around."

  Shen Yue explained.


   Little black elder sister is still a little ignorant.

  Kneeling on the ground, the patriarchs of all races looked at the blood unicorn that fell to the ground. The blood unicorn was black and he was vomiting blood at the moment. They can perceive that Blood Unicorn actually still has combat power, but it seems that it is really angry, and it is not very angry, plus it is indeed why the human race and the little girl who has become the magic dragon, so Most of Blood Unicorn has already given up.

to be frank!

   I did not expect it!

   This girl's mouth is so powerful!

   I was afraid that the blood unicorn would fall down!

   "Cut! At this point of tolerance, and claim to be Taoist ancestor, if you are a Taoist ancestor, other Taoist ancestors will avoid you when they see you, not afraid of you, but ashamed to be with you!"

  Here is a huge dragon in the sky.


  The ground blood unicorn heard this sentence, and in a flash of blood spewed again.


  People of ten thousand patriarchs and Xingcha on Shen Yue, at this moment, they have nothing to say at all.



  In the mountains of thousands of beasts!

   Suddenly came a cold hum!


   Several figures emerged!

   is led by the old unicorn!

Old Qilin stared at the huge magic dragon, and then fixed his eyes on Chen Zheng: "I still underestimated your reincarnated Chen Zu, and also underestimated your spiritual pet. Since your spiritual pet has the blood of ancestral dragon, blood Qi You can’t hurt your spiritual pet, so you can only ask the ancestor to show up!"


   Ancestor appeared!

Is it the first ancestor!

  Kneeling on the ground, all the patriarchs' faces were all wiped out!

   "Please ancestors show up!"

   I saw that the old unicorn turned around and paid a homage to the mountain of the beast!

   "Please ancestors show up!"

  The other unicorns also paid their respects to the Wanzuzu Mountain!


  In the mountains of thousands of beasts!

   A divine light soars to the sky!

God light blessed the previous **** enchantment, and the enchantment was more than doubled instantly, and a wave of horror supernatural power was suppressed. Xingcha was on Shen Yue several people fortunately. With a press, almost all kneel into the soil!

   One by one can not move!

   Mana is completely locked up!

   can only be slain now!


  The flash of divine light!

   A figure appeared in front of the old unicorn!

   is not a person!

   It is pure unicorn body!

   This unicorn body!

   There is an extremely ancient atmosphere!

   is not Daozu!

   This is definitely not Daozu!

   But also infinitely close to the level of Taoist ancestor!

   "Shi Kirin!"

   "It's actually reborn!"

   "Is this a rebirth or a rebirth!"

  The heads of the ten thousand patriarchs raised their heads one by one, and exclaimed after only a glance!

"This... is it really the beginning of the Qilin that fell from the beginning of the flood? Can this kind of creature fall, can it be resurrected? Isn't it possible that Zulong Yuanfeng can also be reincarnated? Could it be Chen Zu's? Ling Chong is the reincarnation of Zulong, Zulong reincarnated into a little girl?"

  Xingcha on Xiaohe couldn't help but start to associate.

   "Ancestral Unicorn..."

The old man's eyebrows were locked, and the ancestor Kylin appeared. Although the breath was ancient and magnificent, it was not as good as the blood Kylin. Its combat power should not be as good as the blood Kylin. The blood Kylin can't help Chen Zu and Chen Zu's spiritual pet, then the Kylin is generally used The method is definitely useless, so... there is only one possibility, Shi Qilin should use that god!

  Black axe!

   The mysterious black axe should be coming out!

"I heard that Your Excellency is the reincarnation of an ancestor in the Heavenly Heaven of Hongmeng. Speaking of which, I also have a lot to do with Heavenly Heaven. After all, Heavenly Heaven is the core of the original flood. When the heaven and earth first opened, the flood and the earth did not take long to form. I am one of the main characters in the Battle of the Three Clan. So, speaking, our hometown is too high, we are still a fellow." Shi Qilin glanced at the giant dragon, his brow furrowed slightly, and then his eyes fell on Chen He was smiling and said something.

   "We are not fellows."

  Chen Zheng also smiled and shook his head.

   "You! Hum! Shame your face!"

   Old Kirin cold drink!

"You mentioned the primordial flood, but I remembered it. I used to enter the primordial flood, but it was the eve of the Lich War when I entered the primordial flood. At that time, Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin were no longer there. I saw you at the beginning of Kirin today, to be honest, the appearance is not bad, but the strength is a little bit worse. After all, the ancestral dragon at the same level as you was has been reincarnated and became the master of a pilgrimage outside the territory."

  Chen Zheng didn't look at the old unicorn, only smiled at Shi Qilin.


   Zulong was reincarnated as the master of the holy pilgrimage outside the territory!

  This...... Is this not above the saints!

  Zulong after reincarnation is so arrogant!

   kneeling on the ground all the patriarchs of the clan are showing surprise!

Shi Qilin's eyes flashed through the eyes, obviously also surprised, but soon shook his head and smiled: "Zulong became the lord of the pilgrimage, and at most half of his feet stepped into the real immortality. Although I am Resurrected in the Holy Beast Realm, although the Holy Beast Realm is not comparable to the outside world, my cultivation is not as good as the Zulong, but I got something that the Zulong is difficult to get, and a chance that is truly immortal."

   What chance!

  The instinct of the ten thousand patriarchs inquired in my heart!

   "Hum! Today, Xueqi and you are nothing but appetizers. It doesn't matter if you are. It doesn't matter if you are or not, the main course is finally starting now!"

  The old unicorn stared at Chen Zheng with a cold sneer!

The patriarch of the Wan tribe was even more puzzled when he heard Shen Yue, and his brows were frowning at the moment. The secret thought was that the Qilin clan's plot was not ordinary. What dominated the holy beast world was mostly just a guise, and the Qilin clan's plot. Much bigger than dominating a big thousand world!

   "Let's Shi Qilin also smiled, his paw raised a stroke, and something flew out of his eyebrows, that thing was a black axe!


   "Is the last thing in the world!"

   "What is the beginning of Kirin!"

   The patriarch of the Wan tribe exclaimed!


   In a cry!

   At the beginning of Kirin's eyebrow, another thing flew out!

   That is a scarlet town monument!


   Among the doubts of everyone, the black axe and the **** town monument crashed together. This collision changed instantly, and the world disappeared in an instant, and the entire holy beast world seemed to have changed!

   Change the sky!

   Change the ground!

   This is a real change!

   I saw a huge scarlet palace emerged!


  The town monument moved the town in front of the Scarlet Palace!

   The next moment is a flash of blood!

   I saw a few large characters on the scarlet town monument surfaced!

   "Initial Holy Court!"


  Unexpectedly, the gate of the huge Scarlet Palace opened at once, and I saw a figure rushing out. These figures were dressed in blood armor, and the breath exuded was terrible, as if every one was the most terrible **** and demon in ancient times!

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