Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1559: First sight

"Yudu Leihai used to have only one master, and now there is only one master. Our Fu family is just an agent. She suddenly disappeared. I don’t know if it is in this stone temple. It’s just that our Fu family has never seen her. Really."

After a moment of silence, Fu Xuanlong whispered.

"Although you have swallowed the Great Thunder Pond, the power of the avenue around this stone temple is more terrible than the Great Thunder Pond. Although this seat is about to fall, you still want to get the things in the Stone Hall!"

Ten Thousand Tribulation Thunder Dragon shattered the Yuanshen and shouted at Chen Zheng suddenly.

"At this point, you are still alive in your own world. I swallowed the Great Thunder Pond. The power of the Great Thunder Pond did not allow me to raise a small realm. Didn't you find this anomaly."

Chen Zheng smiled, and the Thunder Dragon Yuanshen was stunned. At the next moment, Chen Zheng grabbed the stone temple. He was arrested only after hearing the sound of the stone temple, suspended in the first three steps of Chen Zheng.

Seeing this scene, Thunder Dragon Yuanshen opened his mouth and said nothing, but said nothing. It has to admit at this moment that the gap between it and the young man in front of it is not so large. Although it seems that it can kill the young man on the surface, the actual situation is quite the opposite.

In his peak state just now, I wanted to forcefully take away the stone palace, and the stone palace remained motionless. The young man grabbed it in front of him, and the stone temple flew to the young man.


Thousands of Thunder Dragons still have a last thought, maybe the stone hall can't stop this kid, but if there are souls in the stone hall! If that one is really in the stone hall, that one can definitely suppress this kid!

"Dare you go in!"

So Thunder Dragon Thunder roared!

"Go in? Why go in?"

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, facing the stone hall, and just listening to the clatter, the stone hall separated into pieces at once, and the things in the stone hall were instantly exposed to everyone's sight!

This scene!

Thousands of Thunder Dragon look silly!


Why doesn't this kid play cards according to common sense!


According to common sense!

Shouldn’t they go into the stone temple to be tested?

This kid directly demolished the stone palace!

More than a thousand eyes, Thunder Dragon was dumbfounded, several people on Fuhan Shenzhou were dumbfounded. I really didn't expect anything. Among ordinary people's thoughts, it should be right to enter the stone palace!


Now it seems not a daze time!

The stone hall has been demolished!

The things hidden in the stone temple have appeared!

That seems to be... a stone tire!

Could it be!

The real master of the Leihai Leihai is sealed in the stone tire!

Fu Xuanlong!

Ten Thunder Dragon!

After returning to the gods, they all stared closely at the stone tire!



The stone tire cracked!


Dazzling light burst!


Youdu Leihai!

Endless Thunder Rage!

This is an unprecedented rage!

"This is... who!"

Ten Thousand Tributes True Dragon Primal God yelled at the emerging creatures!

"This is not her!"

Fu Xuanlong shook his head!

Jiang Li and Fu Qingqing's faces were also filled with doubts. After the stone child split, a creature appeared and appeared to be a teenager in his tens, but although the teenager had not opened his eyes, his body exuded The breath of people makes people want to worship involuntarily!

This breath!

It seems to be the supreme breath!

Is this teenager the descendant of the blood left by the real master of Youdu Leihai!

"That guy's plan is really big."

Chen Zheng glanced at the young boy with the stone tire cracked open, and smiled lightly.

"You know who he is!"

Thousands of Thunder Dragon Yuanshen immediately stared over.


This is the moment!

The teenager opened his eyes!


In addition to Chen Zheng, the people present were swept away by the youth, the Yuanshen shivered involuntarily, and only felt that the flesh was not under their control, they must pay tribute to the youth!

"It's not a good habit to scare people at a young age."

Chen Zheng casually said that the invisible pressure instantly disappeared, and several people breathed a sigh of relief.


The young pupils turned into gold in an instant, and stared towards Chen Zheng. After Jin Tong swept Chen Zheng's eyes, his mouth was cold and ruthless: "It's not fast to see Youdu rob the Lord Kneel, are you trying to suppress you by this master!"


Youdu Tribulation Lord!

Which character is this!

Fu Xuanlong!

Ten Thunder Dragon!

Jiang Li Fu Qing Qing and that Thunder Source Beast!

Hearing this sentence is full of surprise!

"Huh? Really want the master to suppress you by hand!"

The young man saw Chen Zheng's face as if it was a smile, but the childish face completely sank down at once, and a supreme breath was released, pressing toward Chen Zheng!


Chen Zhengdong is too lazy to move!

That supreme breath is destroyed!


The boy's face changed!

"Yudu Tribulation Lord...what kind of creature is this...where did the former one go..."

Fu Xuanlong asked in a low voice.

"Yudu Tribulation Lord...Yudu Tribulation Lord...It must be an extremely powerful creature, and certainly the most top-level creature reincarnation between heaven and earth!" Wan Jie Leilong's eyes lit up, and suddenly One gritted his teeth at the young man for a week: "The Thousand Tribulation Thunder Dragon meets Youdu Tribulation Lord, and the Thousand Tribulation Thunder Dragon is willing to be a slave to the Yudu Tribulation Lord.

Although the aura released by the teenager was resolved, Wanlong Thunder Dragon believed that the teenager was only awake and his strength has not been fully restored, but it will certainly not take long to recover!

Once the youth strength is restored!

Must be able to suppress that young man!

and so!

This is his chance!

Recognize the Lord!

Definitely the best choice for yourself now!


The teenager didn’t even look at the Thunder Dragon of Ten Thousand Tribulations, but stared at Chen Zheng indifferently. After a moment of staring, he used the relentless voice: "The Lord of the Lord is the Lord of Tribulation, it is supreme creation, and the future of this seat must be able to Regain control of heaven and earth, you still have time to recognize this seat as the master! If you assist this seat, when this seat regains control of heaven and earth, this seat will make you the Holy Emperor of heaven and earth!"



Chen Zheng raised his hand is a slap!

This slap fan left a slap mark on the face of the teenager, and the teenager was stunned by this slap!

"Ajiu, Xiaoliu and You three came out to recognize, what is this kid's identity."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, with one move, three figures appeared. These three figures are the ninth robbery master, the sixth robbery master and the fourth robbery master. As soon as the third-order master appears, he stares at the young boy, frowning first, shaking his head one by one at the next moment.

"This fellow is the eighth, but it's not the eighth. This guy just used someone's real blood to force out a counterfeit."

"It can't be considered a counterfeit, it's still a bit related to Lao Ba, but it's not a real Lao Ba. The word mentioned by Zhengyue girl is clone. This kid is a clone of Lao Ba."

"This kid is not the boss!"


little six!

A Jiu!

Open one after another!

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