Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1568: Why are all this stuff!

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My God!

That's Tianzun Fulu!

Is it fake?

The horror and prestige just now!

The spirits of a city are breathless!

That should not be fake!



How could Tianzun Fulu be torn into a scum by a mysterious Xuanxian boy!

A city of souls!

Even the ancient immortals!

This moment is also a bit dumbfounded!

She learned something about Chen Zheng from Ajiukou. She knew that Chen Zheng was a big player. Even if Chen Zheng was only a Xuan Xianxiu, she could kill the lower-order Taoist arbitrarily! It's just that this Heavenly Venerable Fulu is not a low-level Taoist ancestor. This Heavenly Venerable Fulu is also a thing to suppress the lower-level Taoist ancestors. Gu Xian guessed that Chen Zheng would use some special methods to deal with this Heavenly Venerable Fulu!

However... however, tear away the Tianzun Fulu!

No wonder!

No wonder A Jiu called this master!

"Chen Gongzi...this...this is too...strong...that's the legendary Fu Zun... Chen My son is mysterious mana, if it is Jinxian mana, Daojun mana, Heavenly Emperor mana, quasi-holy mana and even the ancestor mana, how strong is Chen Gongzi..."

On a fairy pavilion in Cangqing Xiancheng, Xiao Tingyu stared blankly at the sky. What he had seen in Zaohua Zhai before was scary enough, but what he saw at this moment was more than twice as scary as that seen in Zaohua Zhai!

Tianzun Fulu!

As long as the creatures in this world should have heard it!

Such a terrible thing!

But it was torn by someone!

Chen Gongzi is too scary!

"You ripped Tianzun Fulu!"

The white-clothed Daoist in heaven just returned to his mind at this moment, and he was still condescending, but the predominantly domineering gesture seemed to be out of control. At this moment, he stared at Chen Zheng with fear in his eyes!

He was scared!

The reason why he was so strong before!

It's because of the Tianzun Fulu!

At this moment, there is no Tianzun Fulu!

Cang Qing Gu Xian can kill him easily!

"Just a piece of torn paper."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Broken paper!


Was the legendary Tianzun Fulu just a piece of broken paper in the eyes of this child?

So this child is still very indifferent after tearing Tianzun Fulu!

The reason is that in this child's eyes only a torn piece of torn paper is torn!

A city of souls!

No matter what kind of situation, what kind of situation!

All mouths are open now!


too exaggerated!

If Tianzun Fulu is broken paper!

Isn't the magic weapon of yourself and others just the dust on the ground!

"Broken paper... Hahaha! Hahaha! Good! What a broken paper!" The white-robed Taoist in the sky was stunned for a while, and then there was a burst of laughter, and his face was cold after the laughter: "You alien stranger It seems that there really is no respect for Master Tianzun. This seat is defeated today, but it does not mean that the temple is defeated, nor does it mean that the Lord Tianzun is defeated! The northern temple, all the servants of this seat and the temple are waiting for you!"

The words fell!

Bai Yi Taoist people turned into a gray light and robbed!


Everyone was stunned, because this was the first time to see the Northern Temple monk running away. This scene seems to have never appeared in the history of this world!


Chen Zheng spoke lightly, lifted his right hand and grabbed it casually, and the next moment came a wailing cry from the sky. The white-robed Taoist who turned into gray light burst into blood mist, and then there was no more!

Nothing but blood mist!



The creatures in Cangqing Xiancheng sucked in a breath first, and then looked at it, looking towards the inside of Qingyue Xianmen, all looked at Chen Zheng in horror!



Easily wipe away the two elders of the Northern Temple, Shen Ting Taoist!

What means?

Shenting Taoist is not a saint!

But its cultivation level is at least the level of saints!

What's more, the two elders of the Northern Temple must have a shield of tyrannical magic weapon!

Can't even hold this young man's hand at all!

"It's all this kind of thing, when will there be a slightly stronger one?"

Among the crowds, Chen Zheng shook his head gently and sighed. He looked at Wu Jiuzhan and brought Jiang Hua directly to the Cang Qingxian Temple. The eyes of the crowd were all moved towards the Cang Qingxian. The temple looks.

Under the focus of everyone's eyes, Cangqing Ancient Immortal opened the gate of the immortal palace and invited Chen Zheng in. When the gate of the immortal palace was closed and Chen Zheng's figure was completely invisible, everyone almost grew out at this moment. In one breath!

The previous Tianzun Fulu was terrible!

However, that young man was even more terrible at that moment!

Tear Tianzun Fulu!

Kill the elders of the Northern Temple II!

This combat power is really terrifying!

"Who is he!"

"I only know that it is from outside!"

"The woman next to him seems to be Jiang Hua, the young lady who fascinated the Jiang family in Xiancheng. I have seen her before, could he be related to the Jiang family?"

"do not know!"

"Maybe the leader of Qingyue God knows his origin!"

With a whisper, someone mentioned something. Everyone's eyes moved, and they all looked towards the inside of Qingyue Xianmen. At this moment, they all looked at Wu Jiuzhan, hoping that Wu Jiuzhan could solve the puzzle.

"As long as you know a little, that's the one you can't afford." Wu Jiuzhan said in a deep voice, and then looked at the Yuanshen who had completely scared his son. He shook his head and lifted his head. Hand, wiped away the soul of his son.


The Qingyue **** monk trembles, and several high-level colors have changed greatly. They know that the master of the master is afraid of liquidation next!


Qingmang flashed!

Torn Blue Moon Immortal Gate repair!

The Blue Moon God Religion!

"People who can't afford it... We really can't afford such kind of people, it's terrible for the damn!

"Shen Ting Dao Ren is just ordinary goods in his eyes, not even ordinary goods, but he only has Xuanxian mana, so I am afraid that it can only explain its terrorist power. It is that he is a more terrible than Tianzun. Reincarnated!"

"A terrible creature than Lord Tianzun... this... is this possible?"

Everyone's eyes moved, and they looked at the Cang Qing Xian Temple, but the door of the Xian Temple was closed tightly, and nothing could be peeped at all.

"How strong is Chen Gongzi at his peak?"

In the fairy pavilion, Xiao Tingyu also looked at the fairy palace, he was actually not interested in men, but now he wants to know a man very Of course, he doesn’t have any special thoughts about that man, he just Wondering how strong that man used to be.

at the same time.

False north of the world.

A temple suspended above a huge statue.


Shouts shook the temple!

The temple disciple shivered!

Kneel on the ground and dare not look up!

"Wait all back!" The old man in Ziyi on the futon brushed his long sleeves, and the disciples in the hall were swept out. There was only one old man in Ziyi in the temple. The old man in Ziyi looked distorted and changed, and finally took a deep breath of low air pressure. : "Tianzun Fulu lost its magical effect because we could not connect with Master Tianzun, you aliens can tear apart Tianzun Fulu! But Lord Tianzun not only gave Tianzun Fulu, but also three real gods in three heavenly saints. In the hands of the emperor, it’s time to wake up the three heavenly saints! I don’t care, I only know that you alien must die!"

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