Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1579: Oblivion


The barriers that block this area are completely broken!

"King, King, we should go! And this Xuanxian is weird. It seems to be more powerful than the evil guy just now. Let's go!"

A little boy recovered, and immediately reminded the first-born horned weirdo!

"Slip?" The weirdo recovered and stared at Chen Zheng. After looking at Chen Zheng for a few times, he lowered his voice and said: "This little brother, we are not going to fight anymore, don't you know each other, I am annihilated The king of the Protoss generation, my name is Givenchy, how about we discuss it again? I will share with you the secret method of our annihilation of the Protoss, you and I will go to annihilate the Protoss of the Protoss, I definitely do not want to pit you, I just There is a hunch that you can get the ancestor of our annihilation gods!"

"What's your name?"

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

"Givenchy, why is there a problem with this name?"

The freak frowned slightly.

"no problem."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"Since it's okay, how about going to annihilate the Protoss ancestral land now? I declare again that it is definitely not to pit you, nor to lead you to the ancestral land to let the old man deal with you! I have a hunch that the old man can't deal with you at all, Even if the old man can enter the top ten of the ground slit! Let me put it this way, our ancestors that annihilate the Protoss are very perverted, devouring the divine power of our clan exclusively, it is because of that thing that our ancestral land fell into this ground slit! If there is no ancestor, we will break free and sew it back out of the domain! If I can move the ancestor, I would like to take that thing for the immortal bliss of immortality, but the old man can’t move the ancestor! The most important point is that the spirit of the ancestral implement is a super big metamorphosis, and we use the leather whip to pump us!"

When the weird man heard it, his eyes lit up, and he said a bunch of words in one breath.


"The ancestor is too perverted, we simply can't stand it!"

"We can throw away our ancestors!"

The little cubs nodded again and again.


Jiang Hua was somewhat surprised, and this was the first time he encountered such a situation. This strange person who claimed to be the king of the annihilation of gods actually begged others to take their ancestors. Since it can be called an ancestor, it must be closely connected with the destiny of a family. If you lose the ancestor, there might be more trouble.

As for the ancient immortals of Six Desire and the ancient immortals of Futu, both brows are closed at the moment, and they are thinking about the creatures just like themselves just now, and their attention is not here.

"Does the little girl believe what I said, do you think I made up a reason?" The weirdo glanced at Jiang Hua, and at a glance what Jiang Hua thought, shaking his head was a sigh: "Little girl and this little brother I don’t know, our ancestral ancestral ancestral land was well outside the territory. Originally, the ancestors were already prepared to impact the half-step hegemony. As long as the ancestors successfully attacked the half-step lordship, we would return to the Taixu annihilation. But then that day, the ancestors will see success, something smashed from the sky, hit the ancestors head, the ancestors were smashed, and then our ancestral land fell from outside the domain, fell into this so-called In the ground of the Three Realms! When the ancestor woke up, Xiuwei fell from the ninth realm to the fourth realm, and it has not been restored to this day! In fact, I suspect that the ancestor was absorbed by the spirit of the ancestor, but it has been No evidence found! Alas! It’s not that we don’t want ancestral artifacts, but that the thing is completely sucking our blood. I think this little brother has a different talent and will certainly be able to handle the spirit of ancestors!"


"The king said it makes sense!"

"The king is really a good plan!"

The little cubs nodded again and again!

"Go! What a good strategy, you shut up for me, I am sincerely giving this little brother a chance!" The weird stared at the little ones, and looked at Chen Zheng with another smile: "Little brother You have to believe me, I will never lie to you, if you can surrender that ancestor, the young man's mana will be restored quickly!"

Speaking of which!

The weirdo stopped suddenly!

He glanced around, raised his hand to clothe an enchantment, and shrouded this area, then lowered his voice to Chen Zhengdao: "Little brother, I will tell you a little more, the spirit of the ancestral implement claims to be from Yuwai, Yuwai is not outside the territory. , This Yu is the universe Yu! Brother you have extraordinary means, and there are treasure ships, you should understand me!"


Chen Zheng showed a hint of curiosity.

"Hey! Listening to the tone of the younger brother, you know that the younger brother understands!" The weirdo saw Chen Zheng's expression and his eyes lighted up again. Hehe smiled and continued: "It's true, the goods are genuine, if it's not a foreign thing, take It is impossible for us to annihilate the spirit of the ancestral artifact when we annihilate the natural power of the **** clan! By the way, brother, the spirit of the ancestral artifact also mentioned that she can connect to a very special field and can steal power from that special field. Of course What she said was borrowing, whether it was borrowing or stealing, it was very powerful anyway! She also said that if anyone could surrender her and repair her, the power she borrowed would allow her master to have a terrifying mana beyond the Great Reincarnation! I don’t understand what the Great Reincarnation is, but I think it’s almost the universe, the whole world! Brother, when I heard this, did your heart move? If you move, then act!"


"It's better to move than to move!"

"Brother, act quickly!"

The cubs nodded again and again.

"Beyond the power of the Great Reincarnation, I really moved."

This time Chen Zheng smiled.


The weirdo grinned and made a please gesture.

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, and Xingcha kept up with the weirdo. Although Jiang Wei was puzzled, she didn't ask much. As for the two ancient immortals, she still kept her eyebrows closed and thinking about something.

"What's your younger brother's name? Chen... This surname is a bit I thought the younger brother was a member of the Shang Cang Ni family or Taicang Yuan family, but now it doesn't seem to be. But small Brother, this method is not weaker than the younger generations of those two powerful families outside the domain."

"By brother Chen, there is a marriage. I have a younger sister. I want to look and look. I have to have a figure and a figure. That's a little bit more temperament. Generally, men don't look up, but Brother Chen is different. My sister definitely likes Brother Chen!"

"Brother Chen, if you really surrendered the spirit of the ancestor, you can only take away the ancestor. You will be the great benefactor of our annihilation of the Protoss, and you will let me call you a good brother, good uncle, even good grandpa. !"

Along the way, weird words continued. When passing through a fog-covered area, a huge building complex embedded in the ground and the cliff wall appeared in the eyes of Chen Zheng and others.

"Your name is Givenchy, what is your sister's name?"

When Xingcha was about to land on a platform extended by a huge building complex, Chen Zheng suddenly thought of asking the weird.

"My sister? My sister's name is Chanel!"

The weirdo blinked and grinned again.

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