Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1596: Chaos Zhenwu Realm

"Chen Zu!"

"Chen Zu!"

"Chen Zu!"

Moments later, Chen Zheng appeared in Jiang's backyard, and the people in the courtyard hurriedly prayed.

"The real martial arts world has been promoted to the world of thousands of people. You should have heard the cry just now. The cry has something to do with me."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Ah? Then Chen Zu is going to Zhenwu Realm? A middle-thousand world in Zhenwu Realm, now promoted to the Great Thousand World, the internal Taoism and the external Taoism must be competing for luck, and now most of them are already chaotic. Before...the previous feather The home seems to be invading a newly promoted world, but the Yutong **** of the Yu family has fallen, and it is not long after Chen Zu came to the false world, the Yu family seems to have disappeared."

Xiao Tianxing was slightly startled, and then groaned a bit, referring to the Yu family at the moment.

"No wonder I didn't find the Yu family, it turned out."

Chen Zheng chuckled.


Jiang Hua thought of it at the moment. In the old pit of Nagui ruins, Chen Zu mentioned the Yu family, but during this time, the Yu family did not move. He thought he was hiding, but did not expect to be out of this world. bingo.

"The Yu family... probably guessed some of the identity of Chen Zu, so they fled."

Xiao Tianxing said again.

He, the master of the fascinating fairy city, although he usually doesn't care about outside things, he actually knows many things happening in this world. He had long speculated that Chen Zheng had killed Yutong God, but he hadn't guessed that Chen was the terrible soul reincarnated even to deceive the goddess.

"Is there a possibility that the Yu family ran to the Zhenwu Realm? Although the Zhenwu Realm was just a Zhongqian world, strictly speaking, Heavenly Dao does not allow true immortals and creatures above the level of Zhenxian to enter the Zhongqian world. It seems that it is not impossible to escape to the Zhenwu Realm from the abolition of repairs. Although it is said that people go to high places, the Yu family knows that Chen Zu’s means are terrible. If it is to escape to other worlds or beyond, fear I will meet Chen Zu again, so I simply fled to Zhongqian World."

Xiao Tingyu thought for a while.

"A Yu family, it would be better if it happened again." Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and looked at Jiang Li: "When you have an ancestor cultivation, you can go to Yun Realm to see Yu Huangfeng Fei, she can reach me, and I will take you to the realm of chaos to see God Tianzun."

"Gang Hua understands!"

Jiang Hua focused on the head.

Xiao listened to the rain, revealing envy, although he had never heard of such a figure as Devouring God Tianzun, but he had heard of in the chaotic realm, the place where it was said that the ancestor could not get in, it was said to be extremely mysterious.

"Good luck with you."

Chen Zheng glanced at Xiao Tianxing and others, and disappeared with a slight smile.


Xiao Tingyu sighed.

"Cloud Realm....... Yuhuangfengfei..."

Jiang Hua whispered secretly in his mind.




This is an ancient forest!

It's just that a shocking change is happening now!


"Run away!"

"Cang God help!"

The creatures in the ancient forest, whether they are human races or demon races, are madly fleeing at the moment, because under the ancient forest, a huge monster crawled out, and the horrifying monster is rounding up a giant ape!

Those horrible monsters and great apes are not the creatures in the ancient forest, but the creatures sealed in the depths of the ancient forest, because the aura of heaven and earth suddenly rose, because the real martial arts suddenly promoted to the world of thousands, destroying the seals deep underground, making these terrible Life reappears!



In the ancient forest!

Thousands of heights of giant apes are also terrifying monsters of thousands of heights!

A face-to-face!

Ancient golden demon blood splash!

"My mother, what kind of creatures should be cultivated? How can this be the true fairy in the legend?"

"True fairy? Huh! You know a fart, how could this be just a fairy? Our Cangyun tribe has exploded because of the heaven and earth spirits, because the Zhenwu world has been promoted to a large world, and now all the tribes are true fairy, the patriarch is even a fairy, but the patriarch I was swallowed by that terrifying monster just now! This great ape and those terrifying monsters are definitely more terrible than Jinxian!"

"Cangyun Ancient Forest is only a wild mountain forest in the southern part of Cangshen Daoyu. You Cangyun tribes, we demon tribes as well, were only the strengths that could not be ranked in the real martial arts realm. The Emperor Zhenwu, the power should soar to an extremely terrible state! Then the Emperor Zhenwu, the Yewu family of Zhenwu, should have a monk at the level of Emperor God!"

"There is a fart. You just didn't see the big demon just now. The big demon flying from outside the sky is terrifying just by its breath. We local monks in the real martial arts world are afraid that no one can overcome that big demon. !"

"Okay, don't go far. Let's pray that the great apes can kill these terrible monsters, otherwise we will all die! Hm? Lying! Look at the sky! Mom! What a monster!"



All kinds of sounds sounded outside the ancient forest!

These are the escaped human races and demon races and other creatures!

With a sudden scream!

All these creatures looked up!

This look!

Every face looks instantly white!


A fiend appeared in the sky!

The fiend appeared without warning!

The giant ape and the other horrible monsters ceased fighting as soon as the monster appeared in the ancient forest, and they stared at the sky like the exogenous spirits of the ancient forest, and their eyes were full of terror!



The fiend roared!

Turned into a majestic black gas and rushed to the north!

"Lying trough!"

"What monster is that!"

"What happened to our Zhenwu Realm!"

"What a terrible demon, a terrifying demon, a vast demon body, and the level of the big demon that came before the sky! This demon seems to be in the direction of Zhongtian Daoyu, what is there in Zhongtian Daoyu, the previous one The big demon is also going to Zhongtian Daoyu!"

"Zhongtian Daoyu....Zhongtian Daoyu seems to have an ancient It is said to be linked to a mysterious extreme land... This fiend is not like the previous demon It’s all for that ancient ruin... Hmm? Wait a minute! There is something coming from the sky! It’s a young man! It seems like a... Xuan Xian! Huh? Not terrible, just a Xuan Xian, mostly Xuan Xian from a large world, does he also want to join in the fun?"

It was all kinds of exclamations. Someone suddenly noticed a figure appeared in the sky, and then everyone looked at it, and at this sight they saw a young man, although Xuan Xian was already a top monk in this area of ​​Cangyun Ancient Forest, but Compared with the demon and the previous big demon, it is much worse, even the great ape and those monsters in the ancient forest are much worse.


This young man!

Seems to be stared at by those horrible monsters in Gu Lin!

Could it be!

This child will fall into the real martial arts world!

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