Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1602: Zhenwu family crisis


Shangguan Yi opened his mouth. At this moment, he suddenly found that he had some soft legs, but he took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down! Although the chopsticks in front of this Xuanxian were missing one, although there was one more chopstick in the sky, it was not the boy's hand, maybe a powerful monk might be in control in the dark!

After all, there haven't been such examples before. Some great powers like the feeling of being in control behind the scenes. Maybe this kid is just a lucky man who just met that great power!


It’s enough to wait for that great game!

This kid is naturally not a concern!

"That one......"

The teacher opened his mouth and his legs were a little soft at the moment!



The demon roared violently!

The demon's palm shot towards Zhongtian City with a loud bang!

"Be careful!"

"Run away!"

"The demon is here again!"

The creatures in the city screamed in horror!


In an instant!

A sky rises!


Just listen to a tear!

The huge demon palm that fell from the big demon was penetrated!

Golden blood splashes again!

"Damn! Damn! Who are you! Who are you! Hate! Hate!"

The demon roared, staring fiercely at the side of the pavilion, and then swept away as a demon mans!

Big demon!

It slipped!

At the moment above the sky city, another huge giant blinked, as if at this moment he had recovered, and after looking back, he glanced down at the pavilion in the city below: "Although I don't know who the Taoist is, but thank you Friends help!"


The voice hasn't fallen perfectly!

Hidden giant bird also swept away!


Over the sky city!

There are only two chopsticks left!



Those two chopsticks turned into powder!

At this moment, the creatures in the city realized that the chopsticks were not a magic weapon at all. The chopsticks were just ordinary chopsticks, and this was really terrible! Someone in the pavilion just thrown out two ordinary chopsticks at random, and forced the horrible demon away!


What kind of monk this is!

In the sky city!

Except Ye Zu!

Who else can there be!

But Ye Zu is not in Zhongtian City at all!

Ye Zu went to the ancient ruins!

All the creatures in the city looked towards the pavilion, and everything happened so fast just now, even some people in the pavilion were still forced, but a few people in Shangguan Yi saw it clearly!

Just now!

This is the mystery in front of me!

Just pick up the chopsticks and throw them towards the sky!

That chopsticks pierced the horrible demon palm that the big demon bombed down!


This is really Xuan Xian's hand!

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency... Shangguan Yi is wrong!"

Shangguan Yi swallowed and talked, kneeled down on the ground, and lowered his head deeply! He knew that he was wrong, and it was still ridiculously wrong. There was no power to hide in the dark. This mysterious fairy in front of him was power!



Several monks behind him immediately kneeled!

"Which... Do I kneel or not...I kneel..." Xiang Shi stuttered and knelt on the ground, pausing for a moment. Soon again: "The Immortals are on the top, I can guarantee that these mysteries are all found outside the ancient ruins, and I really dare not deceive Master Shangxian! If Master Shangxian is interested in these ancient secrets , Master Shangxian can take it at will, I don’t charge a piece of fairy stone!"

Everyone else in the pavilion understood this moment. It was this young man who just shot, this alien Xuanxian monk!

"So where is the Ye family's ancestral home."

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

"Ye's ancestral house?" Shangguan Yi raised his head, his eyes flashed with surprise, and several thoughts came up in his heart, and then he gritted his teeth and said: "The younger generation knows where the Ye's ancestral house is, but the Ye's family should be flying now. The siege of the family! The Feitian family is extremely mysterious. It is a mysterious family that emerged before the real martial arts was promoted to the world. The people of that family are terrible. They have attacked the Ye family before, and they were all forced by Ye Zu! Today Ye Zu went to the ancient ruins, and the Feitian family went to attack the Ye family!"

"Go back to Master Xianxian, I know the Feitian clan. I have calculated with gods. The Feitian clan should be a family from a big thousand world. It may have been known in advance that the real martial arts world is going to be promoted to a big thousand world. The Zhenwu Realm! Of course, there is another possibility, that is, it provokes terrible creatures, and escapes from the realm to escape into the Zhenwu Realm!

The teacher opened his eyes as soon as his eyes lit up.

"The news is good."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


It's almost the same moment!

East direction of Zhongtian City!

There was a sword sound!


Next second!

The dazzling sword shines in the east of the city!


Everyone's eyes stared at it in an instant!

"Go back to Master Xianxian, there is the direction of the Ye family's ancestral house. Seeing this posture should be the Yejia ancestor's secret technique of the Nine Sword Realm.

The teacher glanced and said again!

"The juniors took Master Xian to Ye's ancestral home!"

A thought moved in Shangguan Yi's heart, and he also spoke at the moment!


Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Shangxian please!"

The flash of joy flashed in Shangguanyi's eyes, and he got up and led the way ahead.

"Shangxian please!" Xiang Shi was unwilling to show his weakness, he also got up and led the way, and secretly said: "Master Shangxian don't believe this Shangguan Yi, my gods have long been calculated, the Shangguan family has colluded with the Feitian family, this time Attacking the Ye family is probably a combination of inside and outside! Although Shangguan Yi respects Lord Shangxian on the surface, most of them are thinking of using the power of the powerful family to deal with Shangxian! Lord Shangxian, I am definitely not in the arch of fire, nor are I thinking Shangxian's sword killed Shangguanyi, and I dare not use Shangxian!"

Chen faced no fluctuations, swept down the pavilion, and within ten breaths, he went outside the Ye family's house.


The Ye family ancestral home has been compromised.

There should have been a magic circle guarded.

At this moment even the gate of the ancestral house was torn to pieces.



Deep in the ancestral home!

A sword rang!

next moment!

The dazzling sword shines into the sky!

At the same time, dozens of figures rushed out!

And there is already a woman and an old man fighting sword in the sky!

"Yejia Yexue!"

"That's the Feitian family, like an ancestor!"

"Although Ye Xue is born with a sword bone, he can't beat the ancestors of the Feitian family at all. Ye Xue is going to lose!"



The exclamation only I saw a huge red swordsman sweeping above, the woman with the sword was blasted away, and the snow-colored sword soldier in the hand collapsed into a powder!


Sure enough it was defeated!

The strength gap is too big!

The magic weapon gap is bigger!

Even the outbreak of the sword body can't make up for this gap!

"Humph! The Bullshit Nine Swords Realm, the **** has no double sword skills, and it's so powerful!"

The ancestors of the Feitian family hung in the air. At the moment, there was only a cold hum, Ye Family Ye Xue snorted, and his face instantly turned white! The Ye family looked down. They knew that although Missy was still holding on, her combat power was lost. Unless Ye Zu came back, this time the Zhenwu Ye family might be suppressed by the Feitian family!

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