Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1615: Embers Land

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Real martial arts up and down!

In fact, at this moment, I have guessed that the jade statue left by the empress red makeup is the mysterious young man in front of you!

The man who left Zhenwu Realm to find other worlds was also this young man!


Before the arrival of Shouyuan, the emperor of red makeup, she could not find this young man!

"In addition to Su Gouzi, Mu Hongzhuang is considered to be someone who has had a connection with me in this world. It's a pity that she didn't break through."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


The emperor of the Zhenwu Immortal Dynasty and the rest of the royal family raised their heads, all looking at Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and tapped gently on the faceless jade statue, and the jade statue turned into a jade sword, rushed out of the palace hall, and turned into a divine light out of this underground world.


What does this mean?

Zhenwu Immortal Emperor and others showed a puzzled look.

"This jade sword will find her reincarnation, I hope her life will be able to learn soon."

The crowd only heard a murmur of emptiness, and froze for a moment to look at it, only to find that Chen Zhengren was gone.


"grown ups?"

"Are you still there?"

Zhenwu Immortal Emperor and other people could not help asking.

"Chen Zu"

The Truth Master standing at the entrance of the palace turned sharply and looked out of the fairy city, yelling at the moment. He wanted to thank Chen Zu who had reached the extreme, but could not find a chance.

However, he sensed that Chen Zu did not leave the underground world, but went to the northwest of the underground world. There was a dark vortex in the northwest, and Chen Zu entered the dark vortex.

The other side of the dark vortex seems to be another world, a world that is not accessible to ordinary people.



The wind is blowing from time to time.

This overcast wind is not an ordinary overcast wind. This overcast wind is a chaotic wind. Although it is not the strongest chaotic wind, ordinary creatures cannot bear it. However, in this long and dark channel, there are two figures walking in a walk.

"Master, You'er remembered a lot of things in the past, but it's just about the owner's first devil, but Youer didn't remember much. I only remember that the master has shot more than one god, and it seems that he was angry. Master, one of them seems to be lunar."

You're merging with the split soul, remembering a lot of past, said softly at the moment.

"There is a Taiyin family in Taiyin Taixu, and the ancestors of that family still want to invite me into Taixu. Speaking of this generation, the Taiyin goddess You Ruo is still in my Yuanshen."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Taiyin Goddess" You'er frowned slightly, and thought about it. "The owner was not a fall at first. You can let the owner's fallen creature Yuer think it does not exist. You Yuan's Yuanshen is divided into three ways, it should be with the master. One level of life is so-called. Youer can't remember it now, but can only remember a vague shadow, that shadow seems to be a woman."

"Woman? It should be her."

Chen Zheng heard softly.

"Ah? She? Who is she? Those famous female nuns of that era, such as several female fairy venerables, Linglong fairy venerables, Hong Zhao fairy venerables, Hong Dou fairy venerable venerables, the Master of Everlasting Hatred Palace, and the pure dust of the Red Dust Fairy Mansion. The female, the goddess of the burning sun at the beginning of the Holy Court, although they are considered to be tyrannical, but they all stopped at the level of the era overlord, which is similar to the original repair of You'er, and it is impossible to suppress You're in one click."

You Er showed curiosity.

"Of course not what you said. The dust girl and the other twelve **** candidates were also killed by her, but she left a line of life and gave thirteen **** candidates the chance to reincarnate. As for the female fairies you mentioned Venerable, long-spoken palace master, and the scorching goddess of the original holy court should all be disciples of a certain status in my first life. Their inherited Taoism and the Taoism passed down by the Lord of the Heavens are essentially a guy. under."

Chen Zheng said softly.


You're silly.

"But these are not important anymore. For the sake of detachment, the first life practiced a mysterious method called Wu. It was a complete refining of everything to Wu. So in your eyes I am the reincarnation of the Great Devil Body, in fact, he no longer exists, leaving only the pure evil thoughts. Strictly speaking, even if I have recovered all the past in the first life, what is the Master of the Great Devil, the Lord of Eternal Life, the lawless Emperor There is no such thing."

Chen Zheng said softly again.

"the host"

Youer shouted blankly.

"Don't think about it that much, you just remember that you are a child."

Chen Zheng casually said.


You'er responded, thinking for a while, and turned into a yawn that fell into Chen Zhengmei's heart. It was also at this time that Chen Zheng stepped out and walked out of the channel of dark void rotation.


Just landed!

Dozens of eyes stared!


"Living person! He is a living person! Just like us!"

"You seem to be very ordinary, but you can get out of the life and death corridor intact, you should have some means! It's a pity that you came to the wrong place, here is the land of embers, and there are dozens of us living. , The rest of them all became living dead! We were chased to hide at the entrance of the Life and Death Corridor and wanted to go to another world through the Life and Death Corridor. It's just a Daojun, even the slightly more powerful living dead can't kill!"


Shen Sheng whispered!

An old man in a black robe glanced at Chen Zheng with a sigh!

"Why did the fire of the embers go out?"

Chen Zheng glanced at the dull earth in front of him, the desolate earth was desolate, and at a glance he looked dead, let alone a living person, even other living beings could not see it.

"You actually know the first fire?" The old man in black robe showed his surprise, but soon sighed again, "The first fire is the fire of life and the origin of all races, but unfortunately the ancestor's crown was shattered, and the first fire will eventually be extinguished. The ancient celestial gods used to be guarded by the ancient celestial gods, but the ancient celestial gods disappeared overnight. The sin emperor broke into the ancestral temple and broke the ancestral crown, and the darkness will soon completely consume the embers. The land, and then began to devour other worlds. This is a catastrophe, a catastrophe destined to sweep the heavens and the world. Except for the legendary Hongmeng, the core of the original wilderness is too heaven, the rest of the world is afraid Engulfed. If Heaven does not act, even Heavenly Heaven will be eroded by darkness. According to the ancient prophecy on the stone carvings of the Temple of the First Ancestor, there will be a black lotus transformed into a person, uncovering the first act of the heavens and eternal night."

"Did the old patriarch, the goddess demon say, if there are outsiders coming to the ember land, as long as we catch the outsider and dedicate the outsider to her, she will shelter us!"


In a middle-aged man's double pupils Yimang flashed his voice!


This sentence sounded!

Other people's eyes light up!

At this moment, all eyes were on Chen Zheng!

The city has lived for billions of years

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