Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1646: The fierce prestige is still there!

? This girl!

Even if he can fight He Gongzi with a **** spear!

But she didn’t know that the one beside He Gongzi was a foreign ancestor from outside the domain!

This girl is really not afraid of death!

The demon watched with cold eyes!

"Little girl looking to death!"

The young man in the white robe looked disdainful, raising his hand was a blast of palms. I saw the law of the avenue surging. Although he was not the ancestor of the Dao, he was also the quasi-holy of the pinnacle, so one shot is the power of the avenue!



The power of his avenue!

One face was crushed by the Scarlet Gun!


He Gongzi seems to be defeated!

The demon were all watching with cold eyes, waiting to see the joke. At this moment, they widened their eyes. He Gongzi was the pinnacle of the sage, and even lost to a little girl of Xuanxian, and he was broken in one face!

"Uncle Chang Geng!"

The white robe youth exclaimed!


The indifferent middle-aged man beside him snorted coldly, raised his hand to the blood-colored sharp gun, and suddenly the faces of the monsters changed dramatically, one by one showing horror!

The power of Taoism!

Taoist means!

This is the coercion of Daozu!


so horrible!

That girl is done!

That girl is going to be directly killed!

"Go to hell!"

The white robe youth roared!


The Scarlet Gun hit Daozu's majesty!

Bloody rage!

The Scarlet Gun was blasted!

Mo Xin snorted backward!

The sound of broken bones sounded inside the body!


It was not directly obliterated!


Leng Rubing's middle-aged man raised his eyebrows, revealing an unexpected look. He didn't seem to expect that his Daozu's prestige didn't wipe out a little girl!


"not dead!"

"Lying trough! This girl actually resisted the prestige of Daozu!"

The demon's eyes widened, and they couldn't believe it. A Xuanxian girl actually resisted the prestige of the Daozu, which is too imaginary for his mother!

"This" Guixinshu's eyebrows were tightly locked, and he had a bad hunch in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and opened his mouth: "Yuan told Chang Geng Daozu, this girl is probably a terrible creature in the ancient land of more than two thousand years. Heir, the terrible creature is called the murderer ancestor, it is taboo in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, and once used one person to suppress the ancient land of the eight wasteland! That murderer ancestor should also be a Taoist ancestor, if this girl is the murderer ancestor Heirs, it is very likely that the murderer ancestors will be invited!"


Ancestor of the murderer!

The descendant of the murderer ancestor!


Just now Princess Su Xin seemed to shout an ancestor. The ancestor that Princess Su Xin shouted was the murderer ancestor!


Combined with what Lord Demon Lord just said!

Was the Xuanxian young man the reincarnation of that taboo!

The thoughts flashed in the hearts of the monsters, and their eyes suddenly moved, all staring at Chen Zheng!

"A murderer ancestor? Suppression of the Eight Wastelands? Huh! Never heard! Furthermore, the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands more than two thousand years ago, except Tianyuan, the other strongest ethnic groups of the Eight Wastelands cannot reach the Taoist Realm. The half-walking ancestor should be able to suppress the eight wastelands. The murderer ancestor cannot possibly outnumber the half-walking ancestor. Even the ancestor can not be stronger than Uncle Chang Geng! Uncle Chang Geng is the third-level Taoist ancestor!"

The young man in the white robe first looked down, then smiled contemptuously!

"That this me"

At this moment, the demon lord opened his mouth, and seemed to want to persuade him.

The middle-aged man of the murderer ancestors moved his eyes and stared at Chen Zheng. His eyes flashed in his pupils, then his brows were frowned: "I don’t destroy the flesh, I didn’t pay attention just now. It’s the murderer’s ancestor! No! You’re not the murderer’s ancestor, you’re the murderer’s ancestor.


Unbreakable flesh!

This young man is really a murderer ancestor!

The demon were shocked!

With the exception of Princess Nine and several demon clan behind her, all the demon clan around retreated, and the emperor was staring at Chen Zheng in wonder at this moment!

"It's really the murderous ancestor, this **** sharp gun is also the legendary **** gun." Turtle Heart Technique showed horror, but the next moment was another bite, shouting at the demon master: "Master demon master, eight The spirits of the wasteland are recovering, the gods and gods are now the masters, the gods and gods are going to kill the ancestor of the murderer, lord master, what are you waiting for, and do not take this opportunity to join forces with Chang Geng Dao ancestor to reincarnate the ancestor of the murderer! After the repression, they were sent to Shenhuang, which not only solved the worries of the future, but also received the reward of the **** shortage! Although this kid is the reincarnation of the ancestor of the murderer, only Xuan Xianxiu is left for his fierce prestige!"


Is this really going to be done against the murderer ancestor!

This is taboo!

In the legend, the ancestor of the murderer, but one person killed eight ancient wasteland!

The monsters are upset!

"Elder Turtle"

The ninth princess frowned and stared at Guixinshu!

"Join together to suppress? No need." Chang Geng Daozu gently shook his head: "Although this ancestor called a taboo murderer still has an indestructible body, the mana is too weak and too weak. It is enough to suppress him. Now!"



The voice just fell!

There was a burst of blood in Chang Geng Daozu's body!

Blood gas turned into blood dragons!




Blood Dragon Roar!


The monsters shivered!

"This is a blood-gasified dragon. Uncle Chang Geng's blood-killing spirit was tempered with the lives and deaths of those gods and devils outside the realm, but it is not your so-called murderer ancestor who once condensed the spirits of the ancient wasteland by the realm Ferocious! Don't say that you are out of vicious power now, even if you are still vicious, you can't beat Chang Geng's killing blood!"

The white robe youth grinned!

"is it."

Chen Zheng chuckled lightly and lifted his right hand to grab it. The shot of the blood blast that flew into the sky was turned into a blood blast and fell into his hand.

"Even if this gun is a you can't hurt Uncle Chang Geng!"

The white robe youth disdain!


Next second!

His face changed!


Chen Zheng has changed!

Chen Zheng has changed!

The previous moment seemed to be an ordinary human race Xuanxian. At this moment, there was a fierce viciousness pouring out of the body, and the vicious spirit also turned into a blood dragon, which was more terrible and more terrible than the blood dragon transformed by Chang Geng Dao's ancestors. terror!


The young man in white robe suddenly had a bad hunch. He subconsciously shouted, but it was a pity that he shouted a word. Chen Zheng, who was carrying the blood mans sharp gun, stepped out and fell right beside him!


This moment!

He heard a puncture!

Something has been penetrated!


He moved his head, looked at it, and his face froze!

His uncle Chang Geng!

It was pierced by a shot!


It seems that the Yuanshen has been destroyed!

It seems that there is only one flesh left!




At this moment I suddenly thought a little!

The thought of tortoise heart says that the murderer's ancestors are not here!

right now!

They get it!

Ancestor of the murderer!

The fierce prestige is still there!

And more terrible than legend!

One shot killed the foreign ancestor from the domain!

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