Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1658: I gave it to her

?Haotian Shenyu

The gods inherited by the Qitian royal family

It's just that after the Qitian Royal Valkyrie left the desert and went to Tianyuan 800 years ago

A big event happened to the royal family of Qitian

Haotian Shenyu is missing

This matter has passed for almost 800 years without unraveling the truth

I didn’t expect the truth to be solved today

"It turned out to be the North Moon Royal Family"

"The Royal Family of Beiyue even stole Haotian Divine Feather"

"Prince Yan Yan also said that it was the prince that Yan Yan was arrogant to blame. The Beiyue royal family is also one of the four major royal families, and its status is first-class. Except for the thousand years that the goddess of war suppressed the human waste, the status of the Beiyue royal family Never lowered it. Even in those more than a thousand years, it is still the top inheritance of the North Moon royal family. How could it be done like this?"

All kinds of sounds


"Yin Prince You"

Prince Yan took a deep breath and stared at Wang Gulai, the prince of Yin. He secretly said that he had secretly transmitted a voice to let prince Yin be careful not to expose it. How did he sacrifice the Haotian Divine Feather

Now things are revealed

The face of the royal family of North Moon

What is your face

"It turns out that the Haotian Divine Feather of our Qitian Royal Family was stolen by your Northern Moon Royal Family"

The Patriarch of Qitian also took a deep breath, and now stared at the Yuanshen, the ancestor of the North Moon royal ancestor guarded by the air of the royal road

"Hum" North Moon royal ancestor Yuanshen snorted coldly, glanced at everyone, and stared at Chen Zheng on the altar of the king: "As long as the prince Yin surpasses that Chen Huang, then according to the rules of the human ancestor city, Yin The prince is the human king. The prince Yin has become the human king. It is nothing to ask the Qitian royal family for a magic instrument in advance.

Lying trough

This is completely shameless

Everyone heard

The face is changing again

to be frank

I really did not expect

Ancestor of the North Moon Royal Family

A Daozu is so shameless

"It makes sense"

"The old ancestor was right"

"Since it is a human king, everything in the human waste belongs to the human king, and the prince Yin just requested the Haotian Shenyu of the Qitian royal family in advance."

The North Moon royals shouted one by one

Oh shit

How did the North Moon Royal Family become like this?

The creatures in the ancestral city heard these shouts and only felt that the image of the North Moon royal family fell instantly

The status of this ancient royal family collapsed in their hearts


The Lord of the Hall of Lords of the King of Man, Vice Lord of the Hall of Lords, Son of Elders and the like are all silent at the moment. But Chu Xian on the ground showed a smile. He secretly said, since the truth about the disappearance of Haotian Shenyu has been revealed, then the North Moon Royal Family is basically over.

Although the one on the altar is not related to the current Qitian royal family, but that one has something to do with the goddess of the Qitian royal family, maybe the Haotian goddess may be the north to the goddess The moon clan thinks that the prince Yin has become the king of man.



"Man, Lord, this is the situation right now"

The Kuiku ancestor of the Eight Wild Ancient Gates lowered his voice again and asked.


Still did not get any response from Manzun

Manzun frowned and said nothing



King Gu Lian

The prince Yin who gave out Haotian Shenyu shouted loudly



Emperor's gas explodes wildly

Coming towards Chen Huang

"In the beginning, the emperor of the Emperor Yingtian was attacked by a corpse ancestor, and it was inseparable from your Beiyue royal family. For the sake of the king, how much did your Beiyue royal family do.

Chen Huang's expression was abrupt, and his hand was a sword again, and his sword skill was again displayed.


Bright sword light

This sword skill is exactly the nine-sword world


Haotian Shenyu is also amazing

A face-to-face and easy to dissolve the Nine Sword Realm played by Chen Huang

"Haha, no matter how strong your sword skills are, you can't hurt the prince. In front of Haotian Shenyu, you are a pinnacle ancestor. It's nothing to know why the female warrior who was known as the first man in the wild was so strong, just because of her. Princess Splendid has Haotian Shenyu. Haotian Shenyu laid the foundation for her to suppress the shortage of people for more than a thousand years. Now Haotian Shenyu is in the hands of this prince, and has long been sacrificed by this prince to become a magic weapon of life, waiting for you. Exhausted, the prince is not at random to pinch you. The prince is destined to be the lord of this generation, and no one can stop the prince from destiny to increase himself."

Prince Yin laughs wildly

"Haotian Shenyu is so strong"

"The goddess of war is unfortunately not in the desert. The goddess of war has advanced into the abyss for eight hundred years. The life and death are uncertain. If the goddess of war is still there, how can the royal family of the North Moon be so arrogant"

"Although the Valkyrie does not have the title of king of man, that's the first person in our land shortage"

The voices of the spirits in the ancestral city sounded. At this moment, I thought of the Valkyrie of that year. If the Valkyrie was still in the desert, how could the desert be infighted, how could the Beiyue royal family act so brazenly?


Valkyrie entered heaven

Life and death

The prince Yin now has Haotian Shenyu

Except Daozu

I'm afraid no one can suppress the prince

Is it

I really want to see Prince Yin become the master


Under the protection of imperial air, the Northern Moon royal ancestor Yuanshen laughed contemptuously.

"Everything you do is just to give me a wedding dress for the royal family of the North Moon. No matter how mysterious your identity is, you have to follow the rules of the ancestral city."

Prince Yan's eyes moved, staring at Chen Zheng on the King's Altar, and his face was full of madness at the moment


On the altar

Chen Zheng raised his hand casually

King Gu Lian

Haotian Shenyu suspended in front of Yin Prince fell into his hands


In an instant

The face of the North Moon royal family changed greatly

"Damn you broke the rules and return Haotian Shenyu to the prince"

Prince Yin There was a sudden roar, but his face suddenly changed, and then a spit of blood spewed out, and the Yuanshen connection between him and Haotian Shenyu was broken.

"Fuck things, you don't follow the rules"

Prince Yan was extremely gloomy and roared at Chen Zheng

"You are too much"

Under the protection of imperial air, the elder ancestor of the North Moon royal ancestor stared at Chen Zheng

"I am not a man of rules, why should I follow the rules?" Chen Zheng only smiled lightly, said that he looked at Haotian Shenyu, and then he chuckled again: "What's more, I gave it to her, I gave Her stuff has been stolen. Is it wrong for me to get it back? Anyway, as I said, I will help you choose the lord of the barren. Since something happened in the process that makes everyone feel happy, then put something unpleasant. Erase, is this a problem?"


What does this mean

Not a man

Haotian Shenyu is for her

Wasn't she the princess Su Jinxiu, the goddess of the heavenly warrior?

and so

"Who the **** are you, who the **** are you, say it and say it"

To everyone's surprise, the prince Yan screamed like crazy.

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