Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1665: Do you know why I am not afraid?

?Water ice moon?

Isn't this name special?

Everyone is puzzled!

"Fuck things, Shui Qingyi, you are still not a spirit!"

But Huo Piao was even more angry, and roared violently at the moment!


Ignored again!

"Do you want to accept this girl as a disciple?"

Shui Qingyi smiled at Chen Zheng. 35xs

"When my disciples' talents are still not enough, it's okay to pass some secret methods."

Chen Zheng also smiled, hitting a fairy light, and fell into the little girl's eyebrows.

"what is this?"

The little girl stunned, and then asked her with wide eyes.

"Damn it! Are you really a traitor from the Nanmeng Xianling Lake Water Spirit Clan! Shui Qingyi! Do you want to betray the Spirit Clan!"

Roaring fire!


This time Shui Qingyi responded to Huo Piao, with a cold hum, Huo Piao was directly blasted away!

"Fire Lord!"

"Patriarch Shui Qingyi, you have made a big disaster!"

"Master Huo Piao is a genius adopted by Huo Lingzun's sister!"

Fire Spirit tribe exclaimed!


The water spirits are silent!

"How does this mystery sound like our highest holy scripture?"

At this time, the little girl was dumbfounded. The mysterious light that Chen Zheng entered into her eyebrows had been transformed into a secret method imprinted in her primordial spirit, but she was a little ignorant, because this secret method seemed to be the legendary highest holy scripture of the spirit wasteland.

"The Supreme Code?"

"The supreme secret?"

"How can this be?"

The Shui Ling tribe stared at it, revealing the unbelievable color.

"Impossible? For the ancestors, nothing is impossible." Shui Qingyi chuckled, looking at Chen Zheng with beautiful eyes, and with a sigh of emotion: "Eight Wilderness was promoted, and Huo Lingzun was promoted to Daozu, Now, the Fire Spirit Master in the Spiritual Wasteland has the final say, the Water Spirit Master is imprisoned, I can’t save the Water Spirit Master, I am afraid that only the ancestors will go to the Shiling Holy Mountain in person. I have heard people say that the Water Spirit Master Zun fell in love with the ancestor, but the ancestor did not accept it, and I don’t know what kind of woman in this world is in the eyes of the ancestor."


Shui Ling Zun fell in love with this young man!


This is too awesome!


The patriarch always called this young man an ancestor!

But this young man seems to have mystic power!

Why did the patriarch call this young man an ancestor!

What a terrible reincarnation of this young man!

Wait a minute!

There seems to be a terrible ancestor in the ancient legends of the Eight Wastelands!


Could it be!

The young man in front of him is the legendary one!

Suddenly, someone speculated something. The old man on the shore suddenly shivered. He secretly said that he was just selling spirit beads before, and he didn't do anything excessive, otherwise it would be gone today!

If this child is really the one in the legend!

Only then can those strange means be explained!


In the short and peaceful past, the fire flashed in the market hall and a figure emerged!

"Fire Spirit Clan!"

"It seems like a celestial angel!"

The Shui Ling tribe looked at it and immediately frowned!

"The Celestial Angel rescued me. Shui Qingyi betrayed the Ling clan. Not only did he not obey the rules of the Huo Ling clan, but he also colluded with the man of the human clan. Shui Qingyi wanted to take Nanmen Xianling Lake, a branch of the Shui Ling clan, to defect to the desert. !"

Huo Piao on the ground saw that figure, as if he saw a savior, and now weeping!

"Meet the angel of heaven!"

"See Lord Huoyi!"

"Pray that the heavenly envoy will decide for me!"

All the Fire Spirit tribe kneels at that figure!

"Shui Patriarch, can this be the case?"

The figure stood in the air, and there was real fire around him. At this moment, his indifferent eyes swept over. After sweeping the crowd and Chen Zheng, he fell on Shui Qingyi's face!

"Tian Ling makes Huo Yi, are you qualified to cross-examine me?"

Shui Qingyi smiled faintly.

"Sister, the angel of heaven is also the realm of heaven"

Shui Yingrong whispered aside.

"Humph! Qingshui! What a patriarch of the Nanmen Xianling Lake Aquarium! When I heard that you were a little girl, you used to get in touch with the Terran. The Terran went to the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain and did everything. Wicked thing! That human race is our spiritual waste life and death enemies, you as a spiritual race person, these years do not reflect on collusion with the human race today, you increase your sins! You really think you have stepped into the realm of heaven, you can hold this Nanmeng Xianling Lake? Huh! You are the strongest water spirit of the water spirit family, now it has been suppressed under the ten spirit holy mountains, and your water spirit family will be a vassal of the fire spirit family in the future! The spirit will cut you today, not only will not be punished Instead, you will get a reward from the Ten Spirit Mountain, you can understand! If you are smart enough, you will kill the human race, and then obediently go to the Ten Spirit Mountain to confess your sins with the spirit!"

The heavenly spirit stood up in the air, sneering proudly with his hands behind him at this moment!


"Shui Lingzun is really suppressed!"

"Do we really want the water spirit family to be a vassal for the fire spirit family?"

Water Spirit tribe whispers!

"Do you know why I am not afraid at all?"

Shui Qingyi only smiled softly.


Heavenly Soul asked coldly.

"Because" Shui Qingyi smiled again, paused for a moment, and then said: "Because the person you mentioned he came back, the soul and death enemies you mentioned are back to Linghuang."

"Huh? Where?"

Heavenly spirit changed his complexion, and his pupils stared at Shui Qingyi like fire!

"Far from the horizon, close at hand."

Shui Qingyi returned eight words.


People present!

His eyes suddenly moved!

All looked at Chen Zheng on the light boat!

Could it be!

Is it!

The young man in this light boat is the enemy of the spirit waste in the mouth of the heavenly spirit!


Isn't the life and death enemy the one in the legend!

Everyone could not help shaking!

"You are a It can't be that person, you are too weak!" Tian Ling En stared at Chen Zhengshu, his eyes moved to Shui Qingyi: "Shui Qingyi, you frightened If you don’t arrive at the spirit ambassador, how could the spirit ambassador be the peak of the heavenly emperor! The spirit ambassador is too lazy to talk nonsense with you. You and the spirit ambassador went to the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain to confess their sins. As for this human race, the spirit ambassador is now killed!”


The voice just fell!

A fire dragon poured out!

The fierce and fierce rush towards Chen Zheng!



The sound of water splashes!

Water splash!

Instantly extinguished the fire dragon transformed by real fire!


Heavenly Spirit froze.

"Your girl's talents for cultivation are indeed ordinary, and even a celestial messenger can't figure it out, and I have to take action myself."

Chen Zheng glanced at Shui Qingyi and shook his head gently. Then he glanced at the Celestial Envoy with a slight glance. The Celestial Envoy felt a sudden urge to step back, but the thought only came out, and his people disappeared!


The stupid eyes of the Shuiling people!

The fire spirits are dumbfounded!


Did you shoot?

Has this man just shot?

This man seems to have just looked at the Celestial Envoy and disappeared!

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