Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1667: Where is the fate!


Mo Xin!

Suddenly raised his hand!

The blood-mand shot to an ancient giant!



The power of the blood-mans sharp gun was swallowed by ancient giants!

Mo Xin's face sank!

The blood-mans sharp gun was recalled!

"This girl is your heir? It seems that it has the blood power of ancient strong and vigorous souls, but it is a pity that this girl is weaker. Like the murderer ancestor, you are just mysterious. If this girl is the peak ancestor, rely on The power of the bloodline may hurt the ancient giants, but unfortunately it is too weak and too weak to cultivate! The murderer ancestors, these ten ancient giants greet you as a big gift, you can like it!"

Huo Ling Da Zun soul ghost shadow smile!

"The murderer ancestor? But so!"

"That kid is the murderer's ancestor. The so-called taboo. He once killed eight wildernesses? Ha! That's just because this seat was sleeping at that time, and the ancient giants were also sleeping!"

"What kind of **** is taboo, I can shoot to death with a slap!

Sneer after cry!

"These goods"

Shui Qingyi's face was cold. At the moment, the ridicule and irony are the five spirit spirits that have emerged recently. None of these goods seem to be Taoist ancestors, although the spirit of the black spirit lord is far more than the ancestor realm, but if you encounter the murderer of that year. Patriarch, still want the murderer Patriarch to slap fear of death! I don’t know what happened that year, otherwise I dare to jump like this!

"Just you call the murderer ancestor? It doesn't seem to be great! Do you feel safe when you are hiding in this treasure ship? This is the time spirit master, who is repairing the avenue of time, does your kid have it? Have the courage to step down from the battleship and play with this seat?"

Another sarcasm is Shilingzun!

"Mother, these guys are so disgusting"

The little girl Shui Bingyue's small face is also cold. In her previous cognition, the spiritual ancestors are all tall, but today I saw these spiritual ancestors, which made her a little disappointed. These spiritual clan venerable masters, especially the few spiritual clan venerable masters that I haven't heard before, why does it feel that there is not much difference from the evil demon outside path.

"The murderer ancestor, dare to accept the ten great gifts for you!"

Fire Spirit Lord Zun Ying shouted!



Ten ancient giant spirits are coming!


Chen Zheng showed a smile and stepped out directly. Ten ancient giant spirits or nine spirit clan giant phantoms did not respond at the first time. When the reaction came, Chen Zheng was no longer on Xingcha !


Where are people?

Shui Qingyi was also surprised!

"Ten Spirit Holy Mountain!"

The little girl suddenly raised her hand!


Shui Qingyi stared at the past!

Mo Xin also looked at the past!

Ten ancient giant spirits and fire spirit great respected all also stared over!


Almost all are stunned!


Chen Zheng is now within the Ten Spirits, and not only within the Great Formation, but also at the top of the Ten Spirits Holy Mountain!

"He came in!"

"He stepped on top of the holy mountain!"

"The murderer ancestor, the legendary taboo, is he really that terrible taboo!"

The people of all the spiritual races in the Ten Spirits Holy Mountain originally looked silently at Xingcha here. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the top of the Holy Mountain, and a cry of uncontrollable sounded!

Ancestor of the murderer!

The legendary taboo!

Once a person killed eight ancient wasteland!

Even now it seems that only Xuan Xianxiu is left!

But that name shocked all the tribes in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands for more than two thousand years!

"court death!"


Fire Spirit Lord Zun Soul Shadow!


Turning into a avenue, the real fire surged past!



A face-to-face!

The avenue is really broken!


"This kid!"

"The real fire of Great Fire Lord Zun was actually resolved by this kid?"

"Hum! There is a treasure in this kid. It is relying on the treasure to resolve. All the Taoists work together to suppress this kid!"


Several spiritual clan Zun Ying froze for a moment, and then exposed the fierce light one by one, these soul phantoms instantly turned into the power of the Eight Avenues, and flowed towards Chen Zheng from eight directions!



A broken face!


"what happened!"

"The power of the avenue cannot hurt him!"

The spirits of the ten spirit holy mountains exclaimed!




At this time!

Nine Dao figures appeared!

This is the ontology of the nine spiritual tribes!

"This kid turned out to be this way, this seat understands! I don't see it, I realize at first glance, it is no wonder that your murderer ancestor came to the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain unscrupulously. It turns out that although you are cultivated, only the Xuanxian mana is left, but this flesh is Taoist flesh! Sure enough, you used the power of the Taoist ancestors to suppress the Eight Wilderness Ancient Lands. No wonder all the ethnic groups in the Eight Wilderness Ancient Lands could not beat you, no wonder you could kill the Eight Wilderness Ancient Lands alone!"

Fire Spirit Master Zun, True Fire Spirit Pupil's divine light circulates, and sneers after staring at Chen Zheng several eyes!

"Daozu flesh?"

"This kid still has Taoist flesh?"

"No wonder!"

Hei Ling, Bai Ling, Shi Ling, Ethereal and Soul Spirits suddenly showed their enlightened colors, and their eyes locked on Chen Zheng!

"The ancestor of the Taoist ancestor is really not easy to kill, but what about it, the Xuanxian mana is finally just the Xuanxian mana, and even against the sky can beat ten ancient giants!"

King Jinling thought about it for a moment, then chuckled!

"We have Shui Ling Zun as a bargaining chip. Her reincarnated body is called Ji Yuwei. She returned to Linghuang not long ago. You should know the ancestor of the murderer!"

Mu Ling Da Zun also chuckled!

"The murderer ancestor, today you take the initiative to come to the door, without the power to suppress all the original, you still admit defeat!"

Tu Ling Da Zun cold drink!

"Where is the fate. 35xs"

However, Chen Zheng ignored any spiritual clan, only standing on the top of the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain, and shouted casually.


Where is the fate?

Is this calling?

The people of all major clans are puzzled!

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

"You are an outsider, do you know Linghuang more than the Spirit Kings of ours?

"Why deceive yourself!"

Several Lingzun Then sneered again!

"The murderer ancestor, this seat is to see, who else can you call!"

Lord Fire Spirit growled!



He just roared!

The sky dome above the Holy Mountain of Ten Spirits!

Suddenly a shock!


next moment!

Under the spirit wasteland!

Visible to the naked eye!

A majestic breath rushed toward the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain!



Ten Spirit Holy Mountain concussion!

That magnificent breath was linked into a huge ghost image!

There is a breath above the invisible in the world!


what is this!

Nine Spirit Clan Zun's face sank!

The spirits of the ten spirit holy mountains are horrified!

The three girls of Xingcha Shangshui Qingyi were also surprised!

"You forced me to show up, and I can't help you suppress the spirit clan. My will stays under the spirit wasteland, and there are other uses."

The huge phantom looked at Chen Zheng several eyes and spit out words!

"I asked you to come, I didn't want you to help me suppress the spirit race, I asked you to come just to help me wash my sword."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


The huge phantom frowned!

Spirit Zun's brows are also wrinkled!

Wash the sword?

What sword to wash?

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