Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1759: You can be my maid

Chapter 1756 You Can Be My Handmaid (3)

"Sixfold Tower!"

"My goodness!"

"Isn't it the Taoist ancestor of the sixth realm!"

In the imperial imperial imperial city, there was a horror of demons! It's no wonder that the Lord of the Devil's Court couldn't even slap the demon witch. It turned out that the witch was so big!

"The sixth ancestor? Cut! Not too powerful!"

The devil scorned a smile!

"Haha! Little demon, you are not even the Taoist ancestor, the human race around you is just a golden fairy, do you even look down on the big sage demon, do you have that qualification!"

Angry Dragon also smiled!

"Taiyin Sacred Body, you have a good physique, you can serve my apprentice Yanluo as a maidservant, just as Yanluo is about to open."

Chen Zheng looked at Yin Suwan and nodded with a smile.



What maid!

Say this sentence!

The monk without a fool was shocked!

It's a bit too loud even if Moxiu is not a human race Jinxian!

"Sister-in-law? What kind of sister Sister Wan did you serve as a servant girl? Haha! Joke! What is Sister Suwan's identity, and what identity is Sister Yanlu, and what is the sky? Is your kid not awake yet? Still in my dream!"

Angry Dragon laughed for a while!

"Yan Luo... Although people don't know who Yan Luo is, but you really want me to be her maidservant, it's not impossible. You come out of the enchantment and play a game with others, you just have to If you win others, they will listen to you for everything."

The enchantress was not angry, but instead smiled.

"You dare!"

Angry Dragon stared down with cold eyes, his eyes full of provocation.


Chen Zheng smiled slightly!

Everyone has not reacted!

Chen Zheng is already in front of the dark chessboard above the imperial imperial city!

Already opposite the female demon Yin Suwan!

"Your kid..."

When the angry dragon froze, Chen Zheng came out of the enchantment without a sound, and he really dared to play chess with his sister. With a move in his heart, the secret path was not bad. He didn't need to shoot it himself. This kid would soon be swallowed up by the sister's fate board.

Destiny board!

That's a weird magic weapon!

This kid may have some means but it is absolutely impossible to beat Sister Su Wan!

"Little brother is so brave." The female demon Yin Su stunned slightly, a flash of a strange color flashed in her eyes, and she did not expect that Chen Zheng actually walked out of the Wuxue Demon Court directly. Chen Zheng has already seen that Chen Zheng is extraordinary in flesh, and it is because of this that Chen Zheng was invited to play. She had absolute confidence over Chen Zheng before. At this moment, she looked at Chen Zheng's face with a faint smile, and suddenly there was some fluctuation in her heart.


The fluctuations were soon erased by her!


Yin Suwan opened her mouth and made a gesture of asking, all the pieces on the dark chessboard disappeared at this moment, which meant that Chen Zuxian dropped!

"The boy reminds you that you will fall into the board of fate as soon as you fall down. Unless you are better than Sister Suwan, don't think of it! Think about it, and you can still regret it now!"

Angry Dragon chuckled!

"Oh!" At this time the demon also flew out of the enchantment, suspended Chen Zheng side glanced at the board of fate, and then stared at the female devil seriously: "Little girl, you will lose once Chen Zu falls, It’s up to you, don’t lose so ugly!"

"Really? But Su Wan wants to see how ugly it will be."

The witch smiled.

"Just drop it first. As soon as I drop your rule, this instrument will be broken. You will drop as many as you have."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


Mo Xiu in Wu Wu Mo Ting was originally listening with his ears upright. Hearing this sentence at the moment, his eyes widened one by one, and his heart went straight to the lying trough. How could this human race Jinxian speak more than one sentence!

Is this true ability or blindly confident!

"You can destroy the chessboard of Sister Su Wan's fate, I kneel down and treat you as a dog! My body is a magic dragon, not a dragon in the world of thousands, but a dragon with the blood of the strongest family of ancient magic dragons in ancient times. !"

The angry dragon was extremely unhappy, and the two pupils stared at Chen Zheng!

"Is it true that you want to fall off first?"

The witch is still not angry, and at this moment, she smiles and looks at Chen Zheng.

"Leave it."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"That Suwan is welcome."

The female demon smiled, her hand raised, and she dropped a child on the dark chessboard.


Dull chessboard!

You Mang lights up!

Visible to the naked eye!

A shadow on the dark chess board flew out!

That Mo Ying flew towards Chen Zheng!

"Extreme Yin Demon?"

The demon saw his shadow and frowned slightly!

"Huh! Are you scared! It's too late! This kid is about to be killed by Sister Su Wan!"

Angry Dragon disdain!



The magic shadow just fell in front of Chen Zheng and suddenly burst!


In the impermanence demon court below, a group of demons holding their breath saw this scene as a stunned moment. That shadow is called the extremely Yin Demon. If it is really the legendary Extreme Yin Demon, then at least there will be infinitely close to the Taoist Power, it stands to reason that the human race Jinxian cannot withstand extreme Yin Demon erosion!


The extreme Yin Demon was destroyed strangely!


The angry dragon was also stunned. The secret thought was that Sister Suwan had released the water, but since Sister Suwan had already regarded this human race as a prey, she would not have released water.

"The little brother is a bit powerful, the extreme Yin Demon has no fluctuations when he pounces on the little brother."

Yin Suwan smiled again, saying that Su Su lifted her hand and fell down again.



The gloomy chessboard glows again!


Another phantom rushed out of the dark chessboard!

"Sinking Devil!"

When the demon saw this shadow, his brow furrowed!

"Sinking Demon is stronger than the extremely Yin Demon. Although Sister Suwan is not a Taoist ancestor, Sister Suwan has a fate chessboard in her hand and can call upon ancient magic shadows, so she has the power of Taoist ancestors. This time, see how you can stop the sinking demon. !"

Angry Dragon growl!



He just shouted!

The sinking golem that rushed to Chen Zheng was destroyed!

And Chen Zheng's eyes did not blink!


Angry Dragon is silent!

Mo Xiu in Wu Wu Mo Ting is also silent!

What happened?

Extreme Yin Demon!

Sinking Devil!

Although not the body!

But these are the legendary devil's shadow!

Even if it is not the power of the Ontology, it is terrible!

But why both times it was destroyed just before it fell in front of that human race Jinxian!

Could it be!

What kind of powerful golden immortal magic weapon of that human race Jinxian could not be achieved!

"carry on."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"it is good!"

Yin Suwan responded, at this moment the look had become prime, Su Su lifted and dropped the third son!


You Mang come back!


The magic shadow reappears!

This time!

Shadows cover the sky!

Instantly shrouded the imperial imperial imperial city!


"This... so scary!"

"What a terrible ghost!"

In the imperial palace of A group of Moxiu exclaimed and screamed, and their faces looked white and horrified, because this third magic shadow is so terrible!

"Chaotic Saint Demon, your girl's Taiyin Saint Demon really is powerful!"

And the demon also looked at the sky at the moment, shouting his teeth!

(End of this chapter)

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