Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1761: Then let’s be fair!

Chapter 1758: Let's be fair! (Five more)

"What's the use of the face? My face can't be used as a meal. The wall of origin can't go away. It's terrible. If you don't touch the wall of origin, my body will be weak, and my cultivation will be degraded. Cultivation is nothing for me! Oh, oh, Chen Zu, you must be my ancestor. The boy in Hun Tian is doing too much!"

The puppy-like chaotic saint glanced at the demon, then raised his head and looked at Chen Zheng pitifully, all the tears in his eyes!


The demon could not help but swear!

As for other people, whether it is the female devil Yin Suwan or the magic repair in the imperial imperial palace, this moment has been completely silent!

Chaos Sacred!

Is that still the legendary chaotic saint!

How does it feel like a little boy who has been bullied and asked for help from his father!



Sacred Chaos mentioned the sky!

Isn't the whole sky the supreme demon in the realm of chaos?

Listen to the meaning of Chaos Saint Demon!

That human race Jinxian seems to know the evil god!

And the relationship is very unusual!

This is too incredible!

A few Moxiu thought about this, but soon shook their heads, because they couldn’t believe it themselves, that the Evil Lord of Heaven was the devil in the demon, that was the supreme demon, that was above all the dark sky Lord of all demons above Moxiu!

"Little girl, do you want to continue?"

Chen Zheng raised the dog-like incarnation of Chaos Sacred Devil with one hand and threw it aside, smiling slightly at Yin Su across the board of fate.


Yin Su opened his mouth silently, and for a time it seemed difficult to accept the scene he saw in front of him.

"Your girl is lucky, it is the sacred body of Taiyin, otherwise you no longer exist!"

The demon hummed.

"Su Wan... willing to be Chen Zu's disciple Yan Luo's maid* Su Wan sighed in her heart, and then received the demon's demon face, a face was very dignified at the moment, bowing her head to Chen Zheng.

"Sister Suwan... what shall I do..."

Angry dragon opened his mouth, and at this moment he suddenly wanted to cry.

"What can I do? Of course, I would like to gamble to lose the promise, not to become a dog!"

The demon stared at him coldly!


The angry dragon was going to be angry, but when he saw the incarnation of Chaos Sacred Demon turned into a puppy, he gritted his teeth and cast a secret method, and also became a dog, but not a normal dog, but a demon with a dragon scale. Dragon Dog.


The devil snorted.

"That... this little girl of the Taiyin Sacred Body admits defeat. Has the matter here been settled, or will Chen Zu follow me to the prison of chaos now and preside over justice?"

Chaos Saint Demon's eyes moved, and the pug wagged his tail at Chen Zheng.

"If you will not go away, you will become a vegetarian ration."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Ah? Susu? The ration? Who is Susu?"

The little dog transformed by the will of Chaos Sacred Spirit was shocked.

"It's me! If you don't leave, Susu will eat you up! Seeing that you know your father, Susu doesn't eat you, but if you want to stay, Susu can't guarantee not to eat you. !"

At this time!

A milky milky voice sounded!


Chaos Saint Demon will be surprised to look at Chen Zheng. He secretly knew when Chen Zu had a daughter, but it is also correct to think that Chen Zu had not seen Chen Zu for at least two thousand years. It is normal for Chen Zu to have a daughter.


How do you feel that the little thing is a bit wrong!

"Chen Zu has a daughter?"

The demon blinked.


The female demon Yin Suwan looked at Chen Zheng curiously.

"Not leaving yet!"

At this time!

Milky milky voice sounded again!

"Go! I will go! Granny, I will go now!" Chaos Holy Demon's will trembles, he was frightened by this sound, he felt it, it seemed like a breath of God, this daughter of Chen Zu seemed to be a God!


When did Chen Zu find a daughter with a godly breath!

It seems that the **** is still gestating!

It seems to need the will of the creatures of this level to supplement nutrition!


Take a step first!

"Chen Zu, we must come to the realm of chaos to be fair! The Huntian boy will continue to block the passage. Those old things will really come out of the nest and the Huntian boy will have a life and death battle! Huntian boy It feels like there are some problems with the practice, like the practice of another one!"

So the incarnation of Chaos Saint Demon shouted at Chen Zheng, then yelled, and disappeared!



Few people care about him at this moment!

At this moment almost everyone is looking at Chen Zheng!


Who is that milky voice?

Actually scared Chaos Sacred Devil Will!

"Pretend to be fair... Then come to pretend to be fair." Chen Zheng smiled and looked down at the imperial imperial palace without imperfection.


There is a spirit in the Imperial City!

What do you mean!

What does it mean!

Is this Chen Zu still shooting at Moting Court?


It shouldn't be!

If you want to fight against the magic court!

It won't help Mo Ting stop the female demon Yin Suwan!


The creatures in the magic court shivered!


Chen Zheng stepped out and landed in front of the gate of the Magic Palace!


The eyes of the creature in the magic court stared at him!

", it's not that the adult is Chen Zu! Wu Lian Mo Ting, Prime Minister Zhao Lianying, met Chen Zu, thanked Chen Zu for saving me, etc. Lian Ying kowtowed to Chen Zu! "

Inside the palace, the tall, thin man shuddered, kneeled at Chen Zheng quickly, and then began to kowtow!

"Go and see!"

The demon in the sky moved in front of the palace.

"Sister Suwan..."

The angry dragon who turned into the magic dragon dog looked at Yin Suwan.

"There is no escape, I can only serve as a maid to Chen Zu's apprentice."

Yin Suwan gently shook her head. She knew what the angry dragon wanted to say. She received the magical fate chessboard and landed in front of the palace gate.


Angry Dragon was stunned, and could only fly with a sigh in his heart.

He had a bad hunch at the moment, that strange Chen Zu didn't kill himself, but also saved his life, fearing that he would make him go back to Heaven Devil Sect as a spy!

"Why do people without Lu Wuxue bloodline sit on the throne of the Devil's Palace, while those with Lu Wuxue bloodline are imprisoned.

Chen Zheng didn't enter the palace, just glanced across the palace and asked lightly.


The tall, thin man who kowtowed on the ground raised his head violently, showing fear in his eyes!



"It turns out that means!"

Moxiu outside the imperial palace of impunity instantly understood, what Chen Zheng just said about presiding over justice, all of them changed, and finally looked at the direction of the palace!

"You... do you know ancestors?"

Inside the imperial palace, the imprisoned Sakura Princess froze for a moment, looking at Chen Zheng and asking.

"Lu Wuxiao once followed this Chen Zu."

Chen Zheng did not answer. The man in the emperor robe sitting on the seat of Emperor Moting spoke at the moment.


This opening!

Zhao Lianying kneeling on the ground, the imprisoned Sakura Princess, and other magic repairs in the imperial imperial city, froze again!

(End of this chapter)

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