Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1783: Spike! Magic Power!

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This is because more than ten figures appearing can be shot to death with just one slap. There is no challenge, so is Chen Zu bored? So, look for the monster of Heaven Smiting Demons!


How does this situation feel like Chen Zu has become the ultimate devil!

This situation is completely reversed!

"This script is wrong..."

On the side of the impermanence court, a young man opened his mouth and spoke a native language subconsciously.


Among the dead eight ancestors, the remaining six ancestors and several other figures were suddenly relieved at this moment, but soon his face sank again! If the quicksand demon appeared in a battle with this ancestor Chen, and was still killed, then... then oneself and others will certainly not be able to survive in the end!

Great demon!

This is the highest title of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!

The elder with the title of the Great Sacred Devil is also the fifth Taoist ancestor!

It can be said that it completely crushed all creatures in this big dark day!


Now there is a Chen Zu!

Can the quicksand demon destroy this Chen Zu!

do not know!

I really don't know this situation!


As a monk of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, of course, he hopes that the Great Sand Demon will destroy this Chen Zu!

This Chen Zu will kill like this again!

Everyone in the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect is afraid that they will have a heart demon!

"The third Taoist ancestor was also slapped to death by his slap... I don’t believe that Brother Liusha will be slapped by him, and why Brother Liusha is also the fifth Taoist ancestor. Outside the territory, there is the bloodline of an extraordinary family outside the territory."

Yin Yin whispered in the Yin Gu Mo Gong.

"Wait and see."

Yin Suwan responded softly.

"If...the disciple said it was...if the sage of the quicksand was also slapped to death by Chen Zu, Master Yingu... What would Master Yingu do? "

An angry dragon suddenly gave birth to courage at this moment, and looked at the Yin bone and asked.

"The first demon of this sect is about to succeed."

Yin bone faintly replied.


Yin Suwan and Nu Long heard this sentence, their eyes flashed with surprise, and then their brows were all frowned.


This is the moment!

A magic shadow swept out of the depths of the killing land!


The power of this majestic avenue!

This terrible killing breath!

This is definitely the devil of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!

"Meet Lord Quicksand!"

"Meet the Great Sages of Quicksand!"

"I'll wait to see the Great Sand Demon!"



The remaining six and the rest of the eight dead ancestors saw the gray-robed old man who appeared, and instantly showed a happy look, and then paid a homage to the gray-robed old man!


The old man in gray robe nodded lightly, and then stared at Chen Zheng!


Said nothing!

The tower of the old man in the gray robe appears!

"Five-way Tower!"

"The fifth ancestor!"

"This is the most terrible creature I have ever seen in my life!"

Outside the killing ground, the creatures in this world exclaimed again, because the gray-robed old man who appeared at the moment was the highest creature he had ever seen! Of course, in their eyes at this moment, Chen Zheng can no longer be divided by the general spiritual realm!

Then the question is coming!

What is the result of the quicksand great demon against Chen Zu!

After exclaiming, there is silence!

Everyone is waiting!

Waiting for the next battle!

"Unfortunately, you can't learn the master's method. If you learn it, I can give you the power to surpass that situation in half a step in a short time."

Fang's voice sounded in the small bones' mind at the moment.

"Of course I can't compare with the master. I'm just a dinosaur on the earth for tens of millions of years. My greatest luck is to meet the master. No matter how strong or weak the master is, no matter what the master becomes, I have only one master. "

The little bone spirit responded.

"Five-way Tower...I don't know if I can slap to death..."

The demon whispered.

"Wait and see."

The bone carving is extremely rare.

"Chen Zu..."

On the side of the colorless sea creatures below, Princess Sakura beside Chu Hongyi yelled.

"It is also the Nine Changes of the God and Demon. Why is the uncle so powerful? Is it because of the qualitative change of the Ninth Change of the God and Demon or the reason of the uncle itself... It should be the reason of the uncle itself... , I want to be a mixed salty fish waiting to die with Uncle, but Uncle doesn’t seem to agree..."

Chu Hongyi whispered.

"The ninth change..."

On the side of Emperor Demon Mountain, Emperor Xuanxie also whispered. He glanced at Empress Chan You. He knew that Emperor Chan You should be the same as what he thought. Strong enough to be unbelievable.



The Great Sand Sacrificial Rite of Quicksand lifted the five-fold tower!

Generally speaking!

Daozu will melt the magic weapon of life and Tao Tower together!

So the tower is its strongest magic weapon!

The same is true of Quicksand!

At this moment he directly sacrificed the strongest blow!


"The Fifth Battle of Daozu!"

"My mother, I never expected to see this kind of fighting between creatures of this level, this life should be worth it!"

"No! This life is not worth it. Let me understand today that the ancestor of the ancestor is not the pinnacle of spiritual practice, and the Taoist ancestor is not the end of spiritual practice. There is no real immortality, there is no strongest, only stronger!"

"Chen Zu shot!"

this moment!

All beings held their breath again!



With one palm down!

Boom on the five-fold tower of the Great Sand Demon of Quicksand!

No extra tricks!

This is pure power struggle!


Just collided!

The sound of cracking sounded!

"Do not!"

Next second!

Just listen to a sharp howl!


The Great Sand Demon burst!

This great holy demon burst into blood mist in the air!




Completely defeated!


The blood mist is gone!

The wind is blowing!

Quicksand Great Sacred Spirit completely disappeared!


All beings are silent!

At this moment, almost looking at Chen Zheng, looking at Chen Zheng standing in front of the killing land, looking at the back of Chen Zheng's vast demon body. In their eyes, this vast demon body became the most terrible demon in the world!

So strong!

very scary!

Dao ancestor of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!

Even the Great Demon was slapped to death by a slap!


The fifth ancestor!

That quicksand is the fifth ancestor!

But he couldn't even take a slap!

The most critical point!

Before Chen Zu exhibited the ninth change of the gods and demons, only Jinxian mana was Xiu Wei didn't even reach Daojun, this Nima is too scary!

"This script... is completely reversed...I thought he had to go through the barriers, and it would take a lot of hard work to destroy the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, not even destroying the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect. Heaven Smiting Devil Sect Great Emperor exploded, a Yuanshen escaped to hide and rebuild by plug-in for a while, and then came back to revenge, but this is not the case at all, it turns out that this Chen Zu is the ultimate devil... It was not him, but the guys from the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect...I thought I was the protagonist, and now I know that I am wrong. With this big devil, I will never be the protagonist... ."

Among the people who came to Wumo, the young man who had spoken his hometown subconsciously just now whispered his hometown again!

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