Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1796: The queen is in trouble

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"This seat...but Liu Tianshou!"

The old man growled again!


After this roar!

The old man is directly destroyed!


The look of the white shirt youth and the Liu family changed, and his legs were all soft and kneeled!

"There are things that can't be done to seek Gong Lingsu. Gong Lingsu can't do it. Xuan Yu Dynasty Master should be able to do it."

Chen Zheng didn't look at Liu's family, he said a few words, turned around and stepped out, and disappeared instantly.

"Brother Chen!"

Qi Hao froze for a moment, and quickly chased out, but there is still a figure of Chen Zheng.


Cloud world.

Fairy Dynasty of the Feathers.

"Jiang Li...from the world of vain...Chen Zu said you would come to Yunjie to find me and said that I could contact him, but he forgot, I couldn't contact him at all . But Princess Yushuang is about to cross the robbery recently. This robbery is a bit unusual. He should be able to calculate that he should return to Yunjie before Princess Yushuang crosses the robbery."

Yuhuang Fengfei looked at the woman who claimed to be Jiang Hua, and said softly.

"Chaotic realm... It is a place similar to Taixu, but it is more cruel than Taixu, because the chaotic realm can only go in and out of the chaotic realm. Don't think about coming out again. If Chen Zu wants to bring it in the future Ms. Jiang went to the chaotic realm, and Her Royal Highness might also be able to follow along."

The spirit of the Xutian Holy Pilgrimage thought for a while.

"Chaotic realm.........and wait until the teacher comes to Yunjie."

Xu Yushuang nodded her head gently. She used to be a princess of Xu Tian Sheng Dynasty. She once helped her to build a holy court for Xu Tian Sheng Lord, let Xu Tian Xian Chao fly to the land outside the domain, but then Xu Tian Sheng Zhao was wiped away by a terrible creature. go with. She was reincarnated in this life as the Shinto world princess princess, and later suffered a terrible robbery. The entire Shinto world was destroyed and degenerated into a **** ruin.

Now reborn, we are going to usher in Taoist ancestry, but she once practised the princess of the celestial dynasty, and also practiced the complete secret method of "Honghuang Baodian" left by Chen Zheng, but feels that this robbery is also a nine-death life!


What is she staring at!

"Gang Hua understands."

In the hall, Jiang Hua bowed his head and replied.



Above the Xian Dynasty of the Feathers!

Suddenly there was a thunder shake!

The dome of the Imperial Palace became nothing and transparent!

Everyone raised their heads and looked towards the sky!

This frown is slightly faint!

Because of the flash of thunder above the sky dome!

Connect a word at that instant!


There is death without death!


Big dark sky.

Land of killing.

Heaven Smiting Demon Palace at the top of Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain.

"Yan Luo... The slave-servant Yin Suwan politely meets her master, who is very cute!"

Yin Suwan looked at the master Chen Zu had chosen for herself, giggled and gave a salute.

"Master? Why does the pretty sister call me Master?"

Yan Luo blinked. Since she was accepted as the third disciple by Chen Zheng, she basically stayed in the open land of Taotu to practice, and was summoned at this moment. Except for Master, the rest seemed to be strangers. All feel novel.


Yin Suwan looked towards Chen Zheng.

"Your girl, anyway, Yin girl will be right with you later, you ask so much to do."

Little bone casually said.

"Huh? This sister seems to know Yan Luo, this sister seems to be a special race, and this sister seems to have a familiar breath?"

Yan Luo looked over. At this moment, the small bone was in the form of a metal man. The little girl glanced at it and found it very novel.

"I am your bone... aunt!"

The small metal eyes flashed brightly.

"Sister Bone? Wow! Why is Sister Bone so magical after it's transformed!"

Yan Luo's figure flashed and disappeared directly in place. Next moment, he appeared beside the small bone. He looked at the small bone curiously around the small bone.

"I'm not a monkey, what do you girl mean by looking at me like this."

The small bone frowned slightly.

"The detached body... This seems to directly ignore the arbitrary movement of the Avenue of Time and Space..."

If the dingdong cat is thinking about it, others in the hall may not see anything, but it sees something. This disciple of Chen Zu was just not easy to move. The girl’s body was not restricted by the Avenue of Time and Space. In other words, you can basically ignore the imprisonment of time and space in the Great Reincarnation.


There is a word called immunity!

This girl is immune to time and space!

of course!

Not absolutely immune!

It is the avenue of time and space within the Great Reincarnation!


This is hard to believe!

Because Dingdang Cat has even a half-step detached body!

But it can't do like a little girl to ignore the time and space avenue in the Hongmeng universe!

"The detached body..."

Yin Gu is also there. After all, he is the seventh ancestor of Taoism. He heard something from Ding Dang Cat's painting at this moment, and he was extremely shocked. He thought of a place outside the territory, that is, the Taicang Holy Ruins outside the territory, which was a forbidden place. It is said that he could never get out of the deepest part of the Yuan Ruin, even if the half-step era Yuanba was mainly imprisoned in it.


In front of me, can this little girl from Yanluo walk in and out of the deepest part of Yuanxu at will!

"Youyou Chen Chen!"


A woman's voice came from outside the land of killing!


Jingle cat and pubic bone looked out!

"Come in."

Chen Zheng responded lightly.

Yin Gu heard this sentence, unraveled the enchantment of the killing land, and applied a secret method to build a road bridge, leading directly to the killing land. After counting the interest, a woman was drawn by Daoqiao, it was Suyou. Su Youyou is the emissary of the Holy Beast White Tiger, Empress of Yunluo Emperor Palace, and the three masters of life, Dai Qisi, as well as the daughter of the sword **** Su Tianjun, the Supreme Master of Hongmeng.

"The little demon girl hasn't seen for a long time, and she has become pretty again."

Xiao Gu has seen Su Youyou more than once. At this moment, she glanced at Su Youyou and said with a smile.

"Huh? This is...small bones?" Su Youyou felt a little stunned. She felt a familiar breath, recognized the small bones, her eyes flickered in horror, and her heart was secretly not thinking that this had passed. In less than two years, the small bones that hadn't even reached the magical realm had already become a powerful monk in the world of thousands.

"You girl is much smarter than Yan I know that I can recognize people by their breath."

Xiao bone nodded.

"Who is this beautiful sister? Master, how can you know so many beautiful sisters?"

Yanluo looked at it and asked curiously.

"Yun Luo something?"

Chen Zheng did not respond, but looked at Su Youyou casually asked.

"The queen of the demon queen fell into nine reincarnations in just one month, and now is the ninth reincarnation. Emperor Yunluo is collapsing. Youyou have consulted Master Baihu and Dai Qisi. There is no solution. Chen Zu!"

Su Youyou focuses on her head.

"Samsara? In a short period of time, you have been caught in samsara for a long time. Every time before you heard it, you broke free. The demon queen in your mouth should be a very special race." The tinkling cat heard it, and the metal eyes moved. Secretly sent a message to Chen Zheng: "I remember Chen Zu, my former master also seems to have this disease!"

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