Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1840: Rampage

Chapter 1837 Rampage (two more)

"Master, there seems to be a lot of guys hiding underneath!"

The little purple creature sniffed again, staring at the dark ground!

"Dragon and Demon Clan."

Chen Zheng chuckled and grabbed the ground with his hand. The dragon and demons who had been hiding in a special underground space didn't react, and they all appeared on the ground one by one!


"It's over!"


The dragon and demon clan returned, and exclaimed and screamed one by one!

"That... he's just a Daojun, we don't have to be afraid of him. The idiom cup bow and snake shadow that I just remembered seems like nothing wrong. Our dragon and demon family is indeed a bit of a cup bow and snake shadow... .."

The dragon demons who used to recite the sayings in the underground to ease the atmosphere whispered.

"Humph! Do you think that the annihilated dragon is gone, and you are safe? You are all garbage, the annihilated dragon, you are too lazy to look at you. Now you have run out of your own, and it just happened to swallow the delusion of this seat! "


A cold hum rang!

In the dark mist on the right!

A huge murderous creature with a horse and a dog head came out step by step!

A ghost-faced man stood on the back of this murderous creature!

The ghost-faced man's face is terrible!

"The ghost of one of the nine generals of the Dragon of Oblivion!"


"The daft beast can even swallow the ancestors. Let's run away!"

The dragon and demon family shivered, and they screamed and screamed again, yelling to escape, but found that they could not move at all, and they could only look at the horse and the head of the murderous creature with horror!

I thought this time it was going to be completely over, they suddenly heard a snap of fingers, and then saw that Desperate Hope Beast and that Demon Destroyer disappeared!


The wind blows!



The collective of dragon and demon tremble collectively!

What happened to Nima!

Who killed the ghost and the crazy beast!

Could it be that Daojun who doesn't know his origin?


Ghosts are half-walking ancestors!

The nine weakest men under the annihilation dragon are ghosts!

But even the weakest is also a half-track ancestor!

How can a Daojun kill the half-step Daozu silently?

"Dragon Demon? How dare you have courage. It seems that you also have the blood of Demon Dragon. Why is it that your courage is not as good as a mouse compared with Sister Zhengyue?"

The purple animal's brow furrowed across the dragon and demon clan.


Dragon and Demon Clan Forced!

First month?

Who is the first month?

See the reaction of this little beast!

Could it be that Daojun killed the ghost!

"Your Excellency is really a dragon and a phoenix, a hero of all ages, no one out of all, nothing but an arrogance...

The dragon and demons like young people who are proverbial. At the moment, when they have thoughts in their hearts, they bite their teeth and start to pat!

"Nine Tribulation Demon Grotto... Heavenly God Light... Oblivion Dragon... Stone Man Emperor Palace..." Chen Zheng glanced over and instantly knew the Netherworld What happened in the world recently, then said with a chuckle: "It seems that no one can escape, maybe the rest of the world has also changed, so is this means Hongmeng's means? It seems not."


What means of humility?

This young Daojun seems to have only glanced at the young man of the tribe to know what happened in the Underworld!


The guy in the tribe is the pinnacle of the road!

How could this young Daojun search soul with a glance!

The dragon and demons were shocked, and the flat-footed guy also widened his eyes. He secretly said that he must have guessed correctly, and he was the first one in the family to dare to guess so. The ghost was really killed by this human race brother!

"The corpse fairy...I self-proclaimed the area of ​​the corpse fairy temple...It seems that none of the old things in the Nine Tribulation Demon Cave have seen me."

Chen Zheng thought of something and laughed again.

"That... Your Excellency knows Lord Lord?"

The elders of the Dragon Demon clan quickly asked.


He just asked!

In the dark mist!

One shot at a time!


That's Jianmang!

That is a magic sword!


"It's over!"

"This is one of the three sword demon among the nine generals under the annihilation dragon!"

The dragon and demons once again showed a terrifying look!


In the dark mist, a cold hum came out, and a black shadow appeared on his sword!



This is the moment!

There was a ringing finger again!

That stepped sword revealed the streamer sword demon that seemed to control the look of heaven and earth!

In one breath!

Fly to smoke!


The magic sword fell to the ground!


The dragon and demon clan dumbfounded, screaming at the trough and trough in their hearts, and died a half-walking ancestor, and another nine generals, and any nine generals of Nima can threaten the realm, if the realm is not able to connect with the nether world, I was afraid that the Nine Congress will be taken down!

But now!

It takes less than half a scent of incense!

Nine generals under the annihilation dragon will die two!


In fear, the dragon and demons suddenly looked towards Chen Zheng. When they saw Chen Zheng's right hand falling slowly, his throats slammed wildly, and he didn't know what to say for a while!

It was just a guess before!

At this moment, I saw it with my own eyes!

It was really this young man who wiped out ghosts and streamer sword demons!

It seems that I just snapped my fingers!

"Your Excellency is truly a hero..."

The dragon and demons guys were ready to slap their **** again, only to say a few words, their face was changed, because the four figures arrived at once, and at the moment they surrounded the dragon and demons in the air!

"Flying Sword Demon!"

"Bronze Sorcerer!"

"Dead Dragon Horse!"

"Fun Xianmu Puppet!"



The dragon and demon family recognized these four figures!

These four figures also belong to the nine generals under the Dragon of Oblivion!

And any one is more powerful than a ghost!

Among them, the burial fairy wood puppet also hurt Master Jie!

This Nima!

How come four at a time!

Shouldn't these guys be outside the corpse palace?

"Er wait for the ants, some people can kill the ghosts and streamers, ER wait for the ants seem to hide a powerful magic weapon, then let this seat today..."

Sword and Devil opening like a bronze man!



He smiled!

He fell into ashes!


The dragon and demons are terrified!

The other three generals also showed surprise!


Listen to the sound of destruction again!

The Flying Sword Demon and Corpse Dragon Horse also turned into ashes on the spot!

The only four generals left are the female fairy burial puppets!


She froze in the air!

Because she did not perceive any mana fluctuations!

But the other three generals are gone!


The eyes of the Dragon and Demonic once again stared at Chen Zheng, seeing that Chen Zheng did not show any signs of hands-on, but at this moment they all decided a little! There is nothing wrong with this, it is definitely this young man who wiped out the three generals including the corpse dragon horse!

In less than one joss stick time, he has wiped out five of the nine generals under the annihilation dragon!

"Buried the fairy puppet, cherish the **** tree, but it can be planted in front of the Purple Emperor Palace."

Chen Zheng looked at the buried Xianmu puppet for a few moments and smiled faintly.


Burial Immortal Puppet was shocked, although he could not believe that the human race Daojun had killed the corpse dragon horse, etc., but he had to believe at this moment, because looking at this son’s double pupils, his own extraordinary supernatural powers seemed to be erased. !

(End of this chapter)

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