Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1843: How can you stop Chen Zu?

Chapter 1840 How Can You Stop Chen Zu?


Chen Zheng easily wipe it!

An enchantment envelops the corpse fairy palace for ten miles!


He took another trick!

The eight treasure buoy towers stand outside the enchantment!


Within the enchantment!

The dragon and demon clan saw the eight floating towers suddenly showing shock!

A little puzzled at the moment!

Why should this treasure be placed outside the enchantment!

The tyranny of the creatures in the Nine Tribulation Demon Cave!

"I will not go to the Nine Tribulation Devil's Cave. Wait for them to come to the Corpse Immortal Hall. The Corpse Immortal Ji and I will go to the Underground Palace. The female wives, Xiangliu, the ghost king and the burial immortals should be kept in the Corpse Immortal Hall."

Chen Zheng glanced at the direction of Jiubao Demon Grotto, said casually, and took the corpse fairy out of the enchantment.

"Master, and me?"

The purple beast suddenly recovered and shouted quickly.

"You swallow the broken avenue within the enchantment."

The purple beast got a response.



Chen Zheng left less than three breaths away!

There was a loud noise outside the enchantment!

Xiangliu and Ghost King, who were left behind in the enchantment, looked at it. They all glared. It seemed to be... It seemed to be a devil in the Nine Tribulation Demon Caves, and it seemed to be a half-walking ancestor. !


It's just that the half-walking ancestors tried to forcibly break the barrier!

But the enchantment did not even fluctuate under the loud noise!

And the half-walk ancestor directly exploded into blood mist!

"Shard of Avenue!"

As soon as the eyes of the purple beast lit up, it swallowed the fragments of the avenue left after the fall of the half-track ancestor!


"What a terrible enchantment!"

"We just need to wait for the son to come back. The devil in the enchantment of the Nine Tribulation Devil's Cave must not be broken, and this enchantment still has terrible anti-trauma magic power!"

The dragon and demon clan showed surprise!


Just showing the color of surprise, the face immediately sank!

Because outside the enchantment!

Seven or eight figures appeared in an instant!

And the seven or eight figures seemed to be stronger than the annihilated dragon!


This is not the strongest devil in the Nine Tribulation Cave!

The strongest demon has not yet appeared!


Shizui Palace.

In a valley a hundred miles northwest of the corpse hall.

This valley is a land of law.

Even if the corpse fairy is the master of the Underworld, it is no different from mortals.

"The stone clan... and the ancient creatures that were resurrected under the Nine Tribulation Demon Cave should belong to the same era. Liuying has a stone clan lineage, can freely enter and exit the clan, and get the most powerful of the clan. Inheritance, the power of Liuying should be able to suppress the creatures in the Nine Tribulation Devil's Cave, but I can't reach her."

Corpse Immortal glanced into the valley, lowering his voice.

"Go in and you will know."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly and plunged into the valley. As soon as he entered the valley, the two's mana disappeared out of thin air. There was no difference at this moment from mortals. Corpse fairy Ji frowned slightly, although he knew that the ban had no effect on the boss, but the feeling of losing mana was really not very comfortable.

"Underground blockade, please come back!"

Before the two reached the entrance of the underground palace, a low voice sounded!

"Man? No! This is the voice of an old man!"

Corpse fairy Ji frowned again.

In the past year or so, there should be only one pair of Liuying in the underground palace. Could it be that the remnant soul left by a strong man of the ancient stone clan has awakened, or is there a living ancient stone clan entering the underground palace?


Chen Zheng only smiled, and raised his right hand to seal the side facing the entrance of the underground palace. The seal opened in a boom, and a stone step leading to the ground surfaced.


A low voice sounded instantly, and it seemed that no one could open the entrance of the underground palace without any mana under the state of legal prohibition!

"If you are a stone clan, don't stop my boss in order to stream fireflies."

The corpse fairy Ji whispered.

"is it!"


The low voice becomes cold!


The brutal force of the unusual avenue deep inside the stone steps leading to the ground burst out!


Corpse fairy Ji frowned!


Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and he was too lazy to let it go, letting the extraordinary ferocious force come, step by step toward the underground palace! And when the brutal force hit him, it was as if the same drop of water fell in the sea, and was instantly assimilated by the sea!


Corpse Fairy froze for a moment, then smiled, and secretly said that he didn't have to worry at all. The boss's body was invincible at all. Although this invincibility is passive and invincible, it is also an invincibility.


Silence in the palace!

Another brutal force just burst out!

"It's still weak."

With a faint smile on his face, Chen was still too lazy to lift his hands. The brutal force hit him again. The result was no different from the previous one, and he was absorbed and assimilated in an instant.

"Your Excellency, don't bother anymore. If you have Taoist ancestors, then look carefully, you can see the special body of my boss."

Corpse fairy gently shook his head.

"You... don't destroy the flesh!" There was a brief silence, and a startled voice sounded in the underground palace: "However, no matter how special your flesh is, you can't get in..."


Diya Stone Gate opens directly!

The voice in the underground palace suddenly fell silent!

It didn't seem that Chen Zheng opened the stone gate of Digong with just a touch!


The corpse fairy looked towards the depths of the underground palace and saw a figure, that is, Chen Zheng asked her to bring her back to the netherworld's Liuying, which is the king of the stone people of the stranger world!

Underground Palace!

Liuying has been crystallized!

At this moment it is like a crystal sculpture hanging in the air!

Around her body!

A series of transparent shackles linked to the vertical and horizontal as if to lock her dead!



The call of Corpse Fairy Ji seemed to have alarmed the transparent shackles, and one of the shackles suddenly turned into a white torrent and hit here!

"The yoke of the era is triggered, even if you have an immortal body, you are finished!"

The indifferent and ruthless voice sounded, still the same voice just now, but this time there was a phantom that appeared to be a primordial spirit, looking like an old man, staring at Chen Zheng with cold eyes at this moment!



When the white torrent transformed by the transparent shackles rushed to the place before Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng appeared with transparent yoke, and the white torrent suddenly froze!


Chen Zheng's transparent yoke surged wildly!

A counterattack!

Instantly swallowed the white torrent!

Corpse Xianji and the old ghost image have not yet reacted!

The transparent shackles on Chen Zheng's body rushed out with only one face, the transparent shackles that locked the flow firefly to all were swallowed!



The transparent yoke is crazy again!

Then all of a sudden slammed into Chen Zheng's body!

"The method is wrong."

Between the old man's ghost and shadow, Chen Zheng shook his head gently, raised his hand to the crystalized streamer, and only heard a clatter, that layer of crystal shattered!

(End of this chapter)

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