Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1858: Just ignore me

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"Who is coming!"

"Huh? Lord Jiuli, don't you know the rules of Houtu Imperial City!"


The three Daolong are pressed down from the sky!


Jiuli Prefecture's master frowned!

"Huh! Lord Jiuli, you know that the rules of the Houtu Imperial City dare to break the rules, even if you are the master of Jiuli, you will have to be punished! That is a coincidence, Feng Tianmingzun is in charge of the punishment of the underworld, and I am a disciple of the penalty palace. , You honestly come to be punished! Girl Fu Chan and several others, you also broke the rules of the Emperor City of the Emperor, you also have to be punished! Girl Fu, you are a disciple of the stranger landlord, went to Jiuli for a while Time, have you forgotten even these rules!"

A black armor monk came by riding an ancient beast, first swept across Chen Zheng, and then stared at the Jiulifu master, then stared at Fu Chan, and a strange sneer flashed in his eyes!

"Feng Yixiu!"

When Fu Chan saw the black armor, he looked cold!

"Old Ancestor Realm..."

At this time Chen Zheng glanced at the black armor monk with a soft smile.

"Huh?" The black armor monk stared at Chen Zheng, and after looking at it for a while, he showed a disdainful look: "You are a Daojun, do you look down upon me as an ancestral monk? Young man, if you are not If you have a problem with your head, you don’t want to live! But how can I also be an identity person, killing you a little Daojun loses his share, so you can rest assured that I will not kill you, and I will only send you into the Emperor Houcheng City Take a trip to Seventh Hell!"

"Sevenfold hell!"

Fu Chan looked colder!


Chen Qiang returned a word without a wave, too lazy to look at the black armor monk again, too lazy to look at those nether dragons, and only accepted Xingcha.

"Huh? This warship is yours? It was a bit unexpected!" The black armor frowned slightly, then smiled contemptuously: "But your kid is still self-knowledge and knows to take the warship to confess guilt!"


He thought Chen Zheng was ready to plead guilty!



Fairy light flashes!

A few people wrapped in Jiuli Prefecture!

It passed through the enchantment of Houtu Imperial City in one fell swoop and fell before the giant statue in the upper part of Houtu Imperial City!



"The Lord of Jiuli is not too tyrannical. Even if there are clerics and green charms, it is impossible to break the border of the Emperor's City easily. It seems that it was not the means of the Lord of Jiuli just now. The young man's means! Wait a minute, the young man seems to be a human race! A human race, how to enter the underworld, there is no human race in the underworld!"

The black armor monk's eyes widened, and many creatures in the Emperor's Imperial City also glared!


As for those few dragons, you look at me and I look at you, and suddenly turned around and looked towards the Emperor City of Houtu.


Dao Junxiu?

Ignored the enchantment of the Houtu Imperial City?

Directly in front of the samsara?

How can this be!

Houtu Imperial City Enchantment is not the previous Houtu Imperial City Enchantment!

Now the ordinary Taoist ancestors of this enchantment can not be broken!



There was a loud noise before the huge statue!

I saw You Mang lit up!

A gloomy ancient stone beating emerged!

"Reincarnation Gu Lian!"

"He.... he, he, he invited the reincarnation Gu Lai out!"

"He is a human race, how could he invite the reincarnation of ancient reincarnations, and the reincarnation of ancient reincarnations will appear once, and the creatures who participated in the war of reincarnation within a period of incense must enter the reincarnation of ancient reincarnations, otherwise they will be eliminated! Master Tian is responsible, and the battle of reincarnation will begin tomorrow. This human race Daojun dare to do what Fengtian talents are qualified to do!"

This is an ancient one!

The creatures in the black armor monk, the dragon, and the emperor city of Houtu immediately exclaimed again!

That human race Daojun!

It’s not as simple as breaking the rules.

This is simply provoking Feng Tian Ming Zun!


No matter what means this human race Daojun used to summon the ancient samsara!

He must be crazy!




In all kinds of exclamations, hundreds of Yumang glanced over, and after staring at the reincarnation Gu Lei, they all stared at Chen Zheng!

"Master of Nine Infants... Lord of Fengzu... Lord of Nether Dragon..."

The master of Jiuli Prefecture swept over and whispered. Among these people, there are Lords of the other realms of the Underworld. The battle of reincarnation is of great importance. All the Lords of the Realm will follow. In addition to the Lords of the majors, the major realms are selected to participate in the battle of the reincarnation. It's all there.

Obviously, no matter whether it is the main leaders or those who participated in the war of reincarnation, they did not expect that the ancient reincarnation of the reincarnation will be summoned in advance. In fact, the main leader of Jiuli did not expect this.

So next, is Chen Zu replacing Feng Tian Ming Zun to preside over the war of reincarnation?

"Go up to the moon."

Chen Zheng ignored the others, and just pointed at the little girl of Mingyue. The head of Mingyue girl didn't understand at all, and was sent directly to the reincarnation of Gu Zheng by Chen Zheng!


The thin old man, Fu Yi, was surprised. Mingyue was his granddaughter. Of course, it was a great chance for his granddaughter to participate in the war of reincarnation, but there was no mana to cultivate for now. Will the first one be too high-profile! I originally thought that Mingyue would come down as long as he boarded the reincarnation of Gu Lian, even if the first one was eliminated, it wouldn't matter, because he was also eligible to visit the Four Palaces of Houtu Imperial City!


Such arrogant creatures of Chen Zu should not harm Mingyue!

Chen Zu certainly has Chen Zu's plan to do so!

"A... little girl?"

"There is no cultivation for mana... this is the little girl elected by Jiuli to participate in the war of reincarnation?"

"Jiliu...Is it going to give up from the beginning?"

The main creatures, the rest of the realms who came to participate in the war of reincarnation, and the creatures in the emperor's city, looked at the cowardly little **** the ancient reincarnation of reincarnation, and could not help shaking his head. Some players even started to pity this little girl!

Isn't this little girl going to participate in the battle of reincarnation?

"You're fooling around!" Black Armoured Master Yixiu flew over the ancient beast at this moment, glaring at Chen Zheng fiercely, and then said coldly: "You first broke the rules of the Imperial City of the Earth, and now you want to replace Master Fengtian Host the war of reincarnation, do you think this is a play house! You will now go to the Seventh Hell for me and accept the due punishment!"


Feng Yixiu raised his hand to Chen Zheng just to catch it!


Nothing happened!

Feng Yixiu's face sank!

Chen Zhengkan didn’t even look at Feng At this moment, he set out a tea set, and he sat down in front of the giant statue and smiled slightly in the eyes of everyone: "The battle of reincarnation It's about to start, wait for the ring to go to the ring, to watch the game, just ignore me."


What does this mean!

Has he regarded the extremely sacred giant statue of Hou Tu Huangcheng as his back garden?


This is really crazy!

Does he not know who is in charge of the Imperial City of Hou Tu!

All the masters of the major palaces, the creatures from all major earth circles who participated in the war of reincarnation, and the native creatures of the Houtu Imperial City, all looked at Chen Zheng like a lunatic at this moment. In their eyes, as long as the strongman in the four halls of the Houtu Imperial City appeared , This child may be suppressed in an instant!

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