Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1873: I won't talk nonsense

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"Say so much nonsense, what do you do, you really have the means to abolish me, then come up with your means! Don't forget, Ming Feng is still in my hands!"

In the Burning Gods ship, the sound of the Burning Gods clan patriarch sounded again!


On the side of Hou Tu Imperial City, the souls of the underworld are calm, and they are very clear that they can't get in the situation at this moment, and they can only wait and see!

"Your name is Fu Yi, don't you know if you know Fu Yi."

Chen Zheng smiled, and he made a move to the Houtu Imperial City. The thin old man Fu Yi, who was in front of the Houtu Holy Palace, appeared next to Chen Zheng!


This old man?

Isn't this old man the grandfather of the reincarnated Mingyue Xianzun!

Is it related to the Burning Sky God Race!

its not right!

This old man is from Jiuli Province!

Cultivation is not even the Emperor Realm!

How could it be the people who burned the gods!

No matter how weak the adult man of the Burning Gods clan is, there is a Heavenly Emperor Realm!

Not to mention!

If this old man is a person who burns the gods!

Mrs. Honey, who burned the Celestial Clan before, could not recognize the old man!

For a while!

The spirits in the Emperor Houcheng City are full of doubts!

"Fu...Mr. Yi, who has been in Jiuli for hundreds of years, was not even Daojun before. He has become a Daojun in recent days. It should not be a person who burns the gods." ...... Besides, if it is really a person who burns the sky **** clan, it is impossible that there is no breath of the sky burning **** clan..."

On Xingcha, the master of Jiuli showed his thoughts.

"Ms. Honey appeared before the sleep of Mingyue Xianzun's reincarnation. When she appeared, she presented Mingyue Xianzun's reincarnation. Will it involve anything..."

Fu Chan remembered what had happened before, and also showed his thoughts.

"No need to guess, the master decrypted it."

The Dao Beast said casually.


The Lord Jiuli and other gods looked at it, and this happened to see Chen Zheng facing the seemingly distracted old man. After that, the old man directly became another person!

Although the cultivation base has not changed much, but the breath has changed, and there is a brand of Fire Avenue on his forehead!

Burn the gods!

This is the brand of the Burning Gods!

"..." The Burning Gods clan was stunned for a moment. I couldn't believe my eyes widened at this moment: "Former...former patriarch, are still alive!"


Former patriarch!

The skinny old man turned out to be the former chief of the Burning Gods!

What happened?

Houtu Imperial City here!

All sentient beings are stunned!

"I... I don't know... I forgot a lot, and I don't even know the Burning Gods..."

The old man shook his head for a while, showing a confused color at the moment, his breath was skyrocketing, the first second was the level of Daojun, the next second was already the ancestor, and the next second appeared the tower above the head, one after another, several blinks of time passed , The nine-fold pagoda condensed above his head!


The souls of the Emperor Houcheng stared!

The nine-fold tower!

The grandfather of Mingyue Xianzun's reincarnation turned out to be the Taoist ancestor of the Ninth Realm!



Nothing appeared before!


There was no sound in the Burning Godship!

It seems that those who burned the gods are dumbfounded!

"Hundreds of years ago... the ancestors were defeated and the flesh was destroyed. The ancestors will say that you died in the land of Taiyin to save him. Then we burned the gods and escaped from the Taixu, wandering outside the world. Only then entered the underworld! This... the former patriarch you..."

The Burning Gods strongman lowered his voice and spoke again, remembering the past of Burning Gods!

"I... have no impression..."

Fu Yi, the skinny old man, shook his head.


The Burning Gods clan opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. He only looked at Chen Zheng. He knows that this is definitely not a blind eye. The former patriarch did not change out of thin air. This is definitely the former patriarch. It seems that the current patriarch and the elders and the ancestors have concealed from the tribe.

"Er and others who burned the gods of the sky can recognize this battle."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, facing the wooden stick in the hands of the thin old man, the ordinary wooden stick suddenly lit up and suddenly burned up, and when the outer layer was burnt out, the wooden stick became a Root Red Flame God Battle!





There is a tendency to burn the sky!

"Heavenly Fire Battle, this is another holy thing of my family, even more ancient than the burning of the huge sun! Although the divine power is not as good as burning the huge sun, it can be older and more symbolic!"

The Burning Gods clan exclaimed!



A big hand was stretched out inside the Burning Godship!

The big hand is a catch for the thin old man!

this is!

This is to **** the magical battle!


The Burning Gods clan strong man saw this scene, and for a time he was ignorant, he knew who the shot was, and the shot was the elder!


Why did the elders suddenly shoot out the former patriarch's battle of heaven and fire!

The skinny old man didn't seem to have fully recovered yet. At this moment, he didn't have any intention to stop the big hand from grabbing. Chen Zheng shook his head gently, raising his hand at will, and then heard a sword sound, and a ghost sword shadow appeared!


A face-to-face!

The big hand caught towards the skinny old man was cut off!


A giant hand fell on the dark earth!

Divine blood soaked!

Instantly eroded a big pit!


Seeing this scene, the souls of the underworld shook their hearts, and the people of the Jiuli Mansion, Fu Chan, and others in the imperial city of the Emperor Tutu showed their excitement at the moment!


Another means of seeing the saint!


Sword skills!

It turns out that the holy master is still a sword repair!


This sword skill seems to be more powerful than the magical powers that have been cast before!


The big hand that fell on the earth!

There appeared a divine mark!

And the mark of the **** pattern is the **** pattern of the overlord!

So be sure!

That big hand belongs to the creature that has condensed the overlord's **** pattern!

Not an illusion!

It is the hand of the deity!

Burn the gods!

A half-step era overlord of the Burning Gods was cut by the sword of the Holy Master!

Speculate from this!

The priest can kill the overlord of the half-step era!


This is also scary!


The throat of the Burning Gods clan was agitated for a while. This moment was terrifying. At this moment, I realized that the young man in front of him could actually cut himself. The reason why he did not cut himself is probably because of the former patriarch!

"You! You! Who are you!"

Inside the Sky Burning God ship, a low roar sounded. This was not the voice of the Sky Burning God Patriarch, it was the voice of an old man!

"It doesn't matter who I am, if you don't tell the truth, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense."

Chen Zheng smiled a little, and the ghost sword shadow rose to the sky!


Just listen to the horrible tearing sound!

The huge sky-burning godship above was penetrated!


Splash of Divine Blood!



The Burning Godship is split in half from the middle!



The Burning Godship broke apart!

Two figures fell from it!

Like two fireballs, it fell on the earth below!


The underworld creatures glanced only at the The pupils shrunk one by one, only to feel an unspeakable chill, because the two figures that fell on the ground seemed to have been The figure of Yuanshen has been exterminated, and there are gods on his eyebrows!

Although only halfway!

But that's a real overlord **** pattern!

That is to say!

The holy master cut the two strongest people of the Burning Gods with one sword!

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