Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1878: Overlord's immortal body!

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Princess Yushuang!

Is this a fall!

Everyone in the Yu Palace was stunned for a while!


Princess Yushuang is gone!

"Your Highness Princess..."

Seeing the sky for nothing!

"This...doesn't sense Princess Yushuang's breath..."

The Sky Beast whispered.

"will not......"

Dao bite opened his mouth.

"Huh! Even if you are sitting in town, but under this robbery, you can't protect her, you still have powerless time after all!"

Above the sky!

Another cold hum!

A big face appeared in the thundercloud now!

Stared at the Yu Palace of the Xian Dynasty Feather!

"It's him!"

"It's him!"

Almost at the same time, the illusion of the eternal dynasty of the celestial dynasty and the observing of the heavenly beast are all yelling! Although the giant faces were only a rough outline, they were recognized at a glance!


Destroying the enemy!


How could it be forgotten!

"Jade Cream..."

Yuhuang Fengfei looked at Chen Zheng, and asked in a low voice at this moment, because she saw that Chen Zheng's expression had not changed, and there was still a faint smile on her face, then there should be room for turning, even though the robbery was an era overlord Robbery!

"Why don't you talk back? Isn't your means invincible? But who doesn't have any means! Although I lost a little thing, as long as it can hit your face, even if the magic weapon is broken, it is worth it to me!"

Giant face sneer!

"Then you are great."

Chen Zheng responded this time with a smile.


Chen Zu!

So respond!

Does it mean that Princess Yushuang still has...

In addition to Feng Fei, other people in Yu Palace heard this response in a daze, and then suddenly realized a little!


And just in the next second!

Above the Xian Dynasty of the Feathers!

Under the sky and thunderclouds!

A magic fire appeared out of thin air!

Except Shenhuo!

There is also the Feather Divine Phoenix Totem!

There are even feather patterns of feathers that Feng Fei has never seen before!

and many more!

Some **** marks appeared again!


Those ancient patterns are extremely ancient!


In the midst of everyone's suspicion, Shenhuo and Shenwen turned into a figure, this figure is the princess Yushuang who disappeared under the sky disaster before!


Princess Yushuang is back!

It looks unscathed!

"your Highness!"

Xu Changsheng shouted, and now the tears are vertical and horizontal!

"Resurrected...Can I be resurrected even under the era of hegemony?"

Guan Tianbei asked blankly.


Yu Fei Feng Fei's eyes were also full of surprises. At the moment, two words were spoken. She remembered the story of Princess Yushuang's previous resurrection. Princess Yushuang's reincarnation in this life became the princess of the Shinto world. The Shinto world collapsed and degenerated into the ruins of the gods. The princess Yushuang only left a remnant, and Chen Zheng went to the ruins and used the remnant to turn it into The seeds were planted into the Nirvana soil, a holy place for the feather tribe.

Princess Yushuang revived on Nirvana!


Very mysterious!

Even the Yu tribe do not know how mysterious Nirvana is!

no doubt!

The scene just now was the rebirth of Princess Yushuang Nirvana!

"Impossible, the era of the overlord of the era, even if I am in its peak state, I will completely disappear from the sky and the earth. Even if she has the Nirvana Dao body, it is impossible for Nirvana to be reborn under the overthrow of the overlord of the era!"


Yuan Feng will sound!


No one ignored Yuan Feng's will!

Because of the thunder and thunder in the sky, it thundered again!

"Humph! Nirvana is born again, you can nirvana several times!"



The horror **** thunder blasted Princess Yushuang again!


In an instant!

Princess Yushuang disappeared again!


No breath at all!


The spirits in the imperial palace froze!

All sentient beings in the cloud are also stunned!

This time!

Has Princess Yushuang really fallen!



Less than ten breaths!

Shenhuo reappears!

God pattern reproduction!

Princess Yushuang Nirvana is born again!

"your Highness!"

Xu Changsheng is another surprise cry!


Dao bite blinked.

"Not right!"

The eyebrows of the heavenly beast are tightly locked. At the moment, the eyes of the two pupils flashed, and it seemed that they wanted to see through the constitution of Yushuang Princess, but it seems that there is not much special, even under the perception, even the chaotic body is not as good!


Princess Yushuang was reborn in Nirvana twice under that terrifying sky-tribulation!

"Good, come again!"

Above the sky dome, Lei Yun's condensed giant face roared grimly, and only listened to the rumbling terror horror sky bombing again!

A face-to-face!

Princess Yushuang is gone!


The creatures in the Imperial Palace of Feathers, the sentient beings in the Cloud Realm, were stunned again. Feng Fei, Dao Beast, Void Eternal Life, and Little Phoenix showed concern. Although the Feathers are descendants of the Phoenix, they can be reborn, but even the Emperor Yu Nor can Nirvana be reborn indefinitely, I don't know how Princess Yushuang can survive a few times!


Not a few times!

It is a question of whether Nirvana can be reborn this time!


Only Feng Fei and other thoughts came up!


God pattern!

Instant reproduction!

Princess Yushuang Nirvana is born again!


This time!

Xu Changsheng didn't shout!

It suddenly felt like it was caught in some reincarnation!


Above the sky dome, with a loud drink, Shenlei thundered down again, and Princess Yushuang was gone for a second!

"How many times can you nirvana, how many times can I destroy you, I don't believe that your origin can continue!"

Giant face drunk mercilessly!




God pattern!


Princess Yushuang rushed to Nirvana again!


Just Nirvana!

The horror **** thunder falls!

Princess Yushuang didn't have a second again!


Almost in the next second!

God pattern God pattern appears in seconds!

Princess Yushuang also appeared in seconds!








The creatures in the cloud world have seen repeats again and again!



Die again!

Rebirth again!

Start and end!

In the back, all beings in the cloud world are numb!


I don’t know how many times Nirvana was reborn, the giant face was roaring again, but this time Princess Yushuang did not have a second, his body actually resisted the horror of heaven!

"Lying trough!"


"Princess Yushuang is shining golden light all over her body, so sacred and majestic!"

Yuzu exclaimed!

All beings in the cloud world exclaimed!


The golden awns on Princess Yushuang's body became brighter and brighter. In the end, only the bright golden awn was left in the entire cloud world, and all the creatures in the world were invisible except the golden awn!


at last!

The golden mangoes are gone!


Princess Yushuang stands in the air!

Feng Fei and others in the Feather Palace just looked at it and showed a look of great surprise!

Because at this moment there is a very strange thought!

That is, Princess Yushuang does not seem to have much improvement!

But it is completely different from before!

It seems that even the terrible Heaven Tribulation can't move her!


Xu Changsheng's face is confused~ can only look at Chen Zheng, and the rest of the Yu Palace looks at Chen Zheng!

"The immortal body of the overlord!" Chen Zheng didn't answer, and the giant face in the sky gritted his teeth and shouted: "Fuck, you didn't deliberately shoot, you deliberately borrowed my power to make this girl an immortal body of the overlord, you count me!"

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