Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1888: I'm really not malicious to you

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"What? Fox? Why don't I know!"

The Dao Beast blinked again, looking at Chen Zheng with curiosity on his small face!

"You... who are you, you human race Daojun, how could you destroy the Litian God Ding, you know that Litian God Ding is a sacred object of the dark gold family, and Master Mengyun is dark gold. The young master of the race! You, you... You dare to make trouble in front of Shenmo Mountain, don’t you know that the strongest of the ten races of Shenmo are in Shenmo Mountain!"

At this time!

A demon trembling and shouting at Chen Zheng!

The previous prestige is gone!

At this moment there is only fear!




This is the moment!

Inside the Demon Mountain!

One figure after another!


The faces of the gods and demons such as Yin Hong have changed, because at this moment the gods and demons seem to be the weakest in the Fifth Realm. Among them, the old gods and the tall gods wearing the armor are only in terms of oppression It seems to be more tyrannical than the killing gods body welcome seen in Huaxianzong before!

"It's a little tricky..."

The monkey frowned.

"The Unbroken Ninth Realm... doesn't seem to be enough..."

Tianguan Beast glanced, and commented casually. The old demon and the tall and powerful demon wearing battle armor, although the breath released at the moment, can be said to crush all the creatures here!

But that's just appearance!

I have seen the means of Chen Zu in the underworld!

These two gods are really not enough!


Chen Zu didn't seem to mean it!

"This dark gold tribe wars to be respected first. Your Excellency is Hongmong Taishang Tian. As soon as my **** and demon mountain destroyed my holy relics, is this your intention to trigger the war between the gods and deities outside the realm and Taishang heavenly souls? !"

The tall and powerful demon in the armor of the battlefield glanced at the immobile Meng Yun lying in the big pit below. The deep double pupils stared straight at Chen Zheng, and the invisible force of the demon pressed over it invisible!



The prestige of the gods and demon had not been pressed against Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng lightly glanced at the Meng Xian who claimed to be the Dark Gold Warlord. The dark gold armor on Meng Xian's body shattered, and not only the armor shattered. , Its tall and strong body turned into powder in no time!


There is only one shocking primordial spirit!


Several young gods and demons are terrified!

"..." The old demon who looked indistinguishable from the human race looked dark, staring at Chen Zheng several times and lowering his voice: "Your Excellency has such terrible means, but you disguise yourself as a Tao Jun, it's a bit too much!"

"Forcing? Old man, you are wrong. My master really only has the power of Daojun, otherwise the glance just now is not as simple as making this warlord's flesh obliterate!"

Dao bite hum!

"Teacher... Some are so strong that the disciples are desperate..."

The monkey was also stunned for a while, and then a long sigh. I thought I had resolved the disaster, and I just happened to be released by the God of Heaven. I passed the Taoist robber and became the Taoist ancestor. I have already caught up with the teacher's tail.


at the moment!

It seems that there is more than one difference!

Now even if you become a Taoist ancestor, you can compare with Taojun's mana teacher!

It is also far away from the 33rd heaven!


Yin Hong, Yin Jia, and other gods and demons abandoned their families. At this moment, they thought of the scene they saw in front of the gate of Huaxianzong Mountain. At this moment, they secretly rejoiced. They were in the burial pit of gods and demons. Get started!

In the words of the monkey, Chen Zu's strength is indeed desperate! The most important point is that Chen Zu has only Daojun's mana right now, but he can destroy the body of the dark Jinzun Zhanzun at a glance. This is really terrifying!

"Really... Daojun..." The old demon was stunned for a while, took a deep breath, and stared at Chen Zheng several times, lowering his voice again, said: "Lao Tuo Tian The clan elder chief Qian Limu, I don’t know what happened to you when you came to the **** and demon mountain. If you are to challenge the **** and demon ten clan, then my **** and demon ten clan confess! Even if all the clan is killed in battle, you should prevent your lord from stepping into the mountain of gods and demons!"

"In this world, only the dark gold clan warlord who died in battle!"

Meng Xianyuan Shen Shen shouted!

The rest of the young gods shivered!

"Don't be nervous, I don't have much malice towards you. I just sensed the monkey's breath and came here to find the monkey. It just happened to see that the young people of your Devil Ten Clan took that mouth...Li Tianshending bullied the monkey , I think it’s unfair, so I changed it into fairness. Now that the monkey has won your young master of the Dark Gold tribe, how can I go all out, after all, after all, we should be relatives.”

Chen Zheng smiled slightly at the old demon.



The old demon dumbfounded!

The rest of the gods are also dumbfounded!

Oh shit!

Who is your relative!

Scolded one by one in my heart!

But I only dare to scold in my heart!


The monkey touched his head a little bit embarrassed!

"Since the old gentleman is the old patriarch of the Tuotian clan, let me give a kiss to the monkey. The monkey and the Tuotian clan princess did not know each other, and later fell in love with each other. Today we are parents. Now that I have met, I think we should all abandon some stereotypes and give the junior a chance. As for the gift-giving, this one can be regarded as one."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly again, and said that he grabbed the lower part of his hand, and the Litian God Ding, which turned into dust, was instantly reshaped. The Ju Ding became humanoid, and flew up with a bang, suspended in front of the old demon!

This moment!

The faces of the dark gold tribe Mengxian and Zunyuan God are green!

Oh shit!

You ruined my family's holy thing!

Now remodeling my clan relic!

It doesn't matter how bad you are!

You now give my clan sacred object as a gift to Tuotian Clan!

Do you really regard my dark gold family as air!

My dark gold tribe has a great deity!


Several young gods are dumbfounded again!

"This... wouldn't it be too bad..."

The monkey froze for a moment, lowering his voice.

"Uh... the previous Litian God tripod is broken and no longer exists, that is to say, the dark gold tribe's Litian God tripod is gone. Now this divine tripod is the divine tripod remastered by the owner is different from the previous Shending, so this is not a holy thing of the Dark Gold tribe, this is the master's thing, I think this is no problem as a gift, do you think this is the reason?"

The Dao Bite thought for a moment, and said very seriously.


Monkeys, celestial beasts, gods and demons, old gods and demons, etc. have nothing to say!

"Qianyin little girl I met once in the world of Xianwu. That girl I also like very much. Don’t get me wrong. I like the elders to the juniors, so I’m going to raise the relatives for the monkeys. The gift is definitely indispensable." Chen He smiled again and shoved two fairy lights into the eyebrows of the old **** demon: "One secret method, one vein, how does the old gentleman feel."


Everyone showed curiosity, wondering what secret method and context it was!

The old demon was stunned for a moment, and then stared at Chen Zheng in horror!

" Your Excellency... Who is your Excellency!"

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