Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1896: There must be a smile to see the courage of all beings in the world!

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!

That guy used to be stronger!

But now Daojun's mana can't be compared to that of that year!

Lord Lord does not have to behave like this younger brother!


Meng Xian sighed!

"Also...Is there any hope..."

The soul of Meng soul spirit trembles!

"I'm afraid it's gone..."

Meng Xianyuan God responded!

"..." Meng Soul Yuan Shen was shaking again, and the source of the **** suspended with the power of Yuan Shen almost fell to the ground. He took a deep breath in secret, and there must be a chance!


The deity of the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons is just reminiscing with that guy!

The deity of the ten deities of the gods and demons thought that this guy was the one in his memory!

Just immersed in the past for a while!

Wait for Lord Lord to wake up!

Then Lord Lord will definitely make the most prepared choice!

God source!

This piece of **** source is very important to the half-step era overlord!

Trust your judgment!


Just wait!


The rest are waiting!


Several hours have passed!

"It seems as if I have lived another life. Brother Chen's drunken dreams are absolutely dead, but unfortunately it seems that after all, it seems that the girl in my dream can't be found."

The deity ten-clan saint opened his eyes and gave a soft sigh.


Chen Zheng thought of it, and smiled. In front of him, the girl in the mouth of the ten deities of the gods and deities was probably just wishful thinking that she was a girl. It was not a girl who entered the temple of forging with him.

"Sovereign Lord, this is the intention of the Lord God of Killing!"


Meng soul gritted his teeth!

He thinks this is an opportunity!

The wine is awake!

wake up!

Lord Lord must have really woken up!


The rest of the hall, staring subconsciously at the moment, are waiting for the Lord to respond!

"The ancestral dragon dynasty kills the **** white... hum!" The sage whispered, Meng soul nodded with a flattering smile, but when the sage snorted suddenly, Meng soul's spirit trembles and said badly, Subconsciously speak!


He opened his mouth!

The Divine Source in front of him was captured by the Lord!

"I want this **** source. You take the eleven sons of Zulong Emperor and roll back to Zulong Holy Pilgrimage. I will say that I will visit Zulong Holy Court in the next day and try his sword to kill God!"

When the Lord raised his hand, Meng Soul Yuanshen and the sleeping eleven prince were directly sent out of the God Demon Hall, and sent out the God Demon Mountain!


When Mengxian saw this scene, Yuanshen shuddered, and he wanted to say something. He suddenly reacted and lowered his head!

"Kill the **** white... this guy sounds like a bit powerful..."

The Road Beast whispered.

"That was the first person under Zulong Emperor, the general who commanded the Zulong Holy Army. It is said that he had never lost a battle in his life, and Ao Shi's sword was even more terrible. Its combat power should not be under Zulong Emperor, but The lord of the ancestor of the Emperor Wuzu was unable to be a lord of the dynasty. When I was still in the ninth realm, I fought once outside the land of God's Origin. Although it was a tie, I was not easy. The obtained Shenyuan was robbed. He should now have the era overlord power, deliberately let people bring Shenyuan, it reminds me of the things that year, and wants me to succumb, but his arrogance is strong once again, as long as it is not In the real situation of the era era overlord, it will not cut me!"

The Lord glanced at the Daoist Beast and chuckled lightly.

"Kill the God..."

"It turns out that this source of God is the source of God that the **** of killing robbed from the Lord......."

"The **** of killing is clearly not taking Lord Lord's eyes in his eyes. Does he think he is invincible! Although the Zulong dynasty is vaguely the first dynasty outside the territory, the history of the Zulong dynasty is only two thousand years. Can people sanction his ancestor Dragon Emperor and God of Destruction!"

The strong voice of the ten clan voices!

"Ancestral Dragon Zulu... Recently, there seems to be another terrifying formation mage, it is said that it will link the ancient formations outside the entire territory..."

The old demon whispered.

"The **** of killing is white... Ao Shi's sword... Speaking of that, he is an elder of my disciple. Find a time to try his Ao Shi."

Chen Zheng smiled.


"This Chen... Senior knows Kill God?"

"Senior disciple Chen..."

A group of gods and demons looked over!

"Brother Chen's disciple... That must be an extraordinary genius." The Lord also looked at it, but the focus was different from the rest of the devil. He focused on Chen Zheng's disciple.

"It is indeed an extraordinary genius. It is not a problem that her arrogance will be stronger than the killing arrogance."

Chen Zheng nodded with a smile.

"Female disciple?"

The Supreme heard something and frowned at Chen Zheng for a while.

"Is there anything wrong with the female disciple?"

Dao bite asked curiously.

"Ah... there's no problem." Sheng Zun returned a sentence, and then looked at Chen Zheng again: "Brother Chen is coming to the demon mountain today, so I don't need to say anything, I'm all inclusive By the way, Brother Chen, the younger brother has been comprehending your posture of looking at the world on the seat of the God of Creation in those years. I don’t know if Brother Chen can pass the words of Shen Yun..."

"What do you think of this monkey and the Qianyin saint of your ten deities, Tuotian clan?

Chen Zheng didn't answer, but pointed to the monkey and smiled and asked the Lord.

"Huh? Qianyin? I know something about that girl, saying that I am interested in a monkey in the heavens. That monkey is him? This red cape is quite handsome. Manner, although the talents of the mixed four monkeys are common, but this monkey has the image of Qitian, and it is Brother Chen’s monkey. I agree with Qianyin’s girl and this monkey! Of course, if this monkey has other elders or the like, you can also invite them all. When his elders come, you can do things!"

The Lord looked at the monkey, glanced through the monkey's details, and nodded.

"Thanks... Lord!"

When the monkey heard it, he showed joy, and it was a ritual to the Lord.


When Meng first heard it, the Yuanshen with his head down became extremely ugly, but in the end there was only a secret sigh.

This splash monkey!

That means relying on a good teacher!

"Then it's so settled, I'll call Bodhi, monkey, you call your brother and sister, as for Jin Chanzi."

Chen Zheng also nodded.

"This...these brothers and sisters may not be able to call, as for Jin Chanzi...I don't know if I can get out of the pure land...Lingshan is not the same as before Lingshan, I will try my best."

When the monkey heard it, his face sank slightly.

"Call it if you can call The Lord doesn't care about this. He looked at the monkey and looked at Chen Zheng. Although he didn't say anything, he didn't need to open his eyes. Chen Zheng knew what the Lord was thinking at the moment.

"The so-called Shen Yun is actually very simple. In your memory, I was sitting on the seat of forging God to examine the posture of the world. In order to reveal that Shen Yun invisible, it only needs a little bit, that is, you have to smile and see the spirit of the beings of the world."

Chen Zheng thought for a moment and gave the Lord an answer in a very calm tone.


The horror was stunned!

Then there was a bitter smile!

No wonder!

No wonder you haven't realized Shen Yun!

I can't even laugh at all beings!

I can't reach my state of mind!

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