Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1899: it is mine

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This night!

In addition to the monkeys and Qianyin sleeping soundly in the enclave cave!

The rest of the ten deities, especially the Dark Gold Clan, are afraid that they cannot sleep!

Inside the Supreme Demon Hall.

The Bodhi Taoist took a sip of Taoism tea and talked about some things that happened in the Heavenly Heaven recently. This time he mentioned Men's Imperial City and said that there was a Holy Emperor's Heavenly Dragon coming to Men's Imperial City.

"Holy Emperor Heavenly Dragon...Oh."

Chen Zheng only chuckled.

"I always feel that this time the source of the Heavenly Heaven is released. It’s not that simple. It may not only be related to the Heavenly Dao Palace. It’s just that she is guarding the Heavenly Dao Palace. I can’t think of this world except Chen Zu and Jiu Tian. Who can hold her." The Bodhi Taoist thought about it, and suddenly thought a little, and quickly said: "By Chen Zu, Kunlun Immortal Palace has left the lower realm of the earth, it seems to be outside the domain, but not in the three majors. The territory of the pilgrimage seems to be in that chaotic zone."

"I feel it, but don’t worry about it. She has gradually recovered the lost power. The extraterrestrial era overlord body will not come, and no one can hurt her. When her fairy palace turns into a holy court, one party will be destroyed at that time. The pilgrimage is not impossible."

Chen Zheng nodded gently.


The **** and deity ten clan saints closed their eyes while tasting tea. Hearing this sentence at the moment, they opened their eyes at once, the color of curiosity flashed by! There are three major dynasties outside the territory, the Taicang dynasty is the oldest, the Zulong dynasty is the youngest, and the Ziji dynasty is on the corner. If you want to destroy any of these three dynasties, the ten deities of the gods and demons can’t do it!

However, the sacred Venerable is very clear. The lowest difficulty should be the Ziji pilgrimage. Although the pilgrimage of the sacred pole has its heritage, it is also older than the ancestral dragon ancestor. Of course, it is rumored that there is a hidden race behind the purple pole pilgrimage, but I am afraid that it can't beat Zulongdi!

If you destroy the Purple Pole dynasty and you want to destroy the remaining two sacred dynasties, then the Zulong sacred dynasty is better to start with. The Taicang sacred dynasty has too deep heritage. Recognized as the most mysterious and terrifying Yuanxu outside the realm!

Although the Taicang royal family has nothing to do with the Yuanxu, it is only that the Yuanxu is in the territory of the Taicang Holy Dynasty, and it intimidates all the Taoism outside the region invisible!

and so!

If you really want to destroy a pilgrimage!

Purple pole pilgrimage is the best choice!

of course!

If you choose it yourself!

If you have the strength to destroy a party!

That is definitely the ancestral dragon ancestor!

Emperor Zulong expanded too fast these years!

I even want to win the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons!

"Destroy one side of the pilgrimage... eh? There are some changes in Taishangtian, Bodhi will go back to Taishen first."

Bodhi Taoist whispered, but his brow was slightly wrinkled, and then a slight ceremony disappeared.


The Daoist Beast yawned. It was a little sleepy. It was not interested in what the world was like. It was interested in good-looking and delicious things.

"Too heaven... After a while, too heaven is afraid to become the same as Taixu."

The Lord said with emotion.

Once there was a demon under his seat who wanted to invade Taishen, and sent a million demon servants to find the way. One million devil was killed by the monkey with a stick. Later, the demon secretly went to Taishang and stayed for three breaths. When time is running out, he is pinched to death by a big hand!

"too horrible!"

I still remember the thoughts passed back before the death of the gods and demons. I didn’t understand it before, but now I understand that there are very few creatures in the heaven, and even one hand can count them, or even only one or two!

That kind of creature was the situation when Brother Chen, who had destroyed the temple of fortune, was at his peak!

Master of Heavenly Palace!

The legendary Master of Heavenly Palace!

Should be in the same situation as Brother Chen's peak!


This world!

There are very few who really know the strength of the Master of the Heavenly Palace!

If it weren't for the gods and gods under his own hands, he went to heaven to test his life!

In your own eyes, the Supreme Master of the Heavenly Dao Palace is at most the half-step era hegemony level!

The changes in Taishang recently must have something to do with the Master of Heavenly Palace!

"Too high..."

The Lord opened his mouth and wanted to mention the Master of Heavenly Dao Palace. Just after the three words of Heaven, he just moved his gaze and stared toward the northwest pole of the God Demon Mountain!


this moment!

God and Demon Mountain Shock!


More than the **** and demon mountain shock!

It seems that the whole region is shocking!

"What it is!"

The Lord only glanced, his pupils changed for a while, and he was shocked!

"Lying trough! What is that stuff, how can it feel more terrifying than the gods who wiped out my race!"

Guan Tian Beast also swept the past, Shen Nian instantly perceived his complexion!

"That's...that's the master!"

The bite beasts were all dozing off a little bit at the moment, and at the moment the mind read a sense and immediately got a spirit!


The sacred Venerable and the Celestial Beast were shocked!

I didn't understand this sentence for a while!

"it is mine."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly, and the words fell, and the person was no longer in the Hall of Gods and Demons!


The brow frowned and looked at the Dao Biting Beast!

"Quick! Chasing past! The dark shadows that come outside the domain are called terrible. That thing is terrible, and the master can't kill it, because the thing is the master. The master will be beaten once the mana is met, but the master also needs that thing. Break some invisible shackles in the body! The last time I met this guy in the abyss of the Sifang Jue, the wrong is not necessarily this guy, because there is more than one evil! But this extreme evil is likely to be encountered by the master in the past. One of the most evil!"

Dao bite said a lot in one breath!


After hearing this, the Lord and the Celestial Beast were still confused, but the Lord said nothing, cast a secret method, and disappeared silently with the two beasts!


Outside the domain!

Great demon mountain!

The three pilgrimage creatures!

Almost all creatures are staring in one direction!

And that direction is the northwest sky dome of Ziji Shengzhao!

At this moment, there is a horror shadow in the northwest sky dome of the purple pole pilgrimage!

The invisible coercion makes the souls of the purple pole dynasty despair!

"That's Mount Sanming!"

"Shengming Mountain has an ancient Taoist Shengming Sect. Although it is hidden in the world, it is very important, because there is one of the five major robbery in the territory!"

"Did the coming creature come for the five big eyes!"

"How does that thing feel at least at the level of the era dominance, is it not to say that this kind of creature can only stay in the Taixu, can't it come out at all, and it is impossible to fall outside the territory!"

"This... there are always exceptions to everything. This terrible creature comes here to rob the eyes. Is it to release the eyes! If this is the case, then we will bear the brunt of the purple pole holy prince, fearing that it will be finished!"

Within the territory of the Purple Pole Pilgrimage ~ ~ the creatures whispered!

"Your Majesty, that creature is at least an epoch overlord, not a will avatar or the like, but a terrible murderous creature with real epoch overlord power! Your majesty can't go on, your majesty may not come back!"

In the Purple Ji Santing, an old man kneeling on the ground is also full of trembling in his voice!


The Lord of the Purple Pole was wearing a golden mask, and at the moment Shen Sheng spoke, but only a word was spoken, and the body suddenly shuddered, and the exposed pupils stared straight!

"Lying trough!"

"Who is that!"

"Look, look, a young man appeared above Shengming Mountain, seems to be a Daojun! A Daojun lying in the trough... is he dead?"

next moment!

The spirits of the Purple Ji Sheng Shouted!

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