Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1901: Don't you feel blushing?

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"The master's mana has finally returned to Heaven Emperor Realm!"

Dao Beast surprise cry!

"Heaven Emperor Realm... Mana is restored... So just now this Daoist took advantage of the terrible blow of the terrible creature to break some seals and shackles in the body...just Would it be too dangerous..."

One person was stunned for a long time, and he talked, and the other Taoists were also a little stunned. I thought that this young man was specifically to help Shengming Mountain suppress the eye-robbing, and he did not hesitate to block the world-shattering blow, but it seemed that he was so passionate for others...



It is a fact that this young man saved Mount Sanming!


The young man's body is too strong!

It was unharmed under the blow of the World Extermination!

Although the mana was dispelled by a palm just now!

But at this moment, the mana that swallowed the murderous power of the eye robbery was instantly restored to the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

All this should be in this young man's plan!

If you wait for someone to have this anti-natural flesh!

It should have been able to completely destroy the eye-catcher under the Shengming Mountain!

"Emperor Realm...It's not easy. The last time I thought that I had completely opened the Emperor Realm Shackles, I didn't expect it to be a little worse. This time it was completely opened, and I also opened some of the Quasi-Saint Shackles, just If you want to completely open the Quasi-Saint Shackles, you still have to find that thing to give it a full blow! Alas, my path to restoring mana is too difficult!"

Chen Zheng got up and said with emotion.


A few Taoists were silent, and for a moment did not know what to say!

"It's too difficult, it's too difficult. It's really difficult for the master to restore the mana. No one outside these territories, no one can take over the thing just now. Oh, the master needs to be beaten in order to restore the cultivation. It's really difficult difficult!"

The bite beast nodded again and again.


Divine Deity Venerable, Lord of the Purple Ji Sheng, and several Taoists remained silent again!

"How can it be so difficult..."

Watching the beast reveals doubt.

"St. Mingzong's Taoist friends are not afraid, this seat is here!"

This is also the time!

A rather loud voice rang above the Shengming Mountain!


Then a figure fell down!

"Huh? Jin Zun also has the **** demon sacred deity of God Mountain, Jin Zun is the master of Ziji pilgrimage. I am not surprised that you have a Taicang pilgrimage between you and God Jishan pilgrimage. Why did you come to Shengming Mountain, did you know the origin of the terrible creatures that came to Shengming Mountain just now?" On the ground was a middle-aged man in a luxurious robe with a **** pattern more luxurious than Jinzun's robe. At the moment, the brows of Jin Zun and Shen De Sheng Zun were slightly frowned, and then they said lightly: "You may not know that the horrible creature is my God Yuan Gong Palace Master and several elders secretly shot before pushing them back, otherwise I am afraid that the Shengming Mountain is gone, and even the eye of the robbery under the Shengming Mountain has been opened. If it is not my God Source Palace, the Purple Ji Shengzhao should be in a terrible disaster at this moment."


A few people listened!

Show a strange look!


Someone will speak.

"Is it true that Shenyuan Palace forced to retreat that terrible creature and rescued all the creatures in the territory of the Purple Ji Sheng?"

But the Divine Deity Lord took the lead and deliberately lowered his voice to ask.

Biting the beast originally opened his mouth to scold. After listening to the question of the **** and deity, he closed his mouth and watched the drama. Of course, in my heart, I was crazy to despise this guy who put gold on his face. This guy played like he believed it. This guy is really thick-skinned. Do you think it is the person who has decided to eat.

"That's of course!" The man in the robe smiled proudly, glanced at the **** deity, and then looked at several Taoists in Taoist Temple: "Breeze Taoist, this time I was instructed to come to Shengming Mountain, one is to explain the situation, but to come Help you suppress the robbery under the Shengming Mountain. You can rest assured that this time I brought the artifact that the palace master and several elders worked together to suppress the robbery. We will not waste time and go straight to suppress the robbery."


Several Taoists were silent.

"Huh? The breeze Daoren don't believe my **** garlic? My **** garlic doesn't sound elegant enough, but how can I be one of the elders of the Shenyuan Palace? Would it still deceive you? What's the benefit of deceiving you? Do you think that Shenyuan Palace will open your eyes?"

The man in the **** robe frowned slightly when he saw several Taoists silent.


Several Taoists continue to be silent!

"Jin Zun, you are the master of the Purple Ji Shengzhao, this time our Shenyuan Palace helped the Zi Ji Shengzhao such a big favor, what do you say?"

The man in the robe who claimed to be the **** of garlic looked at Jin Zun!

Jin Zun embraced his hands, the double pupils exposed under the golden mask, without any fluctuations, it seems that he did not intend to respond to this **** garlic at all!

"Huh? Jin Zun, don't you believe this seat? Huh! Could it be that the breeze Daoist blocked the terrible creature? Or do you think it was the Daojun kid who just hit the stone with an egg? Jun Jun... That Dao Jun Jun..." Shen Garizi's voice was cold, but Yu Guang suddenly noticed Chen Zheng at the corner of his eye, and stared at Chen Zheng suddenly, his face slightly changed. Then he lowered his voice and said: "You are the Daojun kid just now, you are still alive, not only alive, but also stepped into the Heaven Emperor Realm?"


Only at this moment did I really notice Chen Zheng!

When I landed just now, I didn't even look at Chen Zheng!

I thought Chen Zheng was just a junior brought by Jin Zun or Divine Deity!

In an instant!

Several thoughts flashed in the mind of God Garlic!

"Anyway, you are also the Taoist ancestor of the Ninefold Pagoda. When you tell a lie, it seems that you have believed it yourself, don't you feel blushed?"

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

"..." God Garlic's face changed for a while, and then he sneered: "You little emperor, dare to talk to this seat in this tone, are you a junior of Jin Zun or a deity of God Demon? Juniors, I will educate and educate them today!"


Its double pupil turned into ice blue!


A force of ice road rushed to Chen Zheng!


The Taoist face changed before Taoism, and he quickly shot to block the power of the Binghan Avenue!



No need for him to shoot!

The power of the Ice Cold Avenue is broken!

And God Garlic turned into ashes on the spot between the consternation!


Qingfeng Taoist was surprised!


Jin Zun's double pupils are also condensed!


Divine Deity Lord chuckled!

"Hey!" Dao bite hey swallowed the power of the broken avenue one by one, and then stared at the **** of the **** Garlic: "You are an unscrupulous thing. I don’t want to take credit for my master’s credit, but also want to do something with my master. You are really a bad thing! After your primordial spirit is broken, there will be a lot of road fragments, and the taste will definitely be very good! Hey! Hey hey!"

"You you you... Is it really you who blocked that terrible creature!"

God Garlic Child Yuan Shen was inexplicably trembling, not afraid of biting the Dao Beast, but he didn’t even know what power his body was being wiped off. He was staring at Chen Zhengyi now!

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