Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1905: It turns out that you called Huantian

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This Taoist world!

Although the God Demon Mountain looks unchanged!

But the status of the gods and demons is reversed from the real gods and demons outside!

If it was not the owner who discovered this reflection world!

The Divine Demon Lord simply cannot perceive such a world!

"What is this..."

Sacred Deity Lord whispered, his brows were tightly locked at the moment, he suddenly thought a little, if there is such a reflection world outside the whole domain, then who is the means of deployment, and the spiritual plan of this means is too big. !

Could it be!

This is Hongmeng's creative means!

Do not!


Hongmeng's creatures at that level didn't bother to use this method!

Divine Deity Lord thought of a creature, but soon shook his head, that level of creature absolutely disdain this method!


Who is it!

"Get out!"


In front of the Supreme Demon Hall in the world of reflection, the demon called Sacred Deity shouted at Chen Zheng, and it was the horror **** of the half-step era hegemony!



Chen Zheng is more casual!

Divine power is broken!

That demon is also broken!


this moment!

All the gods and devil in the reflection world stared over!

It seems to be shocked!


The divine deity in the reflection world also stared here, obviously saw the divine deity, but it was only a momentary stun, and then stared at Chen Zheng, it seems that the divine deity was not much air in his eyes. the difference!

"Brother Chen..."

Divine Deity Lord whispered, he only felt that this reflection world is getting more and more strange, and by his own means, I am afraid that this reflection world cannot be broken!

"Let's come out and see it for the first time. This is the first time I have seen the means of this reflection world. To be honest, I'm quite curious about what kind of creatures create this reflection world."

Chen Zheng smiled at the Devil Hall in the reflection world.



Only horror supernatural responds!

"It's so boring to kill, kill, and sit down, drink tea and chat."

Chen Zheng wiped it out, and the horror supernatural power was instantly destroyed, not only the horror supernatural power was destroyed, but also a terrible crack appeared in the mountain of gods and demons in this reflection world!


A strange glory!

Instant recovery as before!

"It seems a bit difficult to deal with!"

The Dao bite raised a brow!

"The world of reflection... It's strange. I seem to have heard the elders mention it. It seems that there is a way of spiritual cultivation, but I can't remember it for a while. I just vaguely remember that creature...! "

Watching the Heavenly Beast whispering, suddenly speaking in shock!


A creature came out of the **** and demon palace!

It has seen that creature!

Take the lead!

Wasn't that the big brother who had destroyed the Guantian Beast family?

In an instant!

The Sky Beast sent out an angry growl!

"This is... Era Overlord!"

Holy Demon Lord is surprised!

"Is this guy!"

Dao Beast asked in a low voice!

"These tricks can't fool me, let alone scare me. I'm too lazy to look at this real person, let alone a fake thing you made." Chen Zheng shook his head gently and wiped it away. The creatures that came out were shattered, and then they chuckled again: "You may not know who I am, but I can remind you that your secret technique is not valid for me, not just your secret technique of creation, but you All mysteries."


The words fell!

The gods and demon all disappeared in the mountain!


Divine Deity Venerable reveals strange colors, because looking at one is erased, to be honest, it feels really strange, even if you know that the devil in the reflection world is created by some creature.

"Isn't that the big brother..."

Watching the Celestial Beast whisper, the eyes blinded by the anger just now have regained clarity. At the moment, I was also afraid that the secret road was actually deceived by an illusion, and I was a little too low.

This reflection world is really weird!

I don't know what kind of creature is the creature who created this reflection world!


Between thoughts flashing, another creature came out of the demon hall!


"Isn't this Brother Chen!"

"Chen Zu...!"

Three times exclaimed, the Dao Eater, Divine Deity Venerable and the Sky Beast are all startled!


At this moment, the creature coming out of the demon palace is Chen Zheng!

Although the underlying meaning knows that it is fake!

But can't tell!

"You are too young to look at me."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently again, but this time he didn't make a shot. He only glanced at the fake that came out of the God Demon Hall, and the fake shattered.


It was also the moment when the fake was broken!

This reflection world suddenly collapsed!

"Be careful!"

Holy Demon Lord is surprised!

"Run? Ha!"

Chen Zheng smiled, facing the collapsed reflection world, and at the moment when time and space broke, a figure was forcibly pulled out!




A horror sounded!

That is a woman!

An expressionless woman!



That woman hides!


The world of reflection completely collapsed!

A flash of light!

Divine Deity Venerable, Biting Beast, and Sky Beast suddenly discovered that they and others have returned to the Supreme Demon Hall, as if everything they saw just now is a fantasy, a real fantasy that can no longer be true!


Divine Deity Venerable knew that it was not an illusory dream. The weird reflection world just existed just now, but it had already been broken, and looked at Chen Zheng at this moment.

"Master, who is that woman, why did the master let that woman go?"

Dao Dao also looked at Chen Zheng curiously.


Tianguan Beast opened his mouth and found that there was nothing to say but could only look at Chen Zheng.


Chen Zheng smiled and said two words.


Fantasy sky?

Who is that?

One person and two beasts in the palace are a little ignorant!

"You can think of her as a very special creature, or as a magic weapon, the reflection world is the creation of that magic weapon."

Chen Zheng thought for a while and then said again.

"magic weapon?"


"Could it be that... this reflection world was still created by a creature or a Taoism outside the realm?"

Suspense sounded again.

"It should be Emperor Zulong."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Emperor Zulong!"

Divine Deity Venerate looked down, to be honest, I really didn’t expect the Zulong Emperor to have such a means. If there is such a reflection world under the strong Orthodox system outside the territory, even this reflection world under the other two holy dynasties. That Zulong Emperor's means is really against the sky!


There must be terrible ambitions!

Emperor Zulong!

What the guy wants to do!

Does that guy want to become an era overlord outside the domain!

"The master... when did Zulong Emperor go out?"

Dao bite thought for a It is not difficult to destroy the Zulong dynasty, but to completely wipe out the Zulong emperor, there is a magical sky in my current mana that may not really be able to do it. Fantasy sky is not a tyrant or god, so should you put a large character in front of your name, but it is called a fantasy sky. "

Chen Zheng chuckled lightly.


Great fantasy?

What does this mean?

One person and two beasts are a little ignorant!

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