Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1909: It's too late to regret!

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This supreme sword has turned into a woman!

More than just a woman!

She seems to claim to be a child sword!



Does this mean there is a female sword!

and many more!

Zijian is so powerful!

How powerful is that female sword!



Everyone stared blankly at the sword-shaped woman!


Feitian Jianzun opened his mouth and was speechless at the moment! I have kept this sword for not less than one hundred thousand years. I have thought about waiting for the sword to wake up and have the opportunity to become the master of the sword, but I seem to have no idea about this sword! Even if you have been guarding the Tongtian Sword Tower for not less than 100,000 years, in addition to knowing that the Supreme Excalibur is more powerful than the Supreme, I really don’t know about it!

"Zijian...I really didn't expect it."

Chen Zheng looked at the woman transformed by the Excalibur and said softly.

"the host."

The woman shouted, but she just shouted, without any unnecessary words.


Chen Zheng nodded faintly, and the woman instantly turned into a sword shadow, which directly fell into Chen Zheng's eyebrows.




Is this going to leave with the supreme sword!

Everyone was shocked!


Feitian Jianzun raised a brow!

"Go? Huh! Can you go!"

The seven sons of Nie Family sneered in their hearts, shocked and shocked, but they wanted to leave with the sword, did they really regard Lang Huan Jianfu as air! The divine sword is so extraordinary, and it is only a sub-sword. Through the sub-sword, you can definitely find the mother sword. Langhuan Sword House will never let this kid go!



Just a cold hum!

That's within Langhuajian Mansion on Langhuan Mountain at a distance from Tongtianjian Tower!

A figure comes out of the light!


"Lang Huan House Lord!"

"Lang Huan Jianfu's only talker!"

Zhong Xiu recognized the coming person, subconsciously exclaimed, and then looked at Chen Zheng, secretly said that if this kid did not worship Lang Huan Jianfu, this kid could not go!

Even if you have entered Langhuan Sword Mansion, you might not have gone!

Lang Huan Jianfu definitely wants to ask the whereabouts of the mother sword through the child sword!

"House Lord..."

Feitian Jianzun's expression changed for a while, lowering his voice.

"Jun Zun needless to say, this son does not have any idea to join our Lang Huan Sword House, then the supreme divine sword is better to recycle. If the Jian Zun can't make it, then I am the owner of the Lang Huan House. ."

The lord of the Lang Lang House seemed to know what the Flying Sword Sovereign wanted to say, directly interrupting the Flying Sword Sovereign, and a sword world emerged instantly, covering this piece and isolating the outside world!


Seeing this scene, the seven sons of the Upper Clan family sneered again. Although the master of the Langmao Palace was not as good as the Flying Sword Sovereign, it was not much worse. There was no suspense next. The kid was going to be erased, as for the Supreme God The sword will also be taken back by Langhuan Sword House!

I didn't even draw the hole card before I entered the Sky Sword Tower. I thought that the Excalibur wouldn't let myself use that hole card, but now I saw the power of the Excalibur with my own eyes, plus the Excalibur can be turned into a stunning woman, Then it is not impossible to use the cards that can only be used once!


Yuan Feihong's eyebrows were tightly locked. At this moment, his thoughts flashed quickly, and he was considering whether to shoot! He is not an opponent of Lang Huan House Lord, but Uncle Haoran is here, Uncle Haoran can take himself away with that guy for the first time!


Look at that guy!

It doesn't seem to take Lang Huan Fu seriously at all!

"Your sword world is fairly good, but I advise you not to give me a sword, you will regret it."

Chen Zheng gave a light glance to the Lord of Lang Huan House.


What is this nonsense!

This guy is really crazy!

Crowds were stunned!

"Sorry? It's up to you?"

The main face of Lang Huan's face was cold, and with a little effort, the power of killing surged, turning into a sword shadow and instantly killing Chen Zheng's head! This is to directly destroy Chen Zheng and take back the supreme sword!

"Uncle Haoran!"

this moment!

Yuan Feihong's thoughts moved!


The middle-aged man beside him nodded secretly!

"Why didn't that guy hide..."

"Did he give up?"

"It should be given up, although the look does not matter, but the difference in strength is too large... Um? Lying! Lying! Lying! I am dazzled!"

The onlookers saw Chen Zheng staying where he was, and looked like he had given up his resistance, but when the sword shadow transformed by that killing force hit Chen Zheng, he rebounded instantly!


A blink of an eye!

The master of Langhuan Palace was penetrated by Jianying!

Cultivators are dumbfounded!

The Lord of Lang Huan was dumbfounded!


Seven sons of the gods of the Cang Ni family exclaimed with wide eyes!

"Do you regret it?"

Chen Zheng looked at the dumbfounded Lord Lang Lang, and asked only softly.


Lang Huan Man advocated opening his mouth, and with a sudden throat agitation, the expression in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and then the flesh came down from the air!


The main body of Lang Huan House fell to the ground!

Although there is life in the flesh!

But its primordial spirit no longer exists!


All the practitioners subconsciously stepped back!

"You old man, his mind is not bad, and he will take charge of this Langhuan sword house in the future."

Chen Zheng didn't look at the body of Lang Huan Mansion on the ground. He glanced at the awkward Feitian Jianzun, shook his head gently, and disappeared after stepping out.


"Lang Huan House Lord fell!"

"Oh my god, the Lord of Lang Huan Palace has fallen, and the Lord of Lang Huan Palace has been killed, but how did the Lord of Lang Huan Palace die!"

After a brief silence!

The Cultivators have come back to God!

Look at the corpse of Lang Huan Mansion on the ground!

A horrified sword rang out!

"That young man... has a terrible sword body, and the lord died of his sword skills!"

Fei Tian Jianzun pondered for a moment, Shen Sheng said!


"What sword body!"

"Lang Huan House Lord died of his sword skill? Lying! It means that Lang Huan House Lord used the sword skill to wipe out the young man. The sword skill was rebounded, and then killed Lang Huan House Lord himself! This... .... How is it possible, how could there be such a sword body, if there is such a sword body, wouldn’t that guy be the natural enemy of sword repair between heaven and earth!"


I can't believe it!

At this moment, Cultivation Crazy shook his head!

too crazy!


How could there be such a sword body!

"Wait! Prince Feihong's son is gone!"

"Huh? Is Mr. Feihong associated with that young man? Is that young man related to Yuan's family?"

"This... it seems that the Cangni's family and the Yuan family have recently contested because of the control of a **** mountain..."

Someone suddenly noticed the disappearance of Yuan Feihong and the middle-aged people around immediately exclaimed, and the others swept over, revealing their doubts one by one, and then all stared at the seven sons of Nijia!

"For today, I will sue the elders of the clan! Uncle Yun was cut, this is also a hatred, the people of my Ni family will not be cut off in vain!"

Qi Gongzi took a deep breath and gritted his teeth in a cold voice!


Fei Tian Jian Zun frowned, and could only sigh in his heart. The dispute between the Nie Family and Yuan Family was no longer able to interfere with Lang Huan Sword House, not to mention that the young man in the Heavenly Emperor Realm had the legendary peerless sword body I'm afraid it's more mysterious than what Xiu Xiong imagined at the moment!

Even the Cangni's family may not be able to cut the young man!

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