Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1921: Just ask you if you dare to fight!

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Yixiangxiang time passed!

The entire Taicang Holy City was silent for a long time!

However, Taicang Shengting still has no response!


"Holy Lord..."

"How can this be......"

The creatures in the Imperial City are dumbfounded!


For the first time ever!

Some people dare to question the Lord Taicang in the Taicang Holy City!

But the Lord Taicang did not respond!

As if it was a loss!

This is more dream than dreaming!


at last!

The Holy Court responded!


Not a response!

But the Holy Court's divine light can't see the Holy Court!

This scene!

The creatures in the Imperial City are even more dumbfounded!

Is the Holy Court hidden by God!

Does this mean that you will no longer intervene in the dispute between Niigata and Yuanjia!


Then question who the Lord's creature is!

In a word, Lord Taicang retreated!

"Since this... then I have nothing to say about Nine Nine Tribulation. From today on, Nie's family and the person who beheaded my second brother will never die!"

After a moment of silence, the voice of Nine Nine Tribulation sounded again!

"Don't stop dying, just come to an end today."

In the backyard of Yuan Mansion, Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and the light voice flew out!


Today is a break!

The spirits and spirits of the imperial city are all trembling!

"You... there is a species, but your Excalibur has run out of power. You no longer urge this sword to lose its Divine Prestige. You are not your opponent! This seat gives you half a month to raise Sword, half a month later, just before the Holy Emperor Sect outside Taicang Imperial City, you and I will die!"

The voice of Nine Nine Tribulation responded quickly!


No war today!

It's about half a month later!

"Half a month is too long, choosing a day is better than hitting a day, just today. You and I are determined to live and die, and you still consider it for me, you are really graceful. But you don't have to consider it for me, although I am a sword. My third brother exhausted my strength, but since I have a child sword, then guess whether the mother sword is in my hand. War or no war, you give a positive answer, don’t procrastinate like a mother. I’ll just ask you one question, dare you fight today."

In the backyard of Yuan Mansion, Chen Zheng's light fluttering sound again!

"You! Sure enough, the third brother also fell on your hands!"

Niu Jiujiao's voice also responded instantly, and it could be heard that it was already full of anger!

"Don't you want to avenge your two brothers today? Your two brothers, both of them condensed the dominance of the overlord, and also professed themselves as the gods, but they are the top creatures outside the domain. A half-step era overlord, is your anger not strong enough!"

The sound of Chen Zhengqing fluttering again!

"Hum! Half a month later, before the Holy Emperor Sect, a life and death is decided! In this half month, this seat will not start the Yuan family! As for the Yuan family monks in the Yuan Mansion, you killed all!"

Nie Jiujiao snorted coldly. After snorting coldly, the white light flashed from Niehari's direction and disappeared!


"Nine Nine Tribulation chose to avoid war today... lying on the trough, who are the creatures in Yuan Fu, and forced Nine Nine Tribulation not to dare to fight today, but dragged on half a month later!"

"What I saw and heard today is so subversive to my perception!"

The main forces of the imperial city saw that Nijia's family also disappeared like Taicang Holy Court, opening their mouths one by one!

"Wood Commander... that voice seems to be the one before..."

On the side of the city wall, a sanctuary whispered!


Commander Mu looked at Yuan Fu's direction and did not respond!




In front of Yuanfu's backyard!

Those Nirvana monks kneeled one by one!

At the moment, he dropped his head like a lost soul!

Because they heard very clearly just now!

They were directly abandoned by the ancestors of Niigata!


Yuan Tianshu opened his mouth, and to be honest, he hadn't recovered a bit. He just felt like he had experienced an illusion dream, an illusion dream he might have thought about, but he dared not do it at all!

As for Yuan Feihong, etc., the worship at this moment is extremely looking at Chen Zheng. Once the Lord of Taicang, such a pilgrimage party, in their eyes is the absolute supreme **** outside the realm!



That supreme image collapsed!


Holy Lord Taicang has some concessions!


Biting the beast sighed, some eyes greeted Chen Chen's pocket, Jianying had already flew back, and gave the stone eggs in Chen Zheng's pocket all of the devoured Nirvana Yuan's flesh and the power in Yuanshen!

at this point!

Dao bite is very greedy!


I am just the second spiritual pet of the owner!

The status is not as good as the elder sister!

Not to mention that it is compared with the creature in the stone egg who calls his master to call his father!

Even the status of the elder sister Zhengyue is not as good as that little doll who calls her master to be dad!

Think of it this way!

The bite-eater's instant thought reached his eyes and stared at the abandoned monks of the Nirvana family in the courtyard!

Among these guys!

There are also a few Daozu!

"Niejia is the strongest and dare not fight. I am afraid that he will plan something with Taicang."

Chen Zheng looked back and said casually.

"Ah?" Yuan Tianshu froze, his body shocked to reveal a sudden enlightenment, he took a deep breath, first respectfully respected Chen Zhenggong, then raised his head to lower his voice and said: "Chen... .. Chen Zu casually guessed that if he was afraid of Niijiu Tribulation's character, whoever cut his second and third brothers would surely avenge his revenge in the shortest possible time. Moreover, Niijiu Tribulation had already controlled far more than half a century. The power of the overlord. However, the Holy Lord concealed the Holy Court, Nirvana Jiu found an excuse not to fight, and also concealed the Nirvana family, which should have been planned with the Holy Lord long ago. In the next half month, I should go to Yuanxu."



"This... this is dead!"

The land of Yuan Family is horrified!

Yuan Feihong, Yuan Kai's elders, and middle-aged Haoran also looked tight at the moment!


No matter which place is terrible outside the domain!

For example, where the five big eye-catchers are!

But it's actually not worth mentioning compared to Yuanxu!



It is the strangest place in the world deep in the Yuan Ruins!

What's inside!

What kind of creature is the Lord of Yuan Ruin!

Everything is a mystery!

"Yuanxu...The Lord Taicang is quite brave."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously.


Yuan Tianshu, Yuan Feihong, Yuan Kai, etc. saw Chen Zheng's expression, and all of them suddenly shuddered in their hearts, and it wouldn't be that Chen Zu was related to Yuan Ruin, even Chen Zu was the Lord of Yuan Ruin!


It seems wrong!

But Yuan Feihong shook his head because he remembered very clearly that when he first saw Chen Zu's home in Shacheng Duan, he seemed to have lost even the power of Xuan Xian!

Chen Zu should not be the master of Yuanxu!


Chen Zu must know what is in the Yuan Ruins!

"..." took a deep breath, Yuan Tianshu did not hold back after all, lowered his head and lowered his voice and asked: "Chen Zu...... What is there in the depths of Yuan Ru... ..."


Chen Zheng returned two words.




Yuan Tianshu and other instant dumbfounded!

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