Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1927: Somewhat familiar

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The Kingdom of the Shark People is silent!


On the bizarre warship, the middle-aged man with the crescent moon pattern robe suddenly knelt before breaking this silence!


The Emperor Lian and the old man of the squad were suddenly awake at this moment, and all of them subconsciously stepped back, hoping to escape directly from the kingdom of the squad at this moment!

Lotus roll sky!

Elder of the Luna family!

Maybe the name is not loud!

Emperor Lian and the old sharks knew very well!

Lotus roll sky is the most top level monk of the Moon God family!


That lotus roll sky was cut by a sword!

"Master, these avenue fragments..."

The Daoist Beast's eyes light up. The stone egg in the pocket of the master of the underworld did not swallow those highway fragments for the first time. Isn't it already that he can't look down on this level of road fragments, if the little master can't look down on those roads Wouldn’t the fragment be yours!

"Swallow it."

Chen Zheng nodded faintly, the sword of the mother of the sword turned into a ghost, and he disappeared into him.

Zijian was obtained by him in Tongtianjian Tower before. At that time, Feitianjianzun and others guessed that there was a female sword. You can even find the female sword through the subsword. In fact, the female sword is Chen Zheng’s first sword in heaven and earth. The combination of two swords, even if the strength of the cultivation is not enough, can urge the killing of the half-step era overlord of the level of the lotus. Of course, it is impossible to urge indefinitely, and there are still restrictions.

However, once the child sword and the mother sword are raised for a period of time, even if they are separated, they can easily cut the half-step era overlord with the child sword. If you keep the swords together after a period of time, you may not be able to kill the era overlord, which can seriously hurt the era overlord of the general state, such as the lowest-level era overlord like Shengtiandao.


Dao bite smiled, swallowed the piece of avenue left after the fall of Lian Juantian.


On the bizarre warship, the kneeling middle-aged man's throat agitated for a while. He could not accept it anyway. The top elders in the clan were destroyed by a single face, and there was no chance for Yuanshen to break free!

Elder lotus roll sky!

That is the creature who is in the top 100 of this vast world!

There is only the patriarch left on the same level as the elders of the moon **** family and elder lotus roll sky!

The thought flashed in my heart, the middle-aged man stared at Chen Zheng, trembling and said: " know, our Moon God family... our Moon Moon God's ancestor Moon God, It’s an unbroken creature that spans several eras, it’s a... a true era overlord, and it’s still a creature that has been awarded the title of the most ancient Taoist mountain in Taixu!"


only hope!

The name of Luna can scare that kid!



Chen Zhengdu was too lazy to look at the middle-aged man. At the moment, a stroke appeared, and a burst of the figure emerged. The floating Taixu boundary figure poured into the figure at once, corresponding to the vacant piece in the figure. , Fill a gap at this moment!


Bright light!

The vast and fascinating scene emerged from the array!

"This, this..."

"Which realm is this, how is it so huge, and how does it feel more than ten times larger than the outside world!"

"This is Taixu!"

The Emperor Liandi of the squad, etc., just glanced at it, and it was all kinds of exclamation!


On the bizarre warship, the middle-aged man of the Moon God family showed a terrifying color at this moment, because he saw eight Taixu Kingdom maps, and the array of figures was inlaid with eight Taixu Kingdom maps!


Eight Taixujie maps!

What concept is this Nima!

How could this young man have eight Taixujie maps alone!

"Eight Planes of Taixu Kingdom..."

Rao is a celestial beast. He has followed Chen Zheng for a while. He has seen Chen Zheng have many terrible methods, but at the moment he saw eight Taixujie maps, and he was stunned. He was really shocked and shocked. Blank!

Chen Zu!

One person has already got eight Taixujie maps!

This is too exaggerated!

The terrifying creatures in the Taixu, the supreme true demon, the eternal dragon, the Taixuan Taihuang, the Lord of the Taiyin, etc., those terrifying creatures, they are afraid that they will not get one piece!

and many more!

Those horrible creatures dare not dare to come out of Taixu!

And the Taixujie map burst into 13 pieces at once, and all flew out of Taixu!

Think so!

It seems less exaggerated!


It's just that although it's not so exaggerated to think about it, but at the moment, I looked at the eight Taixujie maps with my own eyes. This Nima feels very exaggerated!

Watching the beast is very ignorant!

"Eight yuan... still five yuan short." Chen Zheng glanced at the array and took it away. Under the complex eyes of everyone, he looked at Shenlian. In a flash, it was as if the gestating will was saying hello to him.

"You have absorbed the power of the Eternal Land, and have grown for at least the Eleventh Century, but you have not been able to transform. Do you want to wait for another era to transform?"

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.


The glory of the magic lotus!

It seems to be responding to Chen Zheng!

"Huh? Do you want to be detached as soon as you transform? Oh little thing, you are thinking about fart eating, you don't have enough time, because after this period there will be no real thirteenth period, so you are still honest. In the Eternal Land, strive for early transformation."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently, and planted the lotus into the previous lotus offerings.


not enough time?

What time is not enough?

The Emperor Lian Emperor and the Old Emperor Jin people thought of something, and their face changed suddenly!


At this moment, the glory of Shenlian shines again!

The sub-family of the sharks subconsciously knelt down!

At this moment the piety is extremely salute to the lotus!

"Family of shark people..." Chen Zheng swept across the crowd of shark people, Emperor Lian and the old shark people held their breath at this moment, and then Chen Zheng smiled faintly: "The undead power given to you by Shenlian, It’s not that bad, the power of the era overlord can break your immortal body, and I won’t recover this power."


"Xie Gongzi!"

"Thank you son!"

The mongolians were stunned for a while, then one by one showed their happy faces, and all worshiped Chen Zheng!

"thank you......"

I asked Chen Zheng's maiden girl before bowing his head timidly.



The middle-aged man kneeling on the singular warship suddenly gritted his secretly urged the secret method, the singular warship instantaneous nothingness and transparency to be sent directly!

"Master, this man is going to escape!"

Dao bite quickly shouted!


Chen Zheng shook his head gently, only his right hand lifted up to the strange warship that had been transparent, and then sounded like the destruction of the Yuanshen, and the middle-aged man kneeling on the strange warship and the warship collapsed!

"Shard of Avenue!"

As soon as the eyes of the Dao Biting Beast lit up, they rushed up and swallowed the avenue fragments with their mouths open!

"Land God clan ancestor landmark... Hmm? This is the Taoist who stole the **** lotus and the Taixu Kingdom map from the Moon God clan. Isn't this the owner of our Zixiao Palace? Wait, this It doesn't seem to be the owner of Zixiao Palace."

Chen Zheng grabbed it and grabbed the beacon for a while. Without him searching the soul, the bite beast passed the memory of the swallowed road fragments directly to his Yuanshen, and he saw a somewhat familiar figure.

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