Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1931: Who! Who! Who!

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This Nima!

It seems that the deputy lord of the lawlessness was really cut!

Did that young man really do it!

This seems impossible!

How could a young man in Heavenly Realm be able to succumb to the deputy patriarch of the lawless sect!

"Are you sure Lord Wuze!"

Someone took a deep breath and asked!

"Yes, that's Lord Wuze. The identity token hangs around his waist. The identity token is a powerful weapon, it can't be wrong!"

Someone responded in a low voice!

"Magic implement... who... who has the courage to dare to take that implement!"

Someone asked again!

"Fuck! Don't die!"

Someone scolded in an instant!

This scolding awakened a lot of tempting monks. Those monks hit a spirit and suddenly remembered that there was a sword in the eyebrow of Lord Wuze. No one knows the owner of the sword!

Act now!

I'm afraid I really don't want to live!


At this time!

There is another loud noise coming from the mountain!


Also accompanied by a roar!

Then a huge phantom broke through the enchantment!


The huge phantom appeared in a flash!

"That is the lawless Sect Master!"

"Lying trough! Who is fighting the lawless Sect Master!"

"Is that the young man of Heaven Emperor Realm!"

Thousands of monks outside the enchantment widened their eyes!






One figure after another!

These monks looked up, and they were startled again, because they were all big men. Although they didn’t recognize it enough, the breath of the coming creatures was definitely a big one. At least they and others are not enough to kill others!

These tyrannical creatures should be attracted by the lawless war in the mountains!

"That's... Wuze Daoren, Wuze Daoren was even cut! The Yuanshen broke, and that sword cut his Yuanshen!"

A person riding a dragon beast wearing crimson armor glanced at the sight of the lawless deputy patriarch who was crucified on a town monument not far away, and his face sank instantly!

"Wu Ze Dao Ren!"

"Really Wuze Taoist!"

"Yuanshen is broken!"

A lot of people came to stare at it, and after looking at it, their complexion also sank!

Is it!

Isn't it a deterrent for those who have slashed Wuze Daoren not to take the Excalibur!

Are you warning the rest of the Taoist people not to interfere!

and many more!

It seems that this level of fighting!

Unless they are the strongest creatures of the top Taoism, they can't intervene!

Wu Ze Dao Ren!

Only a few days ago, the overlord **** pattern condensed!

Wuze Taoist itself stands at the top level outside the domain!

But who can think of it!

This stepped into the top level outside the domain but was cut within a few days!


Sword Sect outside the territory!

Which is the strongest!

Lang Huan Sword House?

Do not!

Not Lang Huan Mansion!

It should be the Pure World Sword Palace within the Purple Ji Shengzhao!

Could it be!

It is the master of the Jingshi Sword Palace or the great elder who is beheading!

For a while!

Countless thoughts flashed!


At this moment, some people appeared again, and attracted a lot of attention as soon as they appeared, because the one who appeared appeared in red clothes was barefooted!

"Yu girl?"

"Miss Yu?"

"It's Fairy Yu!"

A voice sounded!

"Huh? Yuya, will your Master Immortal Immortal Mother come? I remember your Master was pitted by the Lawless Sect Master. It was hoped that a complete pattern of the overlord's gods would be condensed, but after being pitted for so many years, It seems that it has not been able to condense the complete overlord **** pattern again! There are people who want to destroy the invincible sect, will you not look at your master!"

An old man wearing a purple gold robe and a divine crown stared at him and thought about asking one by one.

"This... my Master is in retreat, and should not come. If Senior Master Tianjue Shen wants to see my Master, he can go directly to the Immortal Palace."

The barefoot girl in red returned.

"Xiangong... It's too dangerous, I dare not go."

The old man shook his head gently.

"Yuyu, do you see something, tell Uncle Wang!"

The man riding the dragon beast wearing the crimson armor, the flash of light in his eyes, is also a question.

"This...I only know that the divine sword that pierced the Wuze Taoist was from the Tongtian Sword Tower of Langhuan Sword Mansion, and I also know who got the divine sword on that day, but I am not sure whether it is... ...By the way, this Excalibur seems to have changed a bit compared to before...It seems to have become a lot longer..."

Girl Yu frowned slightly.

"Lang Huan Jianfu?"

"Not the Pure World Sword Palace?"

"Tongtian Sword Tower is not as good as the Jingshi Sword Tower of Jingshi Sword Palace. How come this born sword is so terrible!"

Many people frowned again!

"Yu girl, tell me who Uncle Wang is, just tell Uncle Wang secretly!"

The eyes of the man riding the dragon beast wearing the crimson armor were secretly heard!

"This...Uncle Wang should see the man soon."

Girl Yu thought for a moment, Yuan Yuan returned.


The man riding the dragon beast slightly raised his eyebrows, but it was not unpleasant, but some accidents. Yu Yatou and herself were the ancestors of the ancestral dragon dynasty. The Yu family and the Wang family made good friends for generations. Under the door of Immortal Immortal Mother, I have always respected my elder, how can I suddenly feel that this girl has changed a little today!


It seems that there is something to worry about!

and many more!

This kind of thought is like having someone likes in the little daughter's family!


Isn't the eternal immortal mother's line too particular about forgetting love?

Only forgetfulness can live forever!

This girl shouldn't be!

The thought flashed, and the man didn't question him. His gaze was fixed on the boundless heaven bounded by the enchantment. He just looked at it, only heard a loud sound, and a figure flew out!


Not flying out!

It should be thrown out!


Everyone stared at it!

"Lying trough!"

Seeing that figure clearly, the man riding the dragon beast could not help bursting a swearing, his face was full of shock! The rest of the tyrannical creatures, such as the celestial god, also changed their face, and they were full of shock!


The person who was thrown out is the lawless Sect Master!


This has stood at the top level of the lawless ruler outside the domain at least 100,000 years ago!

At this moment, it seems to be a waste!


That figure fell to the ground!

Lie on the ground like a dog!

It seems that even the strength to get up is gone!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


The figure still raised his head, and now his hair was circulated, and Zhuang Ruo laughed wildly at the lawless mountain!


What happened?

The Sect Master of Lawlessness does not stop repairing to be abolished!

It seems that the whole person is crazy!


The Divine God Shen Sheng asked!


No one answered!

Because other people are asking at the moment!


Who is that!

Who is that?

First, the deputy lord of the lawlessness and then the lord of the lawlessness. This is the time when the incense is not in the past. The two top-level creatures outside the domain can be said to have fallen!

Who is that man!

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