Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1973: What are you talking about?

Chapter 1970 What Are You Saying? (Four more)


The fairy light flashed.

Chen Zheng followed Yu girl into the immortal palace.


"Chen Zu!"

"Chen Zu, Chen Zu, look here. I'm your little fan. Can you take a group photo with your juniors!"

As soon as Chen Zheng entered the Immortal Immortal Palace, the female disciples of the Immortal Immortal Palace were in an uproar. Not only the young female disciples, but also some deacon elders watched over, and even a deacon shouted at Chen Zheng like a little girl!

This scene!

Miss Yu was dumbfounded!

I can only sigh in my heart!

What happened in the Holy City of Taicang has spread, and the extraterrestrial spirits that have occurred in the burial pits of gods and demons are basically known. Now the extraterrestrial spirits know that there is a mysterious Chen Zu!

"Pictured...If I lack Xianshi, would I be able to develop this business? Shenying cooperation charges."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Girl Yu was slightly dumbfounded, but soon she smiled in her heart. She secretly said that although Chen Zu's shot was basically a spike, the means can be said to be extremely scary, but it was not a ruthless person.

Chen Zu... is actually pretty cute... at least for now!

"Humph! When can a man like this enter the immortal palace!"

When Miss Yu was about to lead Chen Zheng into the palace in front of the immortal light, an indifferent and ruthless voice suddenly came out of the palace. When the disciples of the immortal immortal palace heard it, they all showed surprise!


It seems that it is not the voice of the immortal mother of the palace master!

Fairy mother is retreating!

But besides the fairy!

No one should be able to enter that fairy palace!

"Master of the Second House..."

An elder thought of it a little and shouted subconsciously!


Inside the palace!

Fairy light flashes!

A woman in a palace dress appeared!

"Meet the second house master!"

A group of elders and deacons hurriedly bowed to the woman in palace dress!

Lord of the Second House?

As for those young female disciples, they are all confused, because they have never heard of a second-house master in Immortal Immortal Palace. Girl Yu was slightly stunned and paid a courtesy to the palace-dressed woman!

As the only disciple of Immortal Immortal Mother, she naturally knew that Immortal Immortal Mother had a sister, but she went to Taixu many years ago and worshipped under the gate of a strong tyrant in Taixu!


did not expect!

The Lord of the Second House will be back at this time!

"Who allowed you to take this man into the immortal palace, did you forget the rules of the immortal palace?"

The woman in palace dress glanced at Chen Zheng, and then looked indifferently at Miss Yu!

"This... this is Chen Zu."

Girl Yu lowered her voice and responded!

"Chen Zu? Huh! A man with no mana, the flesh is a little special, but what about that? The immortal immortal palace rules were set by my elder sister when she inherited the position of the lord of the palace. You killed this man and you can ward off the crime!"

Women in palace dress hum!


The elder disciples in the immortal fairy palace opened their mouths subconsciously!

Kill this man?

This is Chen Zu!

Now outside the domain!

Who dares to do anything to Chen Zu!

"Go back to the second house master, the master nephew cannot kill Chen Zu."

Miss Yu thought a little and thought back!

"Huh? Can't kill? Huh! You practiced the supreme mystery of the immortal immortal palace. Although you built the triple pagoda, how come you are also my sister's personal disciple. You don't have enough power of your own, don't you use the power of the immortal palace! "

The woman in palace dress snorted again!

"It's really impossible to kill... Chen Zu... Chen Zu came to the territory less than a month, and he has cut off the three titles of Shang Cang Ni's house, God, and abolished the Taicang Holy Pilgrimage Lord. The legendary bloodline descendant Jianxiu Aotian may be unable to destroy the heavenless sect, the Taixuan sect's annihilation, and the land of divine origin falling into the red dust. It is also the means of Chen Zu...

With a thought in her heart, girl Yu raised her head and responded with a stern expression!

"What are you talking about?"

The woman in the ceremonial dress had to sneer again, but this time she had not hummed, and the cold and ruthless expression on her face instantly turned into consternation, and she blinked for a while!

"It's true!"

"Chen Zu slashed the Nirvana of Nirvana with one sword, or the Nirvana of the Corpse. It is said that the Nirvana of the Corpse has been infinitely close to the level of the era overlord, and even has the fighting power of the level of the era overlord, but Chen Zu cut it with a sword!"

"A few days ago, above the demon mountain, Chen Zu single-handedly killed the peerless swordsman genius cultivated by Zulong Emperor! That proud sky, or the bloodline descendant of the undefeated legend, inherited the undefeated legend's eternal sword and The eternal sword skill, a sword that penetrated the territory that day, was killed by Chen Zu!"

"Chen Zu is my idol!"

"I even dreamed of Chen Zu last night!"

Young female disciples of the immortal fairy palace nodded again and again!


When a female disciple said that she still dreamed of Chen Zheng last night, the rest of the female disciples stared at it. The female disciple turned red and lowered her head to whisper: "In the dream... nothing happened in the dream... .... I just followed Chen Zu in my dream to practice sword skills..."


The woman in palace dress is ignorant!

"Chen Zu... came to Immortal Immortal Palace today to solve the problem of Master's mana vacuum period."

Miss Yu groaned a little, there was nothing on the surface, but in fact she was a little nervous. At the moment, he secretly said that he had dreamed of Chen Zu last night, and he followed Chen Zu to practice his sword skills, but Chen Zu's sword changed a lot, sometimes long and short, and he couldn't catch it.

"Solve the problem of my elder sister's mana vacuum period..." The woman in palace dress read out in a low voice, then looked at Chen Zheng deeply, and then his face returned to coldness: "That is the supreme mystery inherited by our immortal palace I haven’t shown it to my master. My master is the goddess of Wanshou Mountain and Longevity in Taixu. She is the Nine Rings Overlord who has condensed the gods of the Nine Dao overlords, and is truly immortal! My Master can’t resolve the flaws in the mystery. I don’t believe that an outsider, an outsider who is not even an era overlord, can resolve that flaw!

"Mother Longevity?"

When Chen Zheng heard it, he showed a smile instead of a smile.

"Huh? Have you heard my Master?"

The woman in palace dress is asking!

"You are in luck."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, stepped out, and passed by the woman in a palace dress, and directly entered the palace in front.



How did Chen Zu enter the main hall of the palace feel like entering his backyard!


Chen Zu can squeeze the sword to repair Aotian!

The prohibition of the palace hall will definitely not stop Chen Zu!

The disciples of the immortal immortal palace were surprised, but soon nodded in their hearts. This Chen Zu must not be treated as an ordinary monk. The means that the extraterrestrial creatures have seen before may be just the tip of the iceberg!

Miss Yu groaned slightly, glancing at the woman in the palace also sneaked in!

"What do you... say, what's my luck!"

The woman in a palace dress turned suddenly, staring at the palace hall and asked in a cold voice!


There was no response in the palace hall!

"This... Chen Zu means it should be... The Lord of the Second House worshipped under the seat of the Mother of Longevity, and Chen Zu knew the Mother of Longevity. The gesture towards Chen Zu... I am afraid... I am afraid...

An elder gritted his teeth!

"Main Palace... Main Palace..."

How could a woman in a palace dress not understand? At this moment there was a sudden ups and downs in the heart, and he entered the palace hall with a cold hum!

One chapter missing.

(End of this chapter)

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