Chapter 1972 Frightened (second more)

"Retreat, I don't mean to break your foundation."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


The **** tree slipped back to the top of the sky!


The immortal fairy, the girl Yu, and the second house master were all stunned!

God tree!

Are you so obedient?

"Hongtian Divine Mountain, Hongtian Divine Tree, Hongtian Immortal Gate, Hongtian Divine Kingdom, Hongtian Divine Realm, it is a pity that they were taken by others."

Chen Zheng looked at Shen Guo in front of him, shook his head gently and said something, then he subdued Shen Guo.



His breath soared!


What puzzles Immortal Mother and Yu Girl is that after such a momentary breath erupts, Chen Zheng still has no power under her perception!

Why is this?

This shouldn't be!

Even if Chen Zu's body is a giant pit without water, even if the power of the **** fruit is just a drop of water, even if a drop of water drops into the giant pit and can't turn over any waves, how can there be a trace of it!

Why can't Chen Zu feel any mana!

"You... what's the use of swallowing the **** fruit!"

The second house snorted!

"The mana is not obvious. After swallowing this Hongtian **** fruit, my mana has been infinitely close to the quasi-saint level."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Close to Quasi-Saint? Huh! What waste is Quasi-Saint!"

The second house snorted again!

"Close to the quasi-sacred...that is the completeness of the Heavenly Emperor Realm... I heard that Chen Zu was killed in the Holy City of Taicang's Holy Dynasty, and only the Emperor Realm's initial cultivation was... .... Now that the mana has returned to Heaven Emperor Realm's dream, is that combat power stronger?"

Girl Yu whispered, her eyes flashed in horror!

"Huh? What are you talking about? This guy was a nirvana in the early days of Heaven Emperor Realm?"

Upon hearing this, the second house changed greatly!

Although she heard the story of Chen Zhengshen Nirvana, the extinction of Taixuan, the extinction of the heaven, and so on, she thought that it was Chen Zheng, at least the ninth realm of cultivation.

Only now know!

Not indestructible in the ninth realm!

It is the early mana of Heaven Emperor Realm!


How can this be!

How could the early mana of the Heavenly Emperor Realm be able to kill Niijiu Tribe!

The Nine Nine Tribulation in the Nie Family is much stronger than his elder sister!

For a while!

The Master of the Second House was stunned!

"The power of Heavenly Emperor Realm's consummation level is very easy to pin down the creatures under the era overlord, but it is still not enough to kill the era overlord, even if it is only the lowest level of overlord."

Chen Zheng replied casually.


Miss Yu opened Zhang Xiaokou and didn't know how to respond for a while!

"Chen Zu... know the origin of the **** tree?"

The immortal mother whispered a moment after she pondered for a while. She used to see Chen Zheng sitting on the seat of the chemical fortune, and she saw the scene where the creatures of the temple shook and shivered on her knees. She won't have any doubts. At this moment, I thought of the Hongtian God Mountain and Hongtian God Realm mentioned by Chen Zheng just now, and wanted to know the origin of the God Tree.

"Hongtian Divine Mountain, Hongtian Divine Tree, and Hongtian Divine Fruit are all from Hongtian Divine Realm." Chen Zheng nodded: "Hongtian Divine should be the legacy of a certain era of destruction in the past, but it is now occupied by people. ."

"Leftovers of the past era of destruction... Occupied by someone, who occupied it?"

Miss Yu asked curiously.

"How many creatures outside the realm have heard of the fairy land."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously.

"Fairyland...Chen Zu means that Hongtian God Realm is that mysterious fairyland? The fairyland that the fairyland supremely blown... was an eternal land, a land of detachment, Is it the last place where all living things belong between heaven and earth? Isn't that... bragging? The fairy field... The fairy field is actually not as good as Taixu?"

Girl Yu was startled, and then looked surprised.


Extraterrestrial creatures basically know the fairy land!

Because there used to be an incarnation of the will who claimed to be the supremacy of the fairy land.

That incarnation of volition was invincible!


That incarnation of the will was finally defeated!

Defeat at the entrance of Yuanxu!

That Xianyu Supreme Volunteer Incarnation did not even step into the Yuan Ruin and shattered!

That battle!

Although it was a party that was crushed!

Although he didn't even see the other party's shot!

But that battle shook the outside world!

So the creatures outside the realm have heard about the immortal realm!

"Hongtian God Realm is the Immortal Realm...then the gate of immortality I saw that it the gateway to the Immortal Realm...but it seems wrong, I remember clearly At that time, the incarnation of the mighty psychic spirit in the Taixu came and wanted to enter the door of eternal life, but they all failed. Instead... Instead, I got something from the door of eternal life. My title is Come here like this."

The immortal fairy also reveals the color of thought.

"Humph! Who knows if what you said is true, maybe you want to mislead my elder sister and want to get the door to eternal life through my elder sister!"

The second house master's expression changed for a while, staring at Chen Zhengyi coldly.

"If you weren't a disciple of Mother Longevity, you wouldn't live in front of me for three breaths."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


The main face of Ninomiya sank!

"My two sisters are too straight-talking and easy to offend people. Please forgive Chen Zu!" The immortal mother stared at the Master of the Second House and gave Chen Zhengxing a courtesy to compensate him, and then sighed softly: "To Chen Zu's Means, where do I need to get the door to immortality."

"None of my masters can get the door to eternal life, and even the top era overlords in Taixu can't get the door to eternal life. I don't believe he can get the door to eternal life!"

The second house hum again!

"The door to immortality..."

This time Chen Zheng only chuckled and said that he had stepped out and stepped out of this mysterious space!

"Chen Zu!"

Immortal fairy quickly shouted and chased out!

"Huh! Sister like enchanted this guy, no matter how powerful he used to be, he is not yet able to beat the era overlord!"

The second house snorted again, and also appeared in a mysterious space!


Girl Yu opened her mouth and followed quickly!

"Chen Zu!"

Just back out of the mysterious space and returned to the palace hall, I heard a cry from the immortal immortal mother, but Chen Zheng has walked out of the palace hall!

"I don’t believe you are indifferent to the door of immortality! The elder sister must have made this kind of gesture intentionally. You want the elder sister to take him to the door of immortality. This means I can see it at a glance!"

The second house hum again!



She just hummed!

There was also a cold hum outside the palace main hall!

Not Chen Zheng!

It's a woman's voice!



"A woman flew out of Chen Zu's body!"


The Immortal Immortal Sister exclaimed!



A figure flew into the palace hall!

The immortal fairy and the girl Yu are shocked!


This is a woman!

A cold-faced woman!

"Master gives you Master face, I will not give you Master face!"

The cold-faced woman raised her hand and slap in the face of the second house master. The second house master subconsciously wanted to hide, but suddenly found that he could not move at all, only to hear a snap, there were no root bright red fingerprints on the second house master's face!

"You have a part of the inheritance of nature, and it is also regarded as the heir of nature, and nature is the way to complete your life!"

The immortal mother and the girl Yu were still a little ignorant. The cold-faced woman glanced at her, hitting a pale blue fairy light into the eyebrows of the immortal mother, and the words fell down. The cold-faced woman disappeared!


Suddenly for a moment, the immortal mother returned to her mind, and then swept out of the main palace of the palace to find someone, but Chen Zheng was no longer there!

"This...Master...Who was that..."

Miss Yu chased it asked in a low voice with surprise!

"I... what I got on the gate of immortality is the path of the incomplete life of the ninth era. The gate of immortality is said to be related to the master of the ninth era... ...She seems to be the lord of life!"

Immortal fairy is silent for a moment, and then the voice is reduced to the extreme!


Girl Yu shivered!


The second lord of the palace is also shaking!

More than a tremor!

There seems to be something dripping from the fairy skirt to the ground!

A moment of effort!

A pool of water stains appeared on the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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