Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2021: Nirvana

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The door of the magic palace suddenly opened!

This moment!

Cultivation is inexplicable!

"It's over!"


"Heiyuan Ancient Realm is over!"

The man in the black mask on the battleship retreated!



In addition to a cloudy wind blowing out of the devil palace, there was no demon head or the like flying out, and nothing happened after the blowing of the cloudy wind!


This is the moment!

Another warship came across!

Black mask!

All the creatures on the battleship also wear black masks!

One of them is extremely conspicuous, because the black mask he wears has a complete overlord **** pattern!

"Era Overlord!"

"Complete Godmark!"

"Who is this person..."

The people were surprised!

"The lord is here!"

"Mr. Lord Lord!"

"I told the master of the city, this son took the Nirvana Devil Palace in one hand, and he didn't know what method was used. At this moment, the gate of Nirvana Devil Palace has been opened. I'm waiting for it!"

The person with the black mask on the first warship paid a homage to that person!


That man is the Lord of the Black Emperor God City in this ancient abyss!


The Lord of the Black Emperor God City moved his gaze and stared at Chen Zheng. The eyes of the Black Masked Man on the second warship followed him, all staring at Chen Zheng. They didn’t seem to believe that a young man with no power could turn Nirvana from the Palace Ingest it in the land of closure!

"Young man, do you know you made a big mistake!"


Shen He, the Emperor of the Black Emperor, said in a deep voice

Cultivation is silent!

Era Overlord!

There can be nothing wrong!

This black emperor **** city relies on the mask with the complete overlord **** pattern, and has the strength of the era overlord level, and the invisible coercion is released, so that the public repairs dare not respond!

Not to mention!

There is no power right now!

at the moment!

I am afraid that only Chen Zu can respond!

"Your abyssal creatures in the ancient world are nothing more than fearing that the devil in the Nirvana Devil's Palace will come out. You don't have to worry about this. I took the devil in the Nirvana Devil's Palace and will take away the devil."

Chen Zheng was stared indifferently, his expression remained unchanged, and he only responded with a faint smile.

"You... took that devil?"

"You are too whimsical, the devil is only suppressed by the original Black Emperor. That was when the Black Emperor was at its peak, and when the Black Emperor was at its peak, it was an extremely tyrannical era overlord!"

"We are not unbelievers, but your strength makes us have to doubt!"

Black mask people shook their heads one by one!

"I can't see any power from you that can take away the devil's head in the Nirvana Devil's Palace, but if you can really take that devil out of the Black World, then I have nothing to say!"

The Lord of the Black Emperor God City thought for a moment, and said again with a deep voice!


This time Chen Zheng didn't say anything. He only raised his right hand and grabbed the Nirvana Devil's Palace. At the instant, a burst of sound sounded, and the naked eye saw a crack in the vast Nirvana Devil's Palace!


The Lord of the Black Emperor God City, etc., for a while, hadn't reacted yet, so he heard a clatter of Nirvana and the palace instantly collapsed into countless fragments!


The interior of Nirvana Demon Palace is completely present in front of all the creatures present!

There is no cover at this moment!

But actually!

The really intact thing inside Nirvana Palace is an ancient stone and a person sitting on it!


"That's... that's the legendary Ji Cangshi!"

"Ji Cangshi, does this really exist, doesn't it mean that that kind of thing doesn't exist!"

After a brief silence, the black mask exclaimed!

"This... Is Nirvana a male or a female?"

The monk behind Chen Zheng could not help but ask.

"Isn't that nonsense, I can't tell the face, look at the throat knot!"

A monk responded instantly.


Many people looked at Nirvana Devil's neck!


It is also this moment!

Nirvana, with her eyes closed, opened her eyes!



A terrorist force broke out!

Nirvana flew into the air with a bang!

The black robe on his body suddenly changed into a gorgeous palace!

this moment!

Crowd understands!

This Nirvana is a woman!


It seems that we should not pay attention to this at the moment!

This Nirvana has raised her hand, not only her hands, but the entire sky of the Black Realm has been darkened, as if she is going to destroy the world, or let this world Nirvana!


The Lord of the Black Emperor Shrine shouted at Chen Zheng suddenly, and the double pupils exposed by the other black masks stared at the nirvana above at the moment. The double pupils could not hide the horror because the black masks they had worn appeared crack!


Chen Zheng raised his head and shouted at Nirvana.


Nirvana was slightly startled, and then stared indifferently!


Will this Nirvana really be obedient?

Cultivation doubts.

"This kid is imagining illusion, maybe he is a gang with Nirvana. The lord of the city will quickly sacrifice the sacred thing left by the black emperor to suppress Nirvana, and by the way also suppress this kid!"

"This is not credible!"

"If Nirvana recovers some mana, the Black World will be completely finished!"

The black mask yelled, no one believed Chen Zheng!

"What do you say, kid, you only have the last ten breath time, and the ten breath time can't suppress Nirvana, and you have to suppress all the doors together when the seat is exhausted!"

The Lord of the Black Emperor Shrine shouted again!


At this time!

Nirvana above raised another hand!


The abyss of ancient world shakes!

The eyes of the Black Emperor God City Castle and other exposed pupils are even deeper!


Here Chen Zheng is shouting again.


Nirvana only looked at him indifferently!

Then ignored him!



The Black Abyssal Ancient Concussion!

"Boy! The last three breaths!"

The third time the Lord of the Black Emperor Shrine roared!



With Nirvana magic power restored!

A crack appeared in the sky of the ancient abyss of the Black Abyss!

"You really want me to suppress you by hand, right?"

At this time, Chen Zheng shook his head gently and sighed, and a pure black throne appeared in an instant. As soon as the pure black throne appeared, the nirvana devil in the sky also stared down instantly. After only glancing at the nirvana devil, he shivered, and then from the sky After falling down, obediently kneel in front of Chen Zheng!

"Don't suppress me!"

Nirvana is trembling and begging for mercy!


Cultivators are dumbfounded!

Chen Zu casually recruited a black throne!

This Nirvana was instantly subdued!

What is this black throne!


Chen Zheng did not respond. A woman ghost appeared on the Black Throne. The woman ghost snorted coldly and raised her hand to catch Nirvana. Nirvana turned into a magic species and fell into the hands of the ghost!


Who is this woman ghost?

Cultivation is more doubtful!



The woman's phantom disappeared!

The Black Throne also disappeared!


The cultivators do not know what to say!

"Nirvana Demon..." Chen Zheng chuckled at that moment and said that he grabbed the last good thing in Nirvana Demon Palace. The so-called Ji Cangshi fell into his hands.


Ji Cangshi is broken!


The majestic power is released at this moment!

Cultivation showed horror!


This is the moment!

A black mask person suddenly rushed over!

A big hand grabs that force forcibly!

"Ling Yu!"

The Lord of the Black Emperor God City shouted A man who raised his hand to stop the black mask man, but to his great surprise, he, the Lord of the Black Emperor God City, failed to stop the black mask man!


A flash of light!

The mask on the face of the black mask called Ling Obi suddenly changed!

At this moment turned into a complete **** pattern!



The creatures of the Black Emperor God City on the two warships instantly widened their eyes!

What happened?

In the ancient world of the Black Abyss, isn't only the **** face of the Lord of the City the complete **** face?

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