Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2049: Please be happy!

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Don’t the Lord Lord have to control the pair of earrings!

How come the duck flew away suddenly!

Fenghua Shenzi and all the elders' faces are frozen!

As for the Lord of the Temple!

It was completely silent at the moment!

Just the arrogance of the talent!

The invisible atmosphere just seems to control everything!

All are gone!

The double pupils exposed under the dark mask stared at Chen Zheng!

Chen Zheng smiled, and put two convicted earrings on Du Guqian in the presence of the Lord of the Temple, and Liao Qian's pretty face turned slightly red, which seemed a little unfit for this scene.



If you don’t adapt, you have to adapt!

Because of the two convicted earrings!

Her whole breath suddenly became extremely cold!


A flash of light!

A **** pattern appeared in her eyebrows!

"Overlord Divine Pattern!"

"No, it's not the domineering **** pattern!"

"That seems to have a higher level than the overlord **** pattern!"


The silent Fenghua Shenzi exclaimed!

After exclaiming, his complexion became gloomy!

Because Du Guqian was not even the ancestor of Dao before their eyes, but the **** pattern at this eyebrow appeared, although Du Guqian did not increase its mana, but the cold air that exuded it made them feel trembling!


The earrings that Lord Lord received are supreme!


The supreme fetish was robbed!


Du Guqian showed her astonishment, she raised a hand, and there was an unspeakable feeling, as if the people in the temple at this moment, except Chen Zu, the fate of these creatures had been controlled by herself no matter who they were!

as if!

Just feel free to pinch!

You can kill these creatures!

Even the lord of the temple!

This feeling!

Let people float up involuntarily!

This feeling!

It seems to fall into it unconsciously!

Lonely Qian's heart tightened and forced herself to break free from that strange feeling. She knew that if she really got stuck, she was afraid to become a cold and ruthless devil!

in spite of!

When I was in the Evergreen Realm!

I am also called the devil!

But at least it will not kill innocents!


This strange feeling right now!

Once really stuck!

I'm afraid it's going to kill or quit!

"How long have you got this convicted earring?"

Chen Zheng looked at the Lord of the Temple, and asked casually.

"Three hundred years!"

The Lord of the Temple responded with a cold voice!


Fenghua Shenzi frowned with the elders!

Secretly asked what to do!

"Three hundred years... but it's understandable. After all, three hundred years is not long, and you have formed a ring of epochs. It is normal to find out the origin of the convicted earrings."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Is this sarcasm Lord?

Fenghua Shenzi and other faces are sinking again!

This guy is really abominable!

"The earrings are called conviction earrings. Two are a pair. Although a single one has some special supernatural powers, it is not too arrogant, but it can be combined into a pair. That is great. Conviction and conviction, in short, is Wearing a pair of convict earrings can convict people and convict the souls of the world. Taking this girl as an example, mana is considered to be a half-walk ancestor level. Now wearing convict earrings can condemn you as a ring of overlords , Which is life and death."

Chen Zheng said softly.


"I do not believe!"

"You can't scare us!"


Fenghua Shenzi waits for a step back!

However, Chen Zheng ignored the few people and only looked at the Lord of the Temple, and said softly: "This convicted earring belongs to an exclusive magic weapon. What do you mean by the word exclusive? Do you understand? In fact, this convicted earring has a death requirement, That is to be qualified as a woman."


Only women are eligible to wear it!

Wasn’t that the Lord of the Temple Lord wasting and wasting hundreds of years!

and many more!

It is nothing to waste hundreds of years!

In the past three hundred years, Lord Nave, the Lord, has hope to go to the holy land of the Dongtian clan!

You can go to the Dongtian clan's holy place to release the Happy God and be surveyed by the Dongtian clan's holy objects!

Lord Lord gave up the opportunity to go to the Dongtian clan for this mysterious earring!


The master of the mysterious earrings is not qualified to wear it!

and so!

Giving up to go to the Dongtian clan's holy land is the biggest loss for the master!


What is this called!

This is called stealing chickens and not eating rice!

"I do not believe!"

The lord of the palace was silent for three moments and said three words coldly!

"You don't believe it? Have you ever tried to wear convicted earrings? You know it best." Chen Zheng smiled and then said softly: "In addition to the death requirement of being a woman, there are actually several death requirements. For example, you must It is the body of the doomed body, the body of the catastrophe, the body of the catastrophe, which is considered ominous, to truly control part of the power of the convicted earrings. This girl is a body of doom, or a body of doom, and a woman, so Can wear conviction earrings."


Fenghua Shenzi and other faces are even heavier!

This Nima!

Isn't that the Lord of the Palace Lord miserable?

"Everything doom... You are with such a girl by your side, aren't you afraid of bad luck! Have you ever thought that although you have the upper hand right now, it's just a moment above you, you're about to be unlucky !"

Fenghua Shenzi gritted his teeth and drank!

"Don't talk about the doomsday doomsday body, this girl is the body of the era of disaster, and it has no effect on me."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously.


Du Guqian whispered, whispering that he was not a girl, he had already grown into an adult, and he was really not small.


"You are so confident!"

"Chen Zu, you already got earrings, can you leave!"

The expressions of several elders changed, and Chen Zheng smiled and saw something, and Shen Sheng drank again!

"You guys, please come out and let me see."

Chen Zheng casually said.


Call Taichai!


What is this nonsense!

Doesn't this put God in his eyes!


It's crazy!

This Chen Zu is crazy!


The face of the mourning hall in the hall is sinking again!

"I'm not coming too much, you can go!"

The Lord of the Temple responded with a cold voice!

"Like this?"

Chen Zheng smiled and said that he raised his hand and gave it to the Lord of the Temple, the dark mask on the face of the Lord of the Temple was turned into ashes, and a face appeared at the moment!

This is a face of a middle-aged man!

It's just filled with consternation!


The look in his double pupils shattered!


Its flesh rolled down from the dark seat!


In the hall, Fenghua Shenzi, Elder Yu and other monk are all shocked, and their eyes are full of unbelief!

"This is dead, is it so weak?"

At this time!

Chen Zheng frowned slightly and whispered!


Fenghua Shenzi and Elder Yu heard this sentence, and their pupils shrank sharply, only feeling cold and numb all over their scalp!

"Ah!" Yin Tu Long Yuanshen screamed violently, then knelt at Chen Zheng: "Kill me, please, kill me, I can't stand it, please, please give me a good time, don't torture me again Now!"

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