Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2091: Suppress 10 ring dominators!

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Not even a tiny dust!

Even if it is a priest in heaven!

This is the same feeling at this moment!

He is actually called Promise God!

His own secret method is called Promise!

The world he created is called Promise Time and Space!


In the infinite time and space!

Even against opponents of the same level!

He can also suppress each other!

In his deduction, the highest level of this infinite time and space is truly endless, there is no end and no limit, he has not yet reached that state, but at this moment he saw that state!

"no limit......"

He looked at the sky and whispered!

Who can think of it!

In front of this young man with half a trail of mana!

Actually achieved the highest level of his deduction!



He growled!

Spit out a real blood!

Bloody flash!

This Promise time and space burst!

Instantly everyone returned to Mizusawa!

Or never left!

It just turned into Promise Time and Space!

"Why does the priest..."

The woman in the palace dress asked dumbly, the Shuize survivors were also a little ignorant. Why did the priest suddenly break through the world just now!

"If you don't break the infinite time and space, you will be suppressed."

The Promise Master sighed softly.


The woman in kimono trembles!

The Shuize survivor's eyes widened again!


All eyes moved towards Chen Zheng!


I fully understand!

It turned out to be this man in the throne!

The level just now exceeds the level of that world!

"I am Hong Tian God Realm Wuji priest priest, who is the reincarnation of your God!"

The Promise Master Wu Shen pondered for a moment, Shen Sheng asked!

"Promise of the Promise..."

"This...he is the Promise Master!"

"However, at the beginning of the catastrophe of Hongtian God Realm, not all of Hongtian God and the two top holy dynasties and one of the highest-level creatures of the one dynasty had all fallen. How could the Promise God Master still be alive!"

The Shuize survivors were shocked, but soon their eyes were on Chen Zheng again!

The status of Promise God is amazing!

But the identity of this man on the gods is even more amazing!

Reincarnation of God!

This man is reincarnated!

So which man is the reincarnation of this man?

"You come to the Taisu surviving family, it is nothing more than to seize this stone seat, you should know who this stone seat is.

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Although this constellation is too prime, it is not the taisu constellation. The taisu constellation is in the taisu tianchi. This constellation is left behind by a stronger **** than Taisu, and it is more than a little bit stronger! Zhang Shenzuo, should be the most mysterious one in the top five congenital gods too easy!" The Promise Wuji revealed his thoughts, Shen Sheng said one sentence after another, talking about the sudden burst of light in his eyes, followed by I was shocked to look at Chen Zheng: " are the most mysterious God too reincarnated?!"


The most mysterious **** reincarnated!

The head of the five congenital gods!

The pupils of Mizusawa's spirits are so big that they are so big!

"This palace does not believe that he cannot be the most mysterious god. If he is too easy to reincarnate, how could he possibly have this mana!"

The woman in kimono shuddered, and then shouted! Although she was roaring, she was so embarrassed that she wanted to escape, and she didn't want to stay for a while! In fact, at this moment, no matter how unbelievable, the identity of the man in front of him can be determined, and he can be sure who he is reincarnated in the end!

"If you are really too easy to reincarnate, then we have some roots in the Daomeng Dao League and you, I think we should not meet each other, we should sit down and talk about it! I want to use your current half-track ancestor mana, Even if it is the most mysterious reincarnation of God, it should not be able to suppress my ten-ring overlord! And you should also need to restore mana. Our Dao Salvation Daoist League controls the origin of several avenues between heaven and earth, such as the origin of Thunder Avenue. I believe we can Cooperation!"

The Promise of the Promise Master changed suddenly, and he said quietly again!


Great Reincarnation Taoist League!

I have never heard of this ethics!

and many more!

Could it be the top creatures in the catastrophe of Hongtian God Realm!

Nothing actually fell!

Instead, they all joined this great reincarnation Taoist League!

In other words, those top levels created this great reincarnation Daomeng League!

Qin Huan was shocked!

It seems that he and others have heard a big secret!

"The Lord of the Ten Rings... my own mana is really impossible to suppress."

Chen Zheng nodded faintly, and the Promise Master heard a smile clearly in this sentence, but Chen Zheng suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the Promise Master, the look of the Promise Master changed suddenly!


A cry!

The Promise Master turned into a divine light!

He felt something was wrong!

He chose to go away!



He just rose up!

His physical body and Yuanshen were frozen!

Then a terrible tear sounded!

He flew in the air in smoke!

His primordial spirit was shocked to the extreme in the air!

It seems that I can't believe that a half-walk ancestor can suppress his ten-ring overlord!

"Give me an answer, give me an eye-catching answer!"

After a brief silence, he asked in a deep voice!

"Answer? Didn't I say that before? I sat on this seat, and I felt like I was in control of the whole world. This seat is too easy for most people to sit on, but if someone sits on it, then During the time he was seated in the constellation, he was the one who was at its peak when it was too easy. Even if there was only one breath, he was also invincible in that time."

Chen Zheng gave an answer to Wuji Master.


The creatures in Shuize are terrified!

"I... looked away!"

Promise Master Yuanshen was silent for a moment, then spit out three words, and then closed his eyes!


Chen Zheng grabs it!

Promise of the Promise Master Yuanshen!

Fragments of the ring of epochs are scattered from the sky!

"Do not!"


The woman in palace dress screamed in horror!


His eyebrows suddenly cracked at this moment!

Visible to the naked eye!

Its Yuanshen also cracked!


The Shuize survivors saw this scene!

The mind is shaking again!

They know!

High Priest Xuan Ji This is the heart broken!


That man is terrible!

The half-walk ancestor is the suppression of the Ten Rings Overlord Wuji Master!

This is really terrible!

This scene is extremely unreal!

"Good food."

Chen Zheng smiled on the constellation, a ghost in the Yuanshen flew out, and turned into a stone egg. He grabbed it and shattered the ring fragments of the era left after the destruction of the Promise Master and the Xuanji Yuanshen ~ www. All into the stone egg!



What is this doing!

This is what to raise with the ring fragments of the era of the ten-ring overlord and the six-ring overlord!

Is there any creature in that stone egg!


In addition to Qin Huan's few survivors who have been to Taisu Tianchi!

The rest of the creatures in Shuize were stunned again!


It's really unimaginable!

Creatures nourished by the shards of the era dominance!

What a terrible creature!

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