Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2094: Thorny? Waiting can only be regarded as weeds!

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The native creatures such as Jinglili and Qin Fairy are silent!

Because you don’t know the answer!

"Maybe I can't beat it."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously.

"Can't beat... There should be more than one ten-ring overlord among these guys, can't they beat the Supreme Master Xianyu?

Watching the beast froze for a moment.

"Fairy Realm Supreme, that guy is still a bit of a means." Chen Zheng smiled again, and said that he played a blue fairy light, and the fairy light wrapped several roads to the immortal ship **** ship, just like an enclave to protect everyone. Between everyone's perceptions, he smiled faintly: "This is the boundary formed by the Avenue of Life, the power of the Heavenly Puppet cannot penetrate, and feel at ease with me into the Northern God Ancient Wasteland."


Everyone answered!


The fairy light flashed!

The fairy ship Godship of several avenues crossed a boundary to the entrance of the ancient wasteland!


There is a black water river!

On the other side is the misty northern **** ancient wasteland!

A Heishui River divides two areas!

It can be said that Jing Wei is distinct!


"Taisu Shenshan Avenues submit to the surrender!"

"Either surrender or die!"


The front is not smooth!

Someone is blocking the road ahead!

More than one person!

Jinglili recognized the Taoist figure at a glance, that is, the era overlord of the other four great mountains, and in addition to the Taiyi Shenshan Temple of Destiny among the other four great mountains, several top-level pagan teachings all appeared. Now!

These few top-level Taoist leaders have also become living dead!

"Chuang Yuan Sect Master!"

"Lord Palace Lord!"

"Yuan Dian Lord!"

"You... how could you be like this!"

Jing Liuli, Mrs. Xiu, Yuhua God, and Emperor Lan Qi's brows are locked!

Living dead!

In addition, the four great mountains except the temple of destiny have become the living dead!

Heavenly puppet!

This must be the means of Tianzizi!


Why do you do this!

At the beginning, the top dead creatures in the disaster of Hongtian God Realm did what they wanted to do!

What are you planning!

"Become this? Become what? Huang Lan, you don't know how much sacrifice those predecessors made for our Hongtian God Realm native creatures. You don't understand, you really don't understand. Obey obediently, otherwise you will only fall. Death is even more miserable!"

Sect Master Shuangyuan sneered!

"I'm not talking nonsense, either join us or die!"

Speaking from the main hall of the palace!

"Tao friends of Taisu Shenshan, give up resistance and join us to seek the road to real longevity! Our few disciples, even the era overlords, are now receiving great secrets, and now devouring the supreme **** fruit. They have all become epoch overlords, they have become the sons of samsara in the Great Reincarnation Taoist League, the young Tianjiao of Taisu Shenshan, don’t you want to become epoch overlords?

Master Yuan Dian smiled!

There is a temptation in the invisible!


The younger generations here, the tall women's cloud sleeves beside Qin Xianzi, Yu Pingtian, Li Shuang, Qin Huan, and Mrs. Xiu, all looked cold, and stabilized Dao Xin!

As for Du Guqian, she wears convicted earrings and is not affected by any bit of confusion!

"Cut! As long as you still have a little brain, you know that Xiu Wei's sudden surge must have sequelae, of which there must be fraud! Those of your disciples have not seen it before, and their physiques are like that. Peerless geniuses are not counted. Whatever son of reincarnation is nothing more than being taken as cannon fodder!"

Watch the heavenly beast!

"Small thing, you dare to defame that adult!"


Sovereign of the Chuangyuan Sect is furious!

Raising your hand to watch the beast is a catch!


The celestial ship of the Liuli Temple shines in the pale blue fairy light!

Instantly resolved the means of creating the Sect Master Yuan Yuan!

"..." Sect Master Chuangyuan's face changed, swept over Jingliu and others, and then shouted: "Whose means is this? Several of us have obtained the secret method passed down by the adult, and it is impossible to break it. You guys too Sushen Mountain these guys' means, I can suppress you Tai Sushen Shan several ways! This is not your means, this is who's means!"

"Calm and calm, this means nothing, we are here, can these guys in Taisu Shenshan not get down on their knees, can they still enter the ancient wasteland?" The main hall of Yuan Dian smiled, and swept over Jingli and others, then Another smile said: "This blue enchantment protects you, but you are going to enter the ancient wasteland. You can't rely on this enchantment. The few of us are here, just like the sharpest thorns between heaven and earth, want to enter the ancient wasteland, Let's cut the thorns first. But do you think you are our opponents of the Taishen Mountain? I don’t look down on you. If you come out of this blue enchantment, you may not be as good as my hand.”


The voice of Yuan Dian Dian has just fallen!


There is an overlord Kamui released!

Net Liuli!

Mrs. Xiu!

Uhua God!

Lan Qihuang!

Patriarch of the Chaos Gods!

The shadow of the chieftain of Tai Su's legacy!

Brows locked in an instant!

The Lord of the Yuan Dian looks like the Lord of the Five Rings!

But its combat power is already at the level of the seven ring overlords!

It seems that he and others can't beat the master of the Yuan Palace!

"These guys...the fighting power has skyrocketed...The last time they were in Wu Cangyuan, these guys were far less powerful!"

The eyebrows of Guan Tian Beast are also tightly locked!

"Huh? Isn't this the Chen Zu who was in the limelight of the Wu Cang Yuan Wu Cang battle last time? This mana cultivation practice seems to have increased a lot compared to the previous one. Cang Yuan Chen Zu broke Hong Lao's means, and now Chen Zu's mana has grown a lot. Should we easily cut off our thorns?"

Yuan Dian Dian Lord saw everyone's brows closed, showing a smile, and moved his eyes to notice Chen Zheng, and then laughed again!

"Huh! It's you! It's a pity that you can't go against the sky anymore, and you can't enter the Northern God Ancient Wasteland today unless you submit!"

Sect Master Chuangyuan stared over!

"My disciple Mu Yun lost the qualification to enter the Northern God Ancient Wasteland because of you, and Dao Xin was almost broken by you, but it is also a blessing due to misfortune! Now Mu Yun has become a son of reincarnation, and I can ask him for a love and accept You are a servant!"

The Lord of the Palace also swept over!

"It's not a thorn, it's just a weed."

Chen Zheng smiled back slightly.


Not a thorn?

Just weeds?

Chuang Yuan Sect Master, Yuan Dian Dian Master, Li Dian Dian Master was stunned for a while, and then showed a roar!


At the moment when a few people were about to speak, Chen Zheng stepped out of the Shenzhou of the Taisu survivors and walked out of the blue enchantment, he slaps and fanned out at will, creating the Yuan Sect Master, Yuan Dian Lord, Li Dian Lord The three of them flew out strangely!


A more weird scene happened!

The three of them seem to have broken their bodies without even the power of resistance!




The three spirits reacted three spirits were furious to counterattack, but this moment, the three spirits fell apart!


Fragment of the ring of the era!

There is a dreamy beauty!


Another group of people guarding the entrance of the ancient wasteland!

Not another group of people!

That's not as good as the other three people who created Yuan Sect!

This moment is staring blankly!

Wang Tian's dream-like era ring fragments scattered!

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