Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2164: God made you late

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"Go back."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


Su Changqing nodded quickly, and only nodded. He felt that time and space were changing, and he had already returned to Dark Immortal Sect within a breath.

"Elder Su!"

"Miss Yan Yi!"

"And this great son!"

Monk of Dark Immortal Valley quickly yelled!

"Huh?" Su Changqing wanted to say something, but could feel it. He felt an unusual breath in the patriarch's hall where the patriarch recuperated. His face changed slightly, and he secretly heard a voice: "The son, it should be the temple of no robbery. The person who came may have already known that You Tianshi really worked, or may have come to inquire about the fall of Sect Master Yin Fu."

"Su Changqing, I have something to ask you here. You haven't entered the palace yet!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice came out of the patriarch's hall.

Su Changqing's face changed, and he looked at Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng nodded lightly. He was relieved in his heart and entered the patriarch's palace. With a faint smile, Chen also entered the patriarch's palace.


Just entered the patriarch hall!

A cold hum rang!

"Your Dark Immortal Sect and Yin Runzong are both vassals of our Temple of No Robbery, and there is nothing to fight openly and secretly, but you can actually get to the point where you are dead or I live! Su Changqing, you Dark Immortal Sect probably don't know, Yin Runzong That heart has the bloodline of an elder in the Temple of No Robbery, although it is a descendant of the bloodline of the surname, but the elder has few bloodline descendants! If you only killed the Yinfu Sect Master, it is not a problem, you can kill that The problem of killing the heart is big!" In the patriarch's hall, a man in a black robe glanced at the few people who entered the hall, directly ignoring Chen Zheng and Yan Nu, staring at Su Changqing is a sleeve!


Su Changqing was shocked!

"Now I'm scared? If it weren't for your pleading, the elder's disciple had come to the grotto to catch you!" The black-robed man said coldly again, "The seat comes to the grotto, just to tell you, and Opportunity to wear sin! You Tianshi, you all know it, it used to be just a general refining material, but now Youtian Shi has been ranked in the top five of the Kistler list, and it has become the only Kistler to reinvent the Epoch Monument! Who can know, this The broken stone in the small cave in the southwest border of Youdu can actually be related to the Epoch Monument!"


Su Changqing opened his mouth.

"Huh? How many of you have heard such awesome news, why haven't your looks changed a lot? It stands to reason that after hearing this news, you should be stunned one by one? Don't you know, what is the Epoch Monument? ?Era God Monument, that's the second thing on the gods list, only the complete Taixu World Map exceeds the Age God Monument!"

The man in black robe saw that there was no change in the look of several people, and he was not even surprised.

"That one......"

Su Changqing opened his mouth again.

"It seems that I'm still too shallow in my knowledge, so I don't bother to tell you this." The black-robed man shook his head for a while: "We have no robbery temple, close to the grotto, it's a strong crossroads nearest to the grotto! So the shrine Lord Lord knew this, and sent me to the cave for the first time. Now, Su Changqing, you take me to a few other cases. First, you will destroy the other Taoism in the cave, and grab the Youtian Stone that has not yet been handed in by the other Taoism. As for the following things, anyway, the deep sky stone in the deep cave is not easy to grab, and other people with strong crosses can only stare! Well, this seat is no nonsense, you quickly lead the way, first leave the dark The most recent sect of Xianzong is destroyed!"


The black-robed man will come out!


He swept to the gate of the patriarch's hall!

Suddenly turned around!

He didn't do anything when he saw a few people!

Brows are instantly locked!

"Su Changqing, what do you mean, can't you break the law?"

The black-robed man asked coldly!

"This... Master Xiao Xuan told me that it wasn't that the old people wanted to disobey the law, but that the rest of the Taoism had been wiped out. The adult went out now and just ran in vain." Su Changqing thought about it and responded. After looking at Chen Zheng, he said again: "This son has finished scanning the picture, and now there is only our Dark Immortal Sect in the dark cave, and there are no other creatures. By the way, there is one more point, adults just wondered why we heard It’s not surprising why Youtian Stone can reshape the epoch monument, because before adults came, we already learned from the mouths of the disciples of Yinxianzong and Yinxianzong.


The black robe man blinked wildly!

For a while, I was a little ignorant!

"You say it again? What picture? This kid? I thought this kid was your younger descendant or something. You brought this kid in to see me. I wanted me to send this kid to participate in the examination of the temple of no robbery, but you mean This kid wiped out the rest of the Taoism in the cave? Su Changqing, you probably think that this seat is a blind man, this kid's ancestor repaired, he can destroy the Taoist? The Taoism in the cave, although they are all small shrimp , But this seat remembers very clearly, there are several Taoist ancestors, and the strongest also has an unbreakable third realm!"

After recovering, the man in black robe glared at him forever!

"It's true, there's no such thing as a lie!"

Su Changqing looked solemnly responded!

"Haha! Hahaha!" The black-robed man laughed: "Su Changqing and Su Changqing, if this kid is the Taoist ancestor of the Fifth Realm, you will believe this, but this kid is only the ancestor. Mana, the flesh is also the level of the ancestors, you want to cheat this seat, you probably think that this seat is a fool! Huh! It’s a big sin to deceive and hide, this is a big sin, this seat... Um? That elder disciple comes Alright? Damn it! It’s still here! Su Changqing, if you don’t have a face art in the Dark Immortal Sect, this seat just shot you dead!"

The man in black robe said that his face suddenly sank, and he stared coldly at Su Changqing, and then swept out of the temple, as if to stop coming!

"Not good! He Yidao! You are too much! Are you going to kill even the messenger!"


It takes less than three breaths to go out!

The cry of the black robe man came from outside!

"very scary!"

"What knife is this!"

"This seems to be no robbery!"

at the same time!

There was also the horror of the disciples of the Dark Immortals outside!


The appearance of the evergreen in the patriarch's hall has changed!

"No robbery!"

Yan Yi's complexion has also changed greatly.

"Yan Nu."

Chen Zheng shouted casually.


Yan Nu instantly grasped the idea, appeared one stone knife at a time, swooped out, and grabbed the stone knife with one hand to face the sky!

"Humph! The little girl the ancestor repaired!"


A disdainful voice sounded!



In the next second!

Then use the sword to cut the sword repair to the dark fairy valley below!

In an instant!

Turn into nothingness!


This is not called vain!

This is called being cut into nothingness!

"Lying trough!"

The man in black robe had to urge the power of the source to stop This time his hands were raised, the whole person was fixed in the air at once, and then a crazy blink!

Oh shit!

what's the situation!

That little girl!

Isn't that the little girl in the temple just now!

Ancestor repairs!

I'm too lazy to take a look!

This little girl actually chopped off He Yidao!

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