Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2173: I don't like to close my son!

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"True Demon Eye!"

Su Changqing whispered!

Unexpectedly came out of the cave!

Only came out of the most obscure small place in Taixu!

It didn't take long for me to enter the Celestial City!

He even encountered creatures connected with the Supreme Demon!

The son of Qin in this pitiful palace!

It's really arrogant!


It seems that Mr. Chen didn't care about it at all!


Just now called the Supreme Demon Ji Ji as Teddy!


There is a possibility!

Chen Gongzi knows the Supreme Demon Ji Ji!

"Huh? Your kid won't kneel down to recognize his father. When the thought of the adult comes down, it will be too late for your kid to recognize his father!"

Qin Yili sees Chen Zheng unmoved, but also smiles evilly!


Chu Hall, the Temple of No Robbery, advocated opening his mouth, but he only spoke one word. At this moment, he does not know how to deal with this situation, because neither side is easy to mess with!

"You have the pupil of the true demon, it really insulted the word true demon."

At this time, Chen Zheng shook his head gently and said something.

The appearances of the practitioners in the Wujiao Temple changed, and the thoughts flashed in my heart, and I thought of the strange and unprecedented means before Chen Zheng. I could not help but secretly say in my heart that this son of Chen should have an identity and card that is not weaker than Qin Yi!

and so!

He wouldn't take Qin Yi at all!

"You are now, it's useless to play with your mouth, and it doesn't make any sense to play with it anymore! When the adult's magical thought comes, you will definitely die! In fact, the son can kill you, but the son I don’t want to shoot. My son wants to see you being scared to death. This is one of my hobby! Haha! Hahaha!"

Qin Yi burst into laughter suddenly!


This is also the time!

Black Mang flashed above the Temple of No Robbery!

Then a cold voice sounded!

"This seat is following Master Ji's battle against a terrible creature. The will of this seat cannot come down, barely pass a word to you! The creatures who know the name of Lord Ji's Teddy are all the elders of Lord Ji's lord! Qin Yi, you don’t need to be told by this seat, you should also know how to do it! This seat...damn, this gangster actually hurt Master Ji Shi! Master Ji Shi..."


The voice stopped abruptly!


It's enough!

It's scary enough!

Several terrible messages were revealed in this indifferent voice!


Everyone's eyes focused on Chen Zheng again and again!


The creatures who know the name of the Supreme Demon Teddy are the elders of the Supreme Demon!

This young man is the elder of the supreme true demon!



This is how people believe!


All dumbfounded!

"Elder..." Qin Yi was originally a face of evil spirits. At the moment, a face froze. His body shook and his throat agitated, staring at Chen Zheng for a moment, and fell to the ground suddenly, then With a thud, he knelt on the ground!

Bang Bang Bang!

"Dad! The baby gave you a kowtow!"

A loud sound rang!

Temple without robbery!

Inside the colorless enchantment!


The monks of the Wujiao Temple and the monks of the Dark Immortal Sect were dumbfounded again!


One second before!

Qin Yi in this miserable world palace seems to be under his control!

Seems to play with anyone who wants to play

But it's not even ten minutes past!

Turn your head and kneel to recognize your father!

"Dad is on, baby Qin Yi kowtows you again!"


Another bang!

The whole temple is silent and silent!


This scene!

If it is known by outsiders!

If it was known by the World of Demons!

What a shock!

"Dad is on, the baby kowtowed you again!"


Another bang!

"This guy is so thick-skinned!"

Yan female sighed with emotion!

There is nothing to say about Su Changqing and Xiao Xuan on the fairy ship!

Who can think of it!

The Genius of the Real World Magic Palace has the genius of the real demon pupil!

It can even be called supreme arrogance!

There will be such a posture!


What an arrogance!

What a real name!

"Dad, are you satisfied with your baby's kowtow level?"


Qin Yi raised his head!

A flattering look looked up at Chen Zheng!

"I don't like taking my son away."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


Qin Yi's face changed dramatically!



It will turn into a black mang!

The face of the monk without a robbery changed!

Master Chu Dian, Elder Yu, and Elder Bu suddenly thought of this, that is, this Qin Yi was warned by the powerful creatures under the Supreme Real Throne, but he dared to escape at this moment, and if he really escaped to the World of Devil Palace, Maybe I will hide what is happening today, and I will also make up some things and even add fuel and vinegar to create rumors!


No robbery temple is afraid of terrible disaster!

A supernatural power of the era overlord of the mercy palace can destroy the temple of no robbery!


It seems that he and others can't keep this Qin Yi at all!

One more thing!

Qin Yi really left behind!

Kill this Qin Yi!

I'm afraid it will cause even more terrifying anger in the World's Magic Palace!


What a dead end!

"That's it! I beheaded him, and then pleaded guilty to the World Devil's Palace!"


Step elder gritted his teeth!

A raised hand!

Just listen to Jianming!

Behind it, the Excalibur was killed!

This sword!

Ignore the existence of time and space!

Instantly caught up with Qin Yi!



This is the moment!

A piece of carmine petals appeared!

The elder sword than the elder than the step caught up with that Qin Yi!

"What!" Qin Yi sensed and turned around suddenly, when he saw the red petals, he was startled, and then a roar: "You killed Zhong Shenshu, you are the real murderer in the cave!"


Its double pupils turned to pure darkness again!


The red petals flashed!


Just listen to howling!

Qin Yi suddenly exploded into nothingness!

The pupil of the true demon also exploded into nothingness!

Instantly swallowed by carmine petals!

"go with."

Chen Zheng ran a little bit, and the carmine petals flew to Yan Yi. Yan Yi was a little panicked. I saw the light of the carmine petals circulate. After a moment, it seemed to spit out something, and that thing was a magic pupil!

Before the crowd had reacted, the magic pupil was directly imprinted on Yan Yi's eyebrows. Yan Yi's body was shocked, and a black air burst out of the body. The black air turned into a cocoon and wrapped it!


"Crimson Devil Flower... This is the piece of Carmine Devil Flower in the Bell God Book of Lian Shi Mo Gong... This is a piece of petals that fell from the supreme treasure of Lian Shi Mo Gong... "

"Young Master... killed Zhong Shenshu in the Underworld..."

Chu Palace Lord!

Elder Yu!

Step elder!

Silly whisper!

"I...before entering the Celestial had already sent a message with Shen Nian, but Elder Yu did not respond to me..."

Xiao Xuan also whispered at the moment!


Elder Yu changed his expression for a while, said two words, and sighed!

"Sister Yan Yi has absorbed the pupil of the true demon, and the secret methods of cultivation have been corrected. After waking up, it should be a lot better."

At this time Yan Nu laughed.

"It should be okay." Chen Zheng nodded lightly, raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then chuckled: "It really attracted, so the era of the Youdu is actually the era of the magic road."



"What solution?"

Everyone stayed for a while, and raised their heads subconsciously.

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