Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2180: True tombstone!

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"You try it!"


Raise your hand to Cang one!

I caught a monk and threw it towards Youhe!


The face of the public has changed greatly!


The monk who was thrown over screamed in shock!

Frightened at this moment!

Struggling crazy!


When it fell on the river!

But nothing happened!

After the number of interest, everything still happens!

That monk was ignorant!

The people here are a bit ignorant!

"That kid... didn't lie to us?"

The Taoist ancestor of Yiyuan Temple recovered, and Shen Sheng asked!


Make Canghua a black awn!

Skimmed the Youhe!

Suddenly cross the river!

"No monsters!"

"Damn that kid didn't lie to us!"

"We got some cup snake snake shadow by that boy!"

The Yuanzuo Taoist ancestors and others reacted and swept past one by one, crossing the river in an instant!

"Catch up with that kid!"

"Don't kill that kid today, that kid will become my demon!"

"Must kill him!"



Yiyuandian Taoist suddenly raised his eyebrows!

I felt something unusual at this moment!

As if the people around you are possessed by something!


He didn't delve too much!

Because he wanted to kill that kid too!

About half of the incense sticks out.

The figure of Chen Zheng appeared again in the eyes of the public.



You mang flash!

There is a burst of formation!

"Little **** stop for Lao Tzu!"

Someone shouted to catch up, but Chen Zheng stepped out with the two people around him, and disappeared in a blink of an eye! The Cultivators who were chasing here were stunned for a while, and they had to fly over, but when the shadows appeared silently, the face of Cultivators suddenly changed!

Even Xiang Cang, the era overlord of the merciless world, has changed his face!


this moment!

They saw a strange hand!

Except for the shadows!

A strange hand came out!

This strange hand was the strange hand they had encountered when they entered the Yudu Tomb!

The demon robe on Xiang Cang was torn by that strange hand!


An eyeball came out of the palm of that hand!

That eyeball swept the cultivation indifferently!


Cultivation trembling!

It just feels that the beads are extraordinarily oozing!

"Your Excellency...If you are a ruthless player, I shouldn't be able to survive, but you didn't ruthlessly, just drove me out of the tomb of Youdu. You should not appear again at this moment. Expel us."

The thought flashed through Xiang Cang's heart, lowering his voice!

"Our turbid and quiet family is the guardian family of the Tomb No. 2 of the Youdu. You guys came in once in 100,000 years and escaped by that gadget. Your luck is good. Today you are also lucky. Has been expelled, and because the man just killed all the way just now, and killed the ghost and ancient beast in the Youhe, breaking the big formation of the cloud and the sky, according to the rules, our cloud and the family will not shoot you. However, the old kindness reminds you that you will return the same way here. Although the No. 2 tomb is not buried with Youdu, the things in it are not something you can covet."

Eyeballs stared at Xiang Cang, uttering words at the moment!


Everyone was shaking again!

Cloudy and quiet family!

Never heard of this family!

And there are many things revealed in this eyeball!

The eyeball said that the kid was killed all the way!

What ancient array has broken!

I can't get here by relying on the kid


One more thing!

Youdu Tribulation Lord was not buried in this Youdu Tomb!

This is the second tomb!

For a while!

All the practitioners can't believe it!

Because the words of the eyeball also confirmed a little!

That kid didn't lie!

"This... what is sealed in the tomb of No. 2!"

Changed to Cang's expression, and then asked in a deep voice!

"Huh! You, a new era overlord, have condensed a ring of eras. You are not qualified to know what is sealed in the second tomb!" The eyeball responded indifferently, after staring at Cangzuo, he swept again. Guo Zhongxiu: "According to the rules, our turbid You family will not expel Er and so on, but I will definitely die when I get in! Now I can give Er a chance to wait for the turbid ghost, and actively surrender to us. , Become a servant of our muddy and quiet family, then we can naturally enter the deepest part of the tomb and see that thing!"


The voice just fell!

One after another the black mansions emerged!

Heimang turned into a weird magical creature and flew to the people before cultivation!


"Succumb to the turbid and quiet family..."

"This, this..."

The Cultivator showed hesitation!

"Okay! I surrender!"

Xiang Cang gritted his teeth, swallowed the magic species, and as soon as he swallowed the magic species, his breath rose instantly. There was originally only one overlord's tattoo on his eyebrows, and now there was one more out of thin air!


"How can this be!"

"Master Xiang Cang has formed a ring of the second era!"

The Cultivators exclaimed, swallowing the demons one by one in a hurry, and the Cultivation Practice was also soaring in an instant, and then all were ecstatic!

"Huh? I actually condensed a ring of the second epoch? Is this the power of the magical species?" Xiang Cang was also shocked, took a deep breath to the magical eye, then lowered his voice and asked: "Why ......Why Master Devil's Eyes and Devil Eyes expelled me, etc. If we had given the devil species before, we would have surrendered."

"Huh! How do I know that someone can cross the river and break through the turbid world? Our tribes can no longer shoot that guy, we can only find you stupid people to temporarily stop the guy and delay Time to wait for more gangsters to wake up!"

Eyeball cold hum!

Xiang Cang waited for his face to sink again!

"Relax, I'm sure that Xiang Cang will delay the time for him!"

The thought flashed again in Xiang Cang's heart, and then a deep worship!

"I will give you nine more evil ghosts. You strive to reach the level of the five-ring overlord. That kid is very weird. The level of the five-ring overlord is slightly safer!"

Eyeball nodded lightly, and gave nine magical species, seeing Cang, suddenly overjoyed, swallowed nine magical species, the breath soared again, and there were several more **** marks on the eyebrows!

Five rings!

no more, no less!

It is the ring of the five epochs!

"Master, rest assured, Xiang Cang, with his current cultivation behavior, must kill the kid!"

Xiang Cang first paid his respects, and then raised his head, his face covered with fierce!


A flash of black light!

The eyeball takes the public to send!

It's just a blink of an eye!

Everyone came to a broken mountain!

"It's him!"

"That kid!"

"Fuck finally caught up with the kid!"


Zhong Xiu saw a familiar back!

Under the cliff of the broken mountain!

Standing three people!

The person in front is Chen Zheng!

"Master Magic Eye..."

A flash of glance flashed in Xiang Cang's eyes, and asked if the eyeballs would shoot!

"According to the rules, he still has half column incense time to crack the ancient secret! As soon as half column incense time comes, you go up and hold him!"

Eyeball replied coldly, only staring at Chen Zheng at this moment!

"Actually, the multidimensional is involved in the person who laid this seal."

It was also at this moment that Chen Zheng chuckled lightly, and said that the dark cliff wall suddenly twisted and changed suddenly, and then saw a piece of stone slowly stretched out!


Although the stone tablet only stretched out a part!

The person who can see the stele!

All look shocked!

Because the stone tablet was recognized at a glance!

Epoch Monument!

There can be nothing wrong!

That is the Epoch Monument!

This Youdu tomb is not a real tomb!

But it's actually hiding the Epoch Monument!

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