Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2191: I once planted a catastrophe

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That girl!

It looks like a mortal!

Even the practice is difficult!

This Nima!

It turned out to be the bloodline of the last generation of the aliens who was outside!

Who can think of this!



The young man in the immortal second realm saw it!

Just now!

Only the kid saw it!


The old man opened his mouth, still a bit ignorant!

"The old gentleman has looked after the blood of our emperor, and our family will not treat the old gentleman naturally."

The bald man said lightly.


The old man was still a little ignorant, subconsciously looking towards Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Then... I'll go to the alien land with you."

The old man didn't actually understand Chen Zheng, but he didn't know why at this moment. He believed Chen Zheng inexplicably and nodded at the cold-faced bald man.


The cold-faced bald man also nodded gently, tearing it in front of everyone, listening to the thorn, and tearing out a crack in space and time, taking the old man and the girl into the crack in space and time.

"Old Doomy's Dome, I would like to thank my son for giving the method!"

The moment when the cracks in time and space were to be closed, the old man suddenly turned around and saluted Chen Zheng!


Time and space closed!

People are gone!




Yan Nu!

It's a bit ignorant at the moment!

"The blood of the stranger emperor... is it very strong?"

After a moment, Yan girl asked subconsciously.

"It's not very strong, it's extremely strong!" You Snake replied in a deep voice, and suddenly recovered, staring at Chen Zheng: "You guy, just you alone saw the little girl next to Yan Qiong The blood of the alien king, you guys are not simple! Before the blood of the alien clan is not awakened, it is no different from the ordinary human race. Laozi is the incarnation of the illusion of robbery. Although Laozi has no mana, Laozi is still half-stepped. , I didn’t even see it, but you did!"


"Half-step detachment!"


Monk Chihuangmen heard a few words of half-step detachment, revealing a terrified look!

"Half-step detachment? Half-step detachment without mana."

Yan Nu snorted softly.

"Huh! Although Lao Tzu has no power, Lao Tzu is still half a step away from the level. Although Lao Tzu has little combat power, no one can kill Lao Tzu in this world! Little girl film, you said Lao Tzu is not strong, Lao Tzu is passive and invincible, Do you know what passive passive is! Besides, little girl, Lao Tzu has a brother in the depths of Mizusawa. Believe it or not, I can wake him up, he is much more brutal than Lao Tzu, and he is a real half-step detachment, and he can shoot with a slap Die this kid!"

You snake cold hum!


Monk Chihuangmen is even more shocked!


The rumor is true!

In the depths of Mizusawa, there is a real seal!


It is stronger than the speculation of the roads around Shuize!

Oh shit!

The master has already decided!

At sunset, we will join hands with all the avenues in the Shuize area!

Ready to go to the depths of Mizusawa to open the seal!

This really needs to be released!

Isn't it to destroy the whole army!

"Vice Hall Lord..."

A monk trembled and shouted at the man in the fairy chair!

"Oh! You fools, have you listened to a guy with a life-threatening pulse, and chose a time to move the seal in the depths of Shuize? Hey! You guys go, really let my brother out, don't To say this piece of Shuize is that the entire Yudu area is to be slaughtered! In the Yudu area, except for the Huntian Sect Master who may be able to stop my brother, the rest of the souls will not work!"

You snake Yinxie smile!


Monk Chihuangmen looked instantly white!

"Half-step detachment of the robbery incarnate, I want to see him."

At this time, Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


The man of Chihuangmen stared over!

Secretly though this young man has strange means!

But if I saw the robbery, I'm afraid I couldn't support it!

"You? If you are a kid, go to the depths of Shuize, go to the Cangxian Palace, take the seal, and let the Laozi brothers out. The Laozi brothers will thank you! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The serpent stared at him, and a wicked smile!


This is the moment!

The center of Mizusawa!

Suddenly, there was a gloomy sky!

"Hmm? Have those idiots already started? Actually, I chose this time to start. It seems that there is a terrible usurper. The mother's time is too detrimental to my brother. Lao Tzu has no fighting power now. The guys of the Ming Family are here, and Lao Tzu can’t invade the soul of God! But these guys can take half an hour at most, and when half an hour arrives, if these guys can’t succeed, the seal will naturally loosen, and my brother can also get rid of the suppression of the fairy palace. At that time, the creatures in the Yudu Great Territory will be slaughtered! It’s not bad, Lao Tzu can also restore mana by relying on him! Huh? No! Damn! The descendants of the Cangxian Palace are here!

The serpent saw the spectacle, at first it showed a disdainful color, and then felt some frowns, but quickly laughed evilly, but when a pure white light fell from the sky and fell into the water, the serpent cursed when it opened its mouth. !



The fairy light flashed!

Take the Chihuangmen also plundered the Mizusawa Center!

"That woman... deputy master of Chihuangmen, I don't know what it looks like."

Yan female frowned slightly.

"Boy, your chance is here. If you can help my brother out of trouble, my brother will accept you as a robbery, and your cultivation will instantly rise to the level of era overlord! And you can not only be my brother’s robbery, but also Become a robber of Lao Tzu, even take you to see other robber avatars, and accept all of you as a robber! Your kid can at least have the power of the five-ring overlord without training! What about the kid, have you been moved, if you are moved, Then act quickly!"

The Triangle of the Serpent moved her eyes and stared at Chen Zheng. The voice was ethereal and confusing!

"All the robberies are planted by me. What are you, the avatars of robberies?"

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and took the Yan Nu Huanhua to the water center.

"What? What did your kid just say, what are you planting? Damn! Your kid can really brag about it! You are the one who planted 10,000 robbery? What are our robbery avatars? Fuck! You think you are born One of the five great gods! Mom's bastard, you dare to pretend to be in front of Lao Tzu and watch Lao Tzu uncover your false face!"

The serpent stunned, then burst into a sloppy mouth, and turned into a solitary mansion to plunder the water center.

After a moment.

Deep in the water.

Almost all the avenues near Yushuize have arrived.

At this moment all stared at the dark fairy palace in front.

"Covering the Cangxian Palace... This is the Xiangong Palace left over from the first era, which suppresses the fortunes. Our goal is not to rob the fortunes, but to fly into the Cangxian Palace. "

An old man in a star pattern robe whispered.

"Spirit ancestor, does that really exist in the Cangxian Palace?"

A Chifa middle-aged man whispered, he was the master of Chihuangmen.

"It’s true, I spent two thousand years to figure it out. This is absolutely not wrong. And the Yanmen Lord can rest assured that your family has extraordinary blood and is absolutely eligible to be recognized by the thing. Our family is not very good. Need that What we want is to be tied to the main course of Yanmen Lord. The stronger the Yanmen Lord, the stronger our family will be. The rest of the traditions, you can also rest assured, The rise of Chihuangmen is unstoppable, as long as you get that thing, the Yanmen Lord can definitely become the era overlord, and the Chihuangmen has become a first-class ethic, and you can also receive many benefits."

The old man known as Lingzu nodded.

"Then... what is that thing?"

The people around were silent for a moment, and the Dao ancestor, dressed in aqua blue fairy clothes, asked in a deep voice.

"A piece in the Taixu world map."

Lingzu said lightly.


"Map of Taixu World!"

"This...this, this, turned out to be the legendary Taixu World Map!"


The rest of the orthodox people exclaimed!

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