Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2201: Demon is where the devil is holy

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Elder Lupao's face instantly solidified!

"he came!"

Tu Hongyuan glanced outside, his voice down to the extreme deep voice!

"He? I don't believe that a boy who can't destroy the fourth realm can break the ancient world!"

Elder Lupao was furious and rushed out!


The next moment will be heard!

Then there was a scream!

That scream is the voice of the elder Green Robes!

Then Elder Green Robe has no sound!

Only the screams of the disciples of Qilin Holy City!

"Elder Slaughter is gone!"

"Elder Butcher suddenly burst!"

"Gods and spirits are destroyed!"




Inside the hall!

Several figures flew out!


When Tu Hong shouted subconsciously, he could only bite his teeth and went out. As soon as he left the main hall, he saw a young man standing on the head of Qilin Holy City!


Not a young man!

That little girl is here too!

But that girl can be ignored!

Only the young man threatened the Holy City of Kirin!

"Indestructible fourth realm?"

"It's really just a fourfold Taoist ancestor..."

"Elder Butcher is a half-step overlord!"

Several elders beside the city host of Qilin Holy City looked at Chen Zheng with a frown, and they whispered, they could hardly believe that a young man who could not destroy the fourth realm could break through the ancient ages and kill the slaughter. Record the elders!

and many more!

It seems that the Elder Slaughter has not flown to this child just now!

The Elder Slaughter will be wiped out!

Tu Honger has already mentioned that this child's flesh is very special!

It can also absorb the non-scale magic species at will without being assimilated by the magic species!

But I haven't put this in my eyes before!

Because the immortal fourth realm is really no threat!

Where did you think!

As soon as this child comes, he will destroy the ancient world!

"I heard Tu Hong said, "Your Excellency asked me to prepare things. Your Excellency will come to collect them, but I really can't think of anything in our Kirin Holy City that is what you need." Our ancestry can be said to be indisputable. In the vast territory of the Youdu, it is also a righteous way. Three thousand years ago, the last generation of the Lord’s Lord vs. the alien fiend in the sky, finally exhausted and died, the world respected him as the King of Tuyang. You can absorb the scaleless demons, and you have extraordinary physique. Have we found the wrong place in the Qilin Holy City?

The lord of Qilin Holy City looked at Chen Zheng several eyes and smiled faintly.

"Young man, have you swallowed the unmarked monster?"

It was also at this time that the fairy light flashed, and an old man in white appeared with several people. This old man in white clothes had a bone pattern at the center of his eyebrows, which was very conspicuous, exuding a sharpness invisible!

"Jianxiu?" Yan girl glanced at the old man in white and the people around her, her eyebrows flicked slightly, and she looked at the female sword repairer on the left of the old man in white, and her eyes turned: "My master came to the Holy City of Kirin to recover For something, just look aside, and it’s better not to have a sword."


Many people stared at Yan Nu, seeing a little girl dare to speak like that, they all hummed!

"Do you want to move the sword? Our Wujian Sword Palace will still be afraid that your little girl will be inconsistent with this kid? This guy swallowed the Wujin Sect, that is, the one who will kill our Wujian Sword Palace, our Wujian Sword Palace exists. The meaning of this is to destroy the scale-free demons in the world! Those who swallow the scale-free demons will eventually fall into the demons regardless of how they become demons!"

On the right side of the old man in white, a young man with a sword sneered!

"I didn't expect to wake up Brother Bai. I swallowed the scale-free monster. Although I haven't been enchanted yet, it's only for now.

The master of Qilin Holy City gave a little salute to the old man in white.

"The owner of Tu Kui City is assured that our Wujian Sword Palace was confronted with a celestial demon, and if it was not the Tuyang Saint King who rescued us, our Wujian Sword Palace would be destroyed by the celestial genius. Today, the Wujin Sect is once again alive, and the old will naturally Smash the scale-free demons for Taixu creatures."

The old man in white looked solemn and nodded in response.

at the same time!

Outside Kirin Holy City!

Tens of miles!

Bone Sword Immortal and Madame Qing are secretly exploring with Shen Nian!

The moment the old man in white appeared, both of them frowned!

"White nineteen, how is he in the holy city of Kirin, the sword of the Wujin Sword Palace specializes in cutting the unmarked monster, this is really going to shoot the son, will it... how do I feel the master of the Qilin holy city Want to borrow a knife to kill someone!"

Bone Sword Fairy whisper!

"Wujima Sword Palace... These guys are very stubborn. They were rescued by the Tuyang Holy King of Qilin Holy City at first, and then they will definitely face up with the son, but this White Nineteen seems to be related to an ancient tribe, The ancient tribe is said to be titled Chaos."

Mrs. Green whispered too!

"The devil is the devil, what a holy king."

And at this moment!

Bone Sword Immortal, Lady Qing, and the creatures in the Holy City of Qilin suddenly heard a light laughter!


What does this mean?

They stared at Chen Zheng in doubt!

"You are insulting the reputation of Tuyang Shengwang when you die, you are not saved!"

In the holy city, the young man with a sword beside the old man in white was furious!

"Young man, Tu Yang Sheng Wang used to save the souls in the large area of ​​Youdu. You have so slandered the reputation of the Holy King, it seems that he has been invaded by demons."

The old man in white shook his head for a while!

"My family Tuyang Shengwang is awe-inspiring. Although it has already fallen, it is not that you can defame the name of the Holy King!"

Tu Hongyuan God is also cold!

However, Chen Zheng only smiled slightly, said that his right hand was raised, and he just pointed at the Holy City of Qilin as he wanted. Tu Hong and others did not care about it. In their view, it is impossible for the fourth-level magic power to be strong. How against the sky!


Next second!

Their face has changed!


This vast city in the air!

At a stretch!

It broke into countless pieces at once!


The people of the powers of several parties showed their astonishment!


One by one!

A loud roar sounded!

In an instant!

Black air rises up!

Turned into a black enchantment to seal this area where the Holy City is located!


The young man in white next to the old man with a sword suddenly turned around and looked towards the shrine of the holy city that had been broken into countless fragments. This look saw a copper furnace, and just saw a head from the copper furnace. pop up!


The young man holding a sword just screamed!


This is the moment!

The lord of Qilin Holy City scolded!

Raise your hand and play a secret!

Want to reshape the temple to cover the copper furnace!

But the secret method he played failed!

"This is... how is this possible... this and this... this is impossible!"

The old man in white also turned At this moment, he also saw the copper furnace, and also saw the man who crawled out of his head half of his body, and saw the face of the man clearly. For a time, he was struck by lightning. !


The creatures in the copper furnace have completely crawled out!

At the moment standing on the copper furnace roared upwards!



Soaring black sky!

Inside the black enchantment!

Almost a tremor!

"Tuyang...Holy King...How could this be Tuyang..." The sword marks on the fierce heart!"

The old man in white shuddered and couldn't believe it shouted!

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